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Miss Laidlaw Room 4

October 2013

Ours to Discover

Healthy Eating With Halloween approaching quickly, Id like to ask parents and guardians to minimize the amount of candy in snacks and lunches. Healthy foods (fresh produce, dairy products, grains, meat & alternatives) is very-much needed to keep students healthy and focused. Thank you for your support! Mealworm Update They turned into darkling beetles! These beetles will lay eggs, which will hatch into new mealworms. The worms turn into pupae, which transform them into little red beetles! We love feeding them our compostables! E-mail Sharing Im taking pictures to document learning and fun activities (like field trips!). If you would like me to send photos of and e-creations by your child, please let me know your e-mail address. Group photos will not be shared to respect individuals privacy. However, if you would like to talk about an educational, behavioural, or social concern about your student, please arrange a meeting in-person or by telephone. Sincerely,

Thanks to the parents, grandparents, step-parents, and guardians for continuing to support your child at home. Thanks to our daily volunteers from Mr. Potterys Grade 5/6 class. Thank you to the big brothers who come to help their younger sisters (and our classmates) every day before home time. Thank you to our Educational Assistant, Marisa, for connecting us with her friend, @SASC on Twitter, who is a shark specialist in South Africa! Thank you to Mrs. Olive and Ms. Gordon for organizing our classes field trip to the pumpkin patch! iPad Apps We Are Using Shadow Puppet Practicing reading fluency Recording math talk Narrating slideshows Classroom Timer Time management Time-sensitive tasks (hurry up!) Cleaning up quickly SuperStretch Body breaks Daily Physical Activity (DPA) Relaxation, Resting, Stretching Useful Websites - literacy, numeracy, fun - phonics, beginning literacy - listen to reading

Miss Laidlaw Twitter: @Grade1_2Knights

Miss Laidlaw Room 4


Ours to Discover

Grade 1: We are learning about the characteristics and needs of living things (including plants). We can explain how humans can have positive and negative impacts on the environment and living things. Grade 2: We are learning about the life cycles of animals, animal characteristics and adaptations to their environment, and impacts of humans on animals and the environment.

Social Studies
Grade 1: We are learning about our roles, relationships, and responsibilities in different circumstances (school, home, in the community). We are learning about our self-identity and building self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. Grade 2: We are learning about celebrations and holidays in the community. We are learning about different types of family structures.

Grade 1: We are applying our numeracy (counting) and sorting skills to organize, display, and communicate simple data on a concrete graph and simple bar graphs. We are learning to tally. Grade 2: We are learning to organize, display, and communicate data on concrete and bar graphs.

Language: Oral Communication

We are learning how to listen attentively: eyes watch, ears listen, voice quiet, body calm. We are learning how to take turns speaking. We are practicing I appreciate and I feel when . statements. We are learning how to ask questions, apologize, say thank you, and give a compliment.

Language: Writing
We are learning how to spell unknown words by segmenting the sounds (karate-chopping the sounds you hear). We can write phonetically. We are learning how to spell high-frequency words through our Weekly Word Work program. We are learning how to write our ideas and how to develop our ideas to make them clear to the reader.

Language: Reading
We are learning accuracy strategies to help us decode (read) the words on the page. This includes: look at the picture, stretch it out, and find smaller words inside bigger words. We are learning how to retell the story using only the most important information. We are learning how to make meaningful text -toself connections.

Please have your child complete at least one row of 3 every week. Please initial the box once your child completes the task. Please return your BINGO card on or before Friday each week. Due Friday, November 1, 2013. Twitter: @Grade1_2Knights

Teach an adult or sibling the I have, who has shapes game. Play it!

Choose 1 (or all 3!) of your weekly words. Which words rhyme with it/them?

Do the Continental Drift dance (The Sid Shuffle). You might even teach a sibling or adult. Its on YouTube!

Go grocery shopping with an adult. Choose a new healthy food and try it. Did you like it?

Name and/or write as many Halloween or autumn words as you can. Circle the nouns (people, places, things).

Carve a pumpkin. Name the parts (inside and outside) of your pumpkin!

Write about your favourite part of autumn or Halloween. Add on-topic details!

Go to our class website. Click on Language Daily 5 - Listen to Reading. Choose a site and listen to a book.

Tally how many people live in your house.

** These tasks are intended for your child to practice skills from the Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, and Health and Physical Education curricula. Extra practice, help, and feedback from home will supplement what we re practicing in classand allow our students to show off how smart and talented they are!

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