Natural Selection Darwins Evidence

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Darwins Theory of Evolution based on Natural Selection.

Scientic theory and Law - what is the difference?

A Law is a specic statement based on empirical data, and its truth is generally conned to a certain set of conditions.

A scientic theory seeks to synthesize a body of evidence of particular phenomena. It 's generally a grander, testable statement about how nature operates. You can ' t necessarily reduce a scientic theory to a statement or equation, but it does represent something fundamental about how nature works.

The Big Bang ____: how the universe arrived at its current state.

Theory or Law?
Universal _____ of Gravitation. F = G [(m1m2)/r]

Hubbles ______ of Cosmic Expansion. Velocity = H0 distance

Newtons _____ of Motion. E.g. F=MA

Darwins _______ of Evolution based on Natural Selection.

The proposed formation of the Earth and evolution of life in 1 minute.

Natural selection in a nutshell

Darwins Theory of Evolution

Natural Selection happens when those better adapted organisms have an advantage and survive to reproduce. The others die.

There are four points to remember. 1. More offspring produced than can survive so they compete (struggle for existence).

Darwins Theory of Evolution

2. Variation exists within and between species. Those with the most suited adaptations will outcompete the others. They will survive and the others will die.

This is survival of the fittest

Darwins Theory of Evolution

3. Those that survive will reproduce.

Darwins Theory of Evolution

4. Offspring will inherit genes from parents that made their adaptations more suited.

The Case of the Peppered Moth.

- What variation exists in the peppered moth? - How does colour impact upon the ability of each moth to survive against the dark bark? - How about the light coloured bark?

The case of the horse.

The original horse looked like (a) below. What differences are evident compared to modern horses?

What factors may have driven evolution in this case?

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