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Chicken Nuggets

Ingredients (Serves 4) *1 chicken breast (250g) *1/3 celery (50g) *1 egg *1/3 tsp salt *pepper *plain flour *breadcrumbs *oil for deep-frying 1. Cut the celery into 6mm to 8mm square pieces. 2. Chop the chicken meat and mince it finely. 3. Separate the egg white from yolk. Beat the egg white and mix it into the chicken. Add the salt, pepper, and the celery. 4. Make the coating batter. Mix the remaining egg yolk, 3 tbsp water and plain flour in a bowl. 5. Coat the nuggets. Using a spoon, scoop the meat mixture and put it into the batter to coat it 6. Cover the battered nuggets with breadcrumbs. 7. Deep-fry the morsels in oil heated to 180 degrees. 8. Serve with honey mustard sauce.

[Honey Mustard Sauce] *4 tbsp mayonnaise *1 tbsp honey *mustard *1 tsp lemon juice

1. Mix together the mayonnaise, honey, a little mustard and lemon juice.

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