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The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning

Magical Marketing Strategies for Creating an Endless Stream of
New, Repeat, and Referral Business

By Michel Fortin

Third edition. Version 3.5

Copyright © 1997-2008 Michel Fortin. All rights reserved.

The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning By Michel Fortin

The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning: Magical Marketing Strategies for

Creating an Endless Stream of New, Repeat, and Referral Business is Michel
Fortin’s ebook that brings together the art of positioning with the science of
direct response.

This version is the 3rd edition with over 140,000 copies distributed to date! This is
includes third party distribution since people are invited to freely pass the ebook
around. In fact, the estimate is in excess of 140,000 copies in all. (It’s probably closer
to 300,000 copies if not more.)

You may distribute, reprint or reproduce this book freely, as-is and without
editing it, as long as you include my information as the author (with links intact). For

• Offer it to your visitors on your website.

• Give it away as a bonus item to your orders.
• Or send it to your subscribers as a gift for joining.

The choice is yours. It is my gift to you.

“Don’t duplicate. Differentiate! Being the best in your field is not about
being the best. It’s about being different. Be unique, and you’ll be
perceived as the best as a byproduct.”
- Michel Fortin
The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning By Michel Fortin

Table of Contents
The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning ... ....................................................... ... 1
Please distribute this book FREELY! ... .......................................................................... . 2
Introduction ... .............................................................................................................. . 4
Warning! ... ................................................................................................................. ... 6
Top-of-Mind Awareness ... ........................................................................................... . 8
Thou Shall Not Copy .................................................................................................... 11
Thou Shall Appoint Thyself ... ...................................................................................... 15
Thou Shall Make The Ordinary Extraordinary ............................................................. 21
The Customary ... ..................................................................................................... 22
The Assumed ... ....................................................................................................... 23
The Unique .............................................................................................................. 26
Thou Shall Find More With Less .................................................................................. 28
Thou Shall Divide and Conquer ... ................................................................................ 31
Thou Shall Take it Step by Step ... ................................................................................ 35
Thou Shall Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick ... ........................................................... 41
Thou Shall Become a Celebrity... ................................................................................. 46
Thou Shall Seek Out and Spread Out ... ....................................................................... 50
Thou Shall Make Thy Net Work ... ............................................................................... 53
Info-Networking ...................................................................................................... 54
Auto-Networking ... ................................................................................................. 55
Intra-Networking ... ................................................................................................. 58
Bonus! Thou Shall Put it in Writing ... .......................................................................... 61
About the Author ... ..................................................................................................... 65

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