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Jakarta traffic always been a big problem for the government.if you mention about the traffic in Jakarta then the image is a big and complex traffic jam all around the street.especially in around 5.00pm to 20.00pm(the ending of office hours). Another thing that make Jakarta traffic jam so big and complex is the unequal increaserate of street width and the increasing of vehicle significantly on the private from transportation said that the capacity of Jakarta to add the length and width of the street is less than 1 percent per years,meanwhile the increase of automobile is about 10percent per of course if we look through the data the street in Jakarta can not accommodate the increase of the vehicle per years. If we observe the traffic jam in Jakarta we can see the rhythmic of the traffic jam.the most heavy traffic jam is always in the ending time of office hour especially in the primer street point to outer city area. Maybe the government can be stricter about the regulation that they have already made.and I suggest to the government if the want to build street infrastructure such as the buswayfor transjakarta they should make a better planning in it all in one time which make all the street suffering worse in traffic jam because all the street are under construction.cant you make it just one by one Mr.Government? because if you make in one by one it will be easier for others to find alternative way in order to avoid the street construction.

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