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Our Wild Neighbors Loretta Cooper Azusa Pacific University

OUR WILD NEIGHBORS Abstract Canada Geese are a proud and beautiful bird, although they can be considered a nuisance in

many communities. Geese will sometimes invade public spaces such as parks, golf courses, and backyards. Geese can become strongly attached to a specific location. It is essential to make a plan to address human goose conflicts.


Canada geese are a sign of the changing seasons each spring and fall. They are perhaps the most widely recognized birds in North America. Well known for flying in a distinctive Vformation, the migrating bird usually follows the same path every year. They migrate to places where it is warmer and where food is available. Their habitats are just about anywhere near small or large bodies of water, which can include yards, park lawns, and farm fields. Although a majestic bird, some communities consider some Canada Geese as a nuisance (The Humane Society of the United States, 2012). Although small children and adults often enjoy the sights and sound of this honking water fowl, most dislike the intrusion of flocks that now inhabit urban and suburban surroundings. With a sharp decline of geese some 40 years ago, the Federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918 was established. This act makes it illegal to remove or disturb a nest without a permit (Wild Goose Chase, 2012). Geese split their time between the United States and Canada. In the past few decades the number of geese staying in the United States has soared. Kenworthy (2002) stated Landscaping techniques have created inviting habitat: well-groomed parks, golf courses and office campuses interspersed with lakes. Fewer predators, hunting restrictions, a high reproduction rate and their tolerance for humans have allowed them to thrive (para. 5). There are three levels of commitment birds have to certain locations; heavy, medium, and light pressure (Wild Goose Chase, 2012). Heavy pressure is a very high level of commitment to location. Medium pressure birds are fairly committed but do not roost there. Light pressure is someplace they may occasionally rest, such as a bench (Wild Goose Chase, 2012).


Actor Andy Garcias home is a perfect example of a high pressure location. Geese have become strongly attached to this award winning actors home. His hacienda style Toluca Lake home has become home to thousands of geese seeking a friendlier climate. The geese return each winter. It was likely the geese oriented themselves by detecting magnetic fields and following olfactory cues, as well as by recognizing key landmarks such as the Rocky Mountains, the Mojave Desert, neighbor George Lopezs house, and other topographical features (The Onion, 2012). As geese settle on his property The Onion (2012) explains, While conceding the geese have just as much claim to the ecosystem of the San Fernando Valley as he and his family do, the veteran actor expressed frustration over the problems the birds had created for him as a homeowner. At any point during the winter, he said, around four or five thousand are staked out in the hot tub, with another 20,000 clogging the houses ductwork. The Humane Society of the United States (2012) suggests making a plan to address specific conflicts. The plan can include; habitat modifications, removing food sources, scare tactics, and humane removal. There is no quick fix to resolving human-goose conflicts. It seems Actor Andy Garcia is striving to maintain harmony with wild life, while its a huge relief when the birds leave in springtime, it can also make him feel a bit wistful (The Onion, 2012).

OUR WILD NEIGHBORS References Canada Goose Protection by Federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918. (2012). Canada Goose Protection by Federal Migratory Bird Act of 1918. Retrieved from Kenworthy, T. (2002, April 04). - U.S. takes a gander at geese problem. - U.S. Takes a Gander at Geese Problem. Retrieved from The Onion. (2012, November 30). Geese All Flying To Andy Garcia's House For Winter | The Onion - America's Finest News Source. Geese All Flying To Andy Garcia's House For Winter. Retrieved from,30580/ What to Do About Canada Geese: The Humane Society of the United States. (2012). RSS. Retrieved from

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