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95-843 Service Oriented Architecture

Cloud Computing and SOA

Notes adapted from A View of Cloud Computing , Armbrust, and others -UC Berkeley Reliable, Adaptive, Distributed Systems Laboratory

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Cloud Computing

From A View of Cloud Computing , Armbrust, and others -UC Berkeley Reliable, Adaptive, Distributed Systems Laboratory 95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Suppose you have an innovative idea

You need a large capital outlay in hardware. You need talented humans to operate and maintain the system. There is an over provisioning risk the new system may not be as popular as you hoped. There is an under provisioning risk missing and losing potential users. Cloud computing allows you to start 95-843 SOA 3 of Information System smallMaster and grow as needed. Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Over or UnderProvisioning

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Over or UnderProvisioning

Less and less demand.

Shaded area is unused capability.

95-843 SOA

Shaded area represents requests not served.

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Master of Information System Management

Real world estimates

Average server utilization is 5% to 20%. Peak workload exceeds the average by factors of 2 to 10. Users provision for the peak. Peak loads may occur based on the time of day or based on other factors (e.g. photo sharing after the holidays, drop/add within two weeks of start of term, etc.) 95-843 SOA
Master of Information System MasterManagement of Information System
Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Or, suppose you have as large batch-oriented task?

How do we benefit from using a cloud? 1000 servers for one hour costs not more than 1 server for 1000 hours. This degree of elasticity may be unprecedented in the history of IT.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Three new aspects

The illusion of infinite computing resources on demand (no far ahead provisioning concerns) The elimination of up front commitment by cloud users (start small and grow) Pay for resources on a short term basis as needed (reward conservation)
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Key Enablers
Construction and operation of extremely large-scale commoditycomputer datacenters at low cost locations Statistical multiplexing to increase utilization (to each according to his needs) varies over time this differs from traditional hosting Virtualization of computation, 9 storage, and communication
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Three Examples
AppEngine (Google) Build scalable web applications fast. Not for general purpose computing. Azure (Microsoft) Use .NET and .NET libraries as needed. General purpose computing on a Microsoft platform. EC2 (Amazon) Elastic Compute Cloud (Choose OS and the entire software stack. General purpose computing

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Three Examples
AppEngine (Google) Least flexible Application domain-specific platform Automatic scaling and high availability Proprietary megastore for data storage Azure (Microsoft) Moderately Flexible Language independent software development platform EC2 (Amazon) Highly Flexible Hardware virtual machine You build from the kernel upward
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

1.Business continuity and service availability Will the cloud provider remain in business over the long haul? Can we prevent a single point of failure by using more than one provider?
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

2. Data Lock-in
Cloud storage is essentially proprietary. SaaS developers cannot easily extract their data and place it on multiple clouds. One solution would be to standardize data APIs.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

3. Data Confidentiality/Auditability Security is one of the most often-cited objections to cloud computing. The authors this is Think HIPAA regulations and believe no more difficult than in traditional Sarbanes-Oxley datacenters. This is an old and difficult problem but, in the cloud, more 14 parties are involved.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley

Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

4. Data transfer bottlenecks
At $100 to $150 per terabyte transferred, costs may quickly add up. Shipping disks may be cheaper. In 2010, the Library of Congress claims to hold 235 terabytes. Wikipedia holds about 5.87 terabytes. Watson, of Jeopardy fame, has 16 terabytes of RAM. One terabyte is about 1012 bytes.

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

5. Performance unpredictability
Multiple virtual machines can share CPUs and main memory very well in cloud computing. Network and disk I/O sharing is less predictable. Virtual machines are not new. IBM developed much of this in the 1980s. Flash memory preserves information when powered off like mechanical hard disks. It is much faster to access and its use may reduce I/O interference.

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

6. Scalable storage
An open research question is to create a storage system that would not only meet existing programmer expectations in regard to durability, high availability, and the ability to manage and query data but combine them with the cloud advantages of scaling arbitrarily up and down on demand. AWS uses Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and SimpleDB Azure uses SQL Data Services and Azure Storage Service AppEngine uses Megastore/BigTable Many open source NO(Not Only)SQL Projects
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

7. Bugs in large scale distributed systems News on April 25, 2011:
Amazon said it has completed its recovery efforts and a tiny percentage of data lost won't be fully restored. "We're in the process of contacting these customers," Amazon said Monday afternoon on its Web site. Amazon said it is "digging deeply" into the root causes behind last week's shutdown and will provide a "detailed post mortem" in the future.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

8. Scaling quickly
Pay as you go applies to storage and network bandwidth. Simply count byes used. Google App Engine automatically scales based on load increases and decreases. AWS charges by the hour for the number of instances you occupy even if your machine is idle. The challenge is to scale fast (up and down) to save money without violating SLAs.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

9. Reputation fate sharing

One bad apple spoils the bunch. EC2 IP addresses have been blacklisted by spam prevention services blocking some good guys from sending email. The FBI raided a Dallas data center because a company whose services were hosted there was under investigation. Many innocent bystanders were down for days and some went out of business.
95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


Top 10 Obstacles To Cloud Computing

10. Software licensing
Current practice is to restrict the computer on which the software can run. The software is purchased along with a maintenance fee. This is not the pay-as-you go model. Microsoft and IBM are now offering pay-as-you go pricing. In 2011, IBM charges $6.39 per hour for WebSphere with Lotus Web Content Management running on EC2.

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


SOA and Cloud Computing

While you can certainly leverage a cloud without practicing SOA, and you can leverage SOA without leveraging cloud computing, the real value of cloud computing is the ability to use services, data, and processes that can exist outside of the rewall From Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise by David S. Linthicum

95-843 SOA

Master of Information System Management

Adapted from A View of Cloud Computing UC Berkeley


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