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Workshops Programme

Africa, Europe, Middle East

August 2013 - August 2014

developing leaders in international education

Introduction 1 IB Professional Development Principles What are the characteristics of the various PD options? IB Workshop Global Architecture IB Workshop Descriptions Workshop leaders IB PD Certificates PD and School Authorisation Orientation Seminars for schools interested in finding out more about IB programmes Professional Development Providers in Africa, Europe and Middle East Professional Development event schedule 2013 2014 Diploma Programme Workshops Middle Years Programme Workshops Primary Years Programme Workshops Continuum Workshops Online Workshops schedule Venue information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office Registration fees August 2013 to July 2014 for event run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office Registration information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office 1-2 2-3 3 4-5 6 6-7 7-8 9 10 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 36 38 - 43 44 - 45 46 47 48 49 - 50

The International Baccalaureate (IB), as stated in its mission statement, aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the IB works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. It is appropriate, therefore, that the IB is also committed to supporting the ongoing development of a worldwide professional learning community comprised of internationally minded teachers, school leaders and school administrators. The ultimate objective is to improve the learning experiences and outcomes for all our students. The IB views professional development (PD) as an extension of its commitment to develop a culture of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. The goal of IB PD is to ensure that every participant benefits from increased knowledge and understanding of IB educational programmes and receives constructive feedback from educators and peers to improve teaching and learning. PD opportunities include: Face-to-face workshops (offered by the IB and by IB accredited outsourced providers) Online workshops In-school workshops for PYP, MYP and DP Cluster workshops (pilot year) We continually innovate and develop new modes of delivery that offer greater flexibility, inclusiveness and affordability for educators. For the academic year 2013/2014, we have an online calendar that combines the face-to-face and online PD. Please find the online calendar here:, this is the place to look for up-to-the-minute information. In addition, we offer this PD booklet and a poster-size year planner as an aid for schools to identify and plan for their professional development.

IB Professional Development Principles

The IB uses a unique peer-to-peer model for professional development. Experienced IB practitioners are trained to serve as workshop leaders because they truly understand the challenges of implementing and developing IB programmes in schools. IB workshop leaders integrate adult learning methodologies throughout the workshops. Whilst essential programme information is delivered within the workshops, participants enjoy active learning experiences that feature group activities, discussion, problemPage 1

Complete information on all workshops and conferences is available at IB online registration system (for face-to-face workshops organized by the IB)

solving and sharing of best practice. We are always seeking to grow the number of workshop leaders because we believe that becoming a workshop leader is excellent professional development for the individual, and will ultimately provide benefit to their school. We continue to explore ways of helping teachers to experiment with and validate new pedagogies. We work hard to ensure that every IB workshop is relevant and on the cutting edge of the latest educational theories and practices. New blended approaches to PD are being developed that will further assist in this process because the PD will be staggered over time, allowing for a sharing of ideas of what is working best in classrooms. New technology is also being deployed to further assist in finding teachers

who share common professional interests and to assist in sharing good practice. The IB ensures the quality of the professional development it offers through a rigorous Quality Assurance Framework. We quality assure both the workshop development process and the evaluation processes globally. Analysis of the feedback shows a consistently high level of satisfaction with the IB PD experience across the regions. 88.6% of participants say that they are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of workshops they attended, that the workshops meet their expectations (83.5%) and that they have successfully used resources discussed/shared at the workshop (96.5%). We are constantly striving to make service improvements.

Online workshops have been developed to complement regional face-to-face workshops, widening access for teachers from all IB regions. Both online and face-toface category 1 workshops count towards IB programme authorisation. We offer a wide range of workshops for new and experienced coordinators, teachers and administrators in all of our educational programmes and for the continuum. The workshops are available in English, French and Spanish. In 2013, IB has embarked on the process of aligning all online workshops with their face-to-face equivalents. As a result, we are looking forward to offering all of our online workshops in a new four week format. This is exciting news as in the future our online workshops will require the equivalent learning hours of face-to-face workshops. Additional information and registration instructions for these courses can be found at Cluster events The IB always tries to innovate and develop new PD experiences for schools. After discussions with schools in the AEM region, and in order to accommodate the changing needs that were identified, we have developed a new

model that we will pilot in 2013, in order to ensure that it fully meets the requirements of schools. The Cluster Event is a Professional Development (PD) training option officially recognized by the IB. This event is specifically organised to training educators on a specific IB programme at a Host Schools premises for at least 2 participating schools. The Cluster Event is being offered to accommodate gaps within the AEM region, where our current PD offerings do not fully meet schools needs. A limited number of Cluster Event requests will be supported this year, based upon the following criteria: access challenges, non-availability of the workshop topic, geographical limitations, language issues or large volume of teachers to be trained. You will find the guidelines for this pilot of Cluster Events on the regional Professional Development pages, as well as the terms and conditions. If you would like to know more about Cluster workshops, then please contact PD on

What are the characteristics of the various PD options?

The flagship AEM PD events are held, over a period of three days, in major cities across the region and provide an opportunity not only to experience the workshops, but also to mix and share experiences with IB Educators from right across our diverse region. We deliberately plan to include more than one programme and category of workshop, so that there are networking opportunities for colleagues, who are new to the IB, with those with more experience, as well as those from different cultures. The same is true of the workshops provided by our accredited outsourced providers, who you will find listed in this booklet. In-School Workshops provide a means to offer professional development opportunities to a larger number of staff within a school. These are particularly helpful for Page 2 authorisation and evaluation purposes, but can also be used at other times. They are organised upon a request from the school and can include professional development workshops for the PYP, MYP and DP. They are normally provided over two days. Workshops offered are those that have been developed and approved by the IB and are run by a qualified workshop leader who is identified by the PD Services team, upon receipt of a request. Requests to run an in-school workshop are made by the IB Co-ordinator in IBIS (IB Information System). coordinators/index.cfm For more information, please contact PD Services on

IB Workshop Global Architecture

Workshops are classified in the following way: Category 1 Teachers new to the IB (IB and non-IB schools) and for schools applying for authorisation. Category 2 Experienced IB teachers Category 3 Specialised workshops focussing on an area of the programme or a related pedagogy. These are open to teachers new to the IB and to the experienced alike.

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IB Workshop Descriptions
Category 1 Workshops
Category 1 workshops focus on IB philosophy and implementation. They provide professional development and assistance for schools that have decided to apply for IB authorization. They are also relevant for educators who are new to a school with an existing IB programme and those interested in joining an IB school. Participants will gain an understanding of: the basic philosophy and curricular model of the programme, including the IB mission statement, learner profile, and curriculum documents programme standards and practices appropriate to the participants role (e.g., teacher, administrator, head of school, and so on) the appropriate programme framework (PYP, MYP, DP) Category 1 workshops also help to prepare educators to implement the IB programme successfully by explaining the application authorization and implementation processes, including: Timeline of the application, process (including deadlines) Professional development requirements Structure of the site visit Role of the consultant Applications A and B

Category 2 Workshops
Category 2 workshops focus on programme delivery. They emphasize assessment, teaching and learning methodologies, and exploring best practice in the classroom. The goals of these workshops are to enhance the understanding of the IB philosophy and programme model, as well as improve the quality of programme delivery. Participants will: Make connections between the programme framework and practice. Enhance their understanding of the role of assessment in IB programmes. Discuss and analyze standards and practices appropriate to their role. Engage in discussion and activities aimed at sharing pedagogical techniques such as best practice in the classroom; teaching and learning methodologies; and finding, sharing, developing and using resources.

Category 2 Teachers who have attended category 1 training and currently teach in an IB programme will: Share best practices, teaching and learning methodologies and resources. Explore IB assessment in more depth. Enhance the quality of pedagogy and international mindedness.
Please note that category 2 workshops assume participants have been teaching their particular IB programme. Participants will be expected to have a good understanding and practical experience in the assessment so they can share good practices.

Category 1 Teachers who are new to an IB programme will: Receive a general introduction to IB philosophy and programme. Understand the structure of the programme (including assessment procedures). Create drafts or refine and improve course outlines/designs and application. Be able to begin teaching the programme upon completion of the workshop.
Please note that category 1 workshops will only spend 1 2 sessions on the course designs/outlines. If a new teacher already has a course outline, they will be able to review it and discuss it with the workshop leader.

Category 3 Workshops
Category 3 workshops shift from implementation and programme delivery to impact and influence. The overall purpose of workshops in this category is to provide a forum for experienced educators to build on and enhance their professional development portfolios. Participants will engage in indepth investigation into specific areas of interest and expertise. Participants will engage in detailed discussions around topics such as learning theory, pedagogy, assessment, and other scholarly interests, subject-specific seminars (i.e. changes to the IB curriculum), subject-specific content, administrative leadership, and pedagogical leadership.

To help you select the workshop that is right for your needs, descriptions of the various workshops are available on

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Workshop leaders
The IB Educator Network (IBEN) exists to seek, train and deploy IB Educators for a number of roles such as workshop leaders. IBEN aim to: Provide workshops led by specially trained IB World School teachers, who have a unique firsthand experience of best practices and challenges faced by IB teachers. This is the core of the IBs concept of offering training for practitioners by practitioners. Offer teachers who have an outstanding understanding of the IB programmes and curricula the opportunity to undergo a rigorous training in order to become a workshop leader. Provide workshops and support participants in several languages, thanks to a large pool of bi- and multilingual workshop leaders. IBAEM currently offers workshops in Arabic, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish

and understand their role in guiding a school through IB authorization and implementation. The IB advanced certificate in leadership research uses rigorous investigative work to give educators and administrators a more profound understanding of IB leadership responsibilities and capabilities. It includes research within the context of IB leadership,

as well as deep reflection on personal leadership practice. To find out more about these certificates and the universities that offer them, visit university-certificates or email

PD and School Authorisation

Schools often want to know what PD is needed to assist them in gaining authorisation. Here is the published guidance. The Diploma Programme coordinator must attend an IB category 1 Diploma Programme coordination workshop. It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

IB PD Certificates
Participants who complete IB approved workshops will receive a certificate of attendance as evidence of their active participation in the workshops.

IB educator and leadership certificates

Attendance at workshops may also contribute credit towards an IB educator certificate (previously the Teacher Award). These certificates are provided by the IB through a strong network of participating universities. There are currently two levels of educator certificate being offered. The IB certificate in teaching and learning enables students to examine the principles and practices of an IB programme (Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes). The courses that lead to this certificate shape pre-service, new, and experienced educators into reflective practitioners and teacher researchers. The IB advanced certificate in teaching

and learning research lets teachers supplement their IB experience with rigorous, systematic investigative work to further their knowledge and experience. Participants delve deeper into curriculum development, pedagogy and assessment through exploring relevant literature and their own IB practices. Learn more about this professional development pathway for individuals who want to earn advanced certification and become recognized as a certified IB professional. In addition, the IB offers two distinct IB certification experiences in leadership development. The IB certificate in leadership practice is designed for educators and administrators who want to improve their leadership capabilities or career aspirations in an IB context. Participants develop and refine their ability to take on leadership responsibilities

DP - Mandatory teacher professional development guidance/documents/DP_ Guidetoschoolauthorization.pdf A school wishing to implement the Diploma Programme needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements: The head of school or designee must attend an IB administrators category 1 workshop before submission of the application for candidacy: Diploma Programme. All Diploma Programme subject teachers must attend IB category 1 workshops in their subject. TOK teacher(s) must attend IB category 1 TOK course workshops. CAS coordinators must attend IB category 1 CAS workshops.

MYP - Mandatory teacher professional development guidance/documents/ MYPGuidetoschoolauthorization.pdf A school wishing to implement the MYP needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements: The head of school must attend an IB category 1 subject specific workshop before submission of application for candidacy: Middle Years Programme. At least one teacher per subject group and the MYP coordinator must attend IB category 1 workshops related to their subject areas/responsibilities.

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Additionally, an on-site general MYP workshop aimed at all MYP teachers must be organized through the relevant IB office. It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

IBCC - Mandatory teacher professional development IBCCGuidetoschoolauthorization.pdf A school wishing to implement the IBCC needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements. Diploma Programme subject teachers must have attended IB professional development activities related to their subjectIB category 1 or 2 as appropriate. IBCC coordinators must attend an IB category 1 workshop on IBCC coordination. Teachers must attend an IB category 1 workshop on implementing the approaches to learning course. The schools commitment to IB professional development would allow as many teachers and staff as possible to participate in IB activities.

PYP - Mandatory teacher professional development guidance/documents/ PYPGuidetoschoolauthorization.pdf A school wishing to implement the PYP needs to make a commitment to ongoing teacher professional development. Specifically, schools must meet the following requirements. The head of school must attend an IB category 1 subject specific workshop before submission of application for candidacy: Primary Years Programme. The pedagogical leadership and teaching faculty who work with PYP students on a full- or part-time basis must all be trained in IB category 1 workshops. It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

Orientation Seminars for schools interested in finding out more about IB programmes
Orientation seminars will continue to be offered as part of the regions events calendar. These are designed for schools that are new to IB programmes or for existing IB World Schools that are interested in learning about a programme they may wish to offer in the future. Interested schools will be invited to an overview of the IB mission, learner profile and an enquiry based approach to learning. An overview of all four programmes will also be shared. Where possible, sessions are held at existing IB schools and provide the opportunity to find out more about the impact the IB is having on student learning in existing IB World Schools within the AEM region. Sessions can run for either a half-day or a day, depending on the requirements of the schools. For a full schedule of upcoming events in a location near you, please visit become/orientation. If you are interested in hearing more about these seminars, please contact the principle of sharing good practice by schools, for schools. Please see the individual websites of the IB regional associations. You can find out more information about IB associations on the IB website at

Orientation seminars offered at non-IB conferences

Throughout the course of the year, the IB will be attending a number of non-IB conference and events where IB staff members have been invited to speak. International and European events such as ECIS and CEESA will include an IB presence. See the AEM Regional pages for upcoming event information

The IB AEM Symposium

In 2014, the IB will hold a second symposium for IB schools in Africa. This event will serve as an ongoing commitment to strengthen and connect IB schools across the region. The symposium will provide the opportunity to learn about developments in the IB, as well as reviewing and updating the IB strategic plan for Africa launched at the Ghana Symposium in 2011.

Orientation Seminars offered within IB Associations

As well as being run by the regional office, these are also run with Associations. IB associations have been offering orientation activities for a number of years and work by

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Professional Development Providers in Africa, Europe and the Middle East

Provider Logo Diploma

American International School of Lusaka

Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

Enka Schools

Field Studies Council

www.field-studies-council. org/ib

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East



International College Ras Beirut









Perm State Pedagogical University

Philpot Education

Queen Rania Teacher Academy

St Clare's, Oxford

Swiss Learning training/welcome-44-1917


TASIS cfm?p=375

The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa mombasa/ib-workshops

Universidad Camilo Jos Cela /

Vienna International School php?sid=302




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Professional Development event schedule 2013-2014

17 Oct - 19 Oct 2013 31 Oct 7 Nov 2 Nov 2013 9 Nov 2013

4 Oct 6 Oct 2013

Diploma Diploma PYP PYP, MYP and Diploma MYP and Diploma Continuum and Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma PYP Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma PYP Diploma Continuum, PYP and Diploma Diploma Diploma

1 2 2 1, 2, 3

Germany The Netherlands Austria Poland

Berlin Amsterdam Vienna Warsaw Coventry Berlin Krakov Paris London Barcelona Perm Geneva Amsterdam Barcelona Coventry Oxford Madrid Rome Oxford Perm Perm Vienna Amsterdam Madrid Paris Oxford

InThinking Philpot Education Vienna International School IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA InThinking Philpot Education InThinking Ibicus InThinking Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Philpot Education IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA St. Clare's, Oxford Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East St. Clare's, Oxford Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Vienna International School Philpot Education Universidad Camilo Jos Cela InThinking St. Clare's, Oxford

10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013

Continuum and Diploma PYP MYP Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Continuum, PYP and Diploma

3 3 3 3

Ghana Zambia Zambia Zambia

Accra Lusaka Lusaka Lusaka Mombasa Addis Ababa

Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) American International School of Lusaka American International School of Lusaka American International School of Lusaka The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 1 Nov 7 Nov 3 Nov 2013 9 Nov 2013

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1 and 3 1 1 Germany Poland France

14 Nov - 16 Nov 2013 7 Feb 9 Feb 2014

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1 2 1, 2, 3 2 Spain Russia Switzerland The Netherlands

1, 2 and 3 Kenya 3 Ethiopia

20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014

8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 14 Nov - 16 Nov 2013

5 Apr 7 Apr 2014 PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma MYP MYP PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP Diploma PYP MYP and Diploma 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1, 1&2, 2 and 3 1 United Kingdom United Kingdom Russia Russia Spain Austria United Kingdom Spain Spain Dorking Surrey Manchester Perm Perm Madrid Vienna Oxford Madrid Barcelona Birmingham Istanbul Stratford upon Avon Vienna Coventry Field Studies Council ISTA Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Vienna International School St. Clare's, Oxford Universidad Camilo Jos Cela InThinking IBSCA Enka Schools ISTA Vienna International School IBSCA

15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 27 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 28 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 29 Nov 1 Dec 2013

1, 2 and 3 Spain 1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1 3 1, 2, 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 and 3 2 3 United Kingdom Spain Italy United Kingdom Russia Russia Austria The Netherlands Spain France United Kingdom

11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 25 Aug - 27 Aug 2013 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2013 28 Aug - 30 Aug 2013 19 Sep - 21 Sep 2013 25 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 3 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 2013 5 Oct 2013 5 Oct 2013 6 Oct 2013

11 Dec - 14 Dec 2013 22 Dec - 24 Dec 2013 25 Dec - 27 Dec 2013 9 Jan - 11 Jan 2014 16 Jan - 18 Jan 2014 20 Jan - 22 Jan 2014 7 Feb 9 Feb 2014

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 3 1 3 1, 2, 1&2 and 3 Turkey United Kingdom Austria United Kingdom

12 Feb - 15 Feb 2014

= Subject Specific Seminar

= Subject Specific Seminar

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14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 27 Feb 28 Feb 6 Mar 1 Mar 2014 2 Mar 2014 8 Mar 2014

PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma Continuum and PYP PYP and Diploma PYP Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP and Diploma Diploma MYP and Diploma Diploma Diploma PYP Diploma Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Continuum MYP and Diploma PYP Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma



Brussels Berlin Coventry Barcelona Istanbul Prague Istanbul Barcelona Coventry Rolle Berlin Amsterdam Amsterdam Istanbul Barcelona Zagreb Berlin Vienna Oxford Perm Oxford Oxford Lisbon Oxford Oxford Amsterdam London Oxford Athens

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IBSCA Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Enka Schools Ibicus

11 Jun - 14 Jun 2014 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 18 Jun - 21 Jun 2014 19 Jun - 21 Jun 2014 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014

Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma


United Kingdom

Oxford Birmingham Oxford Amsterdam Madrid Istanbul Madrid Oxford Birmingham St Pierreville Helsinki Madrid

St. Clare's, Oxford IBSCA St. Clare's, Oxford Philpot Education IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Universidad Camilo Jos Cela St. Clare's, Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Tasis IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela

1, 2, 3 and Belgium SSS 2 1 and 3 Germany United Kingdom

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1 and 2 3 United Kingdom The Netherlands

1, 2 and 3 Spain 2 1, 1&2, 2 and 3 Turkey Czech republic

1, 2 and 3 Spain 1, 2 and 3 Turkey 1, 1&2, 2 and 3 1 and 2 Spain United Kingdom

1, 2, 3 and Turkey SSS 2 Spain

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IBSCA Swiss Learning InThinking Philpot Education Philpot Education Enka Schools InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 15 Jul 25 Jul - 18 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 2014

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1, 1&2 and 2 Switzerland

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 2 France

1, 2 and 3 Germany 2 2 3 2 The Netherlands The Netherlands Turkey Spain

1, 2 and 3 Finland 1 Spain

27 Aug - 29 Aug 2014

13 Mar - 15 Mar 2014 13 Mar - 15 Mar 2014 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 3 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 5 Apr 2014 8 Apr 2014 8 Apr 2014

26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Diploma Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP and MYP PYP, MYP and Diploma PYP and MYP Diploma MYP and Diploma Diploma PYP and MYP PYP PYP, MYP and Diploma Arab 1, 2 and 3 United Emirates 1, 2, 3 Jordan Dubai Amman Dubai Amman Dubai Dubai Dubai Dubai Dubai Beirut Amman Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Queen Rania Teacher Academy Taaleem ISTA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Taaleem International College Ras Beirut Queen Rania Teacher Academy

1, 2 and 3 Croatia 1, 2 and 3 Germany 3 Austria

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Vienna International School IBSCA Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University IBSCA St. Clare's, Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IBSCA Philpot Education IB Africa, Europe, Middle East St. Clare's, Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East 16 May - 18 May 2014 1 Jul 3 Jul 2014 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 31 Jan 2 Feb 2014

Arab 1, 2 and 3 United Emirates 1, 1&2, 2, Jordan and 3 2 and 3 3 (SSS) 3 (SSS) United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 2 1 and 3 1 Russia United Kingdom United Kingdom

21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 2014 9 Mar 2014

8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 10 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 13 Apr - 15 Apr 2014 17 Apr - 19 Apr 2014 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 4 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun 2014 8 Jun 2014

1, 2 and 3 Portugal 1, 2 and 3 United Kingdom 1 and 2 2 United Kingdom The Netherlands

24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014

Arab 1, 2 and 3 United Emirates Arab 1, 2 and 3 United Emirates 1 and 3 Lebanon

1, 2, 3 and United Kingdom SSS 1 and 2 United Kingdom

10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014

1, 1&2, 2, Jordan and 3

1, 2 and 3 Greece

= Subject Specific Seminar

= Subject Specific Seminar

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Diploma Programme Workshops

NEW Countries
Additional to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as: Croatia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Greece, Poland, Russia and Turkey.

A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS A theoretical and practical approach to developing links between TOK and CAS Academic honesty in practice (one day) Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators





28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom

29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy


IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1&2 2 1&2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3
= German = Arabic

12 Feb - 15 Feb 2014 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 16 Jan - 18 Jan 2014 The Netherlands 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 10 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland United Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Emirates 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 United Kingdom
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

Oxford Dubai Amman London Amsterdam Amman Oxford Dubai Dubai Rolle Madrid Madrid Barcelona Rolle Dubai Berlin London Barcelona Oxford Lisbon Dubai Madrid Birmingham Birmingham

St Clares Oxford Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Philpot Education Queen Rania Teacher Academy St Clares Oxford Ibicus Ibicus Swiss Learning IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Swiss Learning Ibicus InThinking Ibicus InThinking IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA
= Subject Specific Seminar

NEW Subject Specific Seminar

Dont miss out on the Subject Specific Seminars for the following subjects:
Classical languages Business management Philosophy Biology Chemistry Design technology Physics Theatre Visual Arts

NEW exciting category 3 workshops

This year, we will offer new category 3 workshops. Dont miss out on:
Academic honesty in practice (one day workshop) Concepts and inquiry in the DP Evaluating Your DP Supporting IB students in the university admissions


Arts visuels Biologa Biologa Biologa: hincapi en la evaluacin interna Biologie Biology Biology

Core Assessment: Roadmap for improving student performance in TOK, CAS and EE Understanding the Diploma Programme (DP) Language workshop in Slavic Languages

*For Language workshops, please consider the following about generic workshops: Generic Language workshops are the means by which the IB supports professional development of group 1 and 2 language courses, with low candidate enrolment for which language specific workshops are not available. A generic workshop is not appropriate for teachers of high candidate enrolment language courses, which are regularly offered as separate language workshops. Please visit Workshops and conferences at to check availability of language specific workshops. A generic language workshop is presented in English. The format will typically have a common core for content and materials, sometimes it is possible to supplement with language specific materials related to the languages taught by the participants. *For Latin and History workshop, please take the following into consideration: To meet the needs of teachers, some important changes have been made: Classical languages workshops will focus on both Latin and Greek courses, separate Greek or Latin workshops are no longer available History workshops will now focus on specific routes through the course, so they will be scheduled as EITHER route 1, or ROUTE 2. Generic History workshops are no longer available.

Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology: A focus on internal assessment
= Spanish = French

= Slavic Languages

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NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

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Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

Biology: Incorporating field work Business and Management Business and Management Business management Business management Business management Business management Business management CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry
= Spanish = French = German = Arabic

3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1&2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1


Dorking Surrey Dubai Paris Barcelona Dubai Oxford Athens Oxford Madrid Amman Birmingham Warsaw Geneva Perm Amman Prague Dubai Dubai Oxford Athens Brussels Birmingham Dubai Berlin London Barcelona Berlin Oxford

Field Studies Council Ibicus InThinking InThinking Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East St Clares Oxford Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Queen Rania Teacher Academy Ibicus Ibicus Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking Ibicus InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA
= Subject Specific Seminar

Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry: A focus on internal assessment Chemistry: The role of inquirybased learning Classical Languages Classical Languages Computer Science Computer Science Concepts and inquiry in the DP Coordinadores Coordinadores Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Core Assessment: Roadmap for improving student performance in TOK, CAS and EE Counseling Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the DP (special needs)
= Spanish = French = German = Arabic

2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1&2 2 1&2 2 1 2 3 1 3


Dubai Oxford Birmingham Coventry Madrid London Edinburgh Rome Birmingham London Madrid Madrid Dubai Birmingham Berlin London Oxford Amsterdam Amman Barcelona Prague Dubai Athens Birmingham Coventry Warsaw London

Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Ibicus Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus IBSCA InThinking Ibicus St Clares Oxford Philpot Education Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking Ibicus Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

5 Apr - 7 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 10 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 25 Dec - 27 Dec 2013 Russia 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 4 Jun - 7 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 4 Jun - 7 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 Scotland 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2014 Spain Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 11 Dec - 14 Dec 2013 United Kingdom 16 Jan - 18 Jan 2014 The Netherlands 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Spain 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom

= Slavic Languages

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 18

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 19

Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the DP (special needs) Dance Desarrollo de la reflexin y la evaluacin para promover la comprensin Design Technology Design Technology Design Technology Design Technology Design Technology Developing a Culture of Thinking and Assessment for Understanding Developing a Culture of Thinking and Assessment for Understanding Economa Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Empresa y Gestin Environmental Systems and Societies Environmental Systems and Societies Environmental Systems and Societies Environmental Systems and Societies Environmental Systems and Societies

3 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1


Athens Coventry Madrid London Oxford Oxford Birmingham Helsinki Dubai Addis Ababa Barcelona Dubai Berlin London Amsterdam Barcelona Berlin Zagreb Dubai Oxford Madrid Dubai Paris London Paris Oxford

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus IBSCA IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus InThinking Ibicus Philpot Education IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus St Clares Oxford Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus InThinking Ibicus InThinking St Clares Oxford

Environmental Systems and Societies Environmental Systems and Societies ESS: incorporating field work ESS: incorporating field work

2 1&2 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1&2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1&2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
= German = Arabic


Dubai Amman Rome Dorking Surrey Madrid Birmingham Oxford Coventry Prague Madrid Dubai Berlin London Rome Prague Berlin London Birmingham Amman Oxford Helsinki Madrid Coventry Oxford Dubai London Barcelona Geneva

Ibicus Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Field Studies Council Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IBSCA IBSCA IBSCA Ibicus Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus InThinking Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Queen Rania Teacher Academy IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IBSCA St Clares Oxford Ibicus Ibicus InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East
= Subject Specific Seminar

6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 20 Jan - 22 Jan 2014 Spain 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 13 Apr - 15 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 5 Apr - 7 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

Estudios MatemticosNM Evaluating Your DP Evaluating Your DP Film Film Filosofa Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography: teaching and learning to support HL Paper 3 Geography: teaching and learning to support HL Paper 3 Historia, itinerario2 History Route 1 History Route 2 History Route 2 History Route 2 History Route 2

Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Ethiopia 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 14 Nov - 16 Nov 2013 The Netherlands 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 11 Jun - 14 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 France 10 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom

25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 25 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

History Route 2
= Spanish = French

= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

= Slavic Languages

Page 20

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 21

Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

History Route 2 History Route 2 History Route 2 History Route 2 History Route 2 IB Visual Arts: Promoting the use of emerging media IB visual Arts: Promoting the use of emerging media ICT to Support Practical Work in Biology and Chemistry ITGS ITGS La coordination La evaluacin del PD La interdisciplinariedad y la monografa de Estudios del Mundo Contemporneo Language A: Exploring literature in translation Language A: Exploring literature in translation Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature
= Spanish = French = German = Arabic

2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1&2 2 2


Prague Barcelona Oxford Dubai Oxford Coventry Helsinki Oxford Coventry Prague Rolle Barcelona Madrid Coventry Berlin Dubai Dubai Barcelona Birmingham Berlin London Geneva Amman Berlin Barcelona

Ibicus InThinking IBSCA Ibicus St Clares Oxford IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IBSCA Ibicus Swiss Learning Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela

Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Language and Literature (generic) Language A: Language and literature (generic) Language A: Language and Literature (generic) Language A: Language and Literature (generic) Language A: Literature

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1&2
= German = Arabic


Amsterdam Oxford Dubai Dubai Oxford Birmingham Warsaw Zagreb Dubai London Oxford Dubai Barcelona Coventry Krakov Paris Barcelona Prague Barcelona Berlin Amsterdam Oxford Dubai Oxford Madrid Istanbul Amman

Philpot Education IBSCA Ibicus Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East St Clares Oxford Ibicus InThinking IBSCA Philpot Education InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking InThinking Philpot Education IBSCA Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Queen Rania Teacher Academy
= Subject Specific Seminar

20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 4 Jun - 7 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

13 Mar - 15 Mar 2014 The Netherlands 13 Apr - 15 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 18 Jun - 21 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 25 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Poland 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Spain 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 13 Mar - 15 Mar 2014 The Netherlands 13 Apr - 15 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 11 Jun - 14 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Germany 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Spain
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

Language A: Literature IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Ibicus InThinking IBSCA InThinking Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking InThinking
= Subject Specific Seminar

Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature Language A: Literature
= Spanish = French

= Slavic Languages

= Slavic Languages

Page 22

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 23

Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

Language A: Literature (generic) Language A: Literature (generic) Language A: Literature and Performance Language Ab Initio Language Ab initio Language Ab Initio Language Ab Initio (generic) Language Ab Initio (generic) Language Ab Initio (generic) Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B Language B

2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1&2


Berlin Lisbon Coventry Dubai Amman Prague Birmingham Coventry Zagreb Dubai Berlin Warsaw Krakov London Barcelona Rome Prague Barcelona Berlin Amsterdam Amsterdam Zagreb Lisbon Dubai Dubai Dubai Oxford Amman

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus IBSCA IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language B (generic) Language B (generic) Language B (generic) Language B (generic) Language B (generic) Langue A: langue et littrature Langue A: littrature Langue A: littrature Langue A: littrature Langue B

1 2 1 1 1 1&2 1 2 1&2 1 1 1 2 1&2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1&2 2 2 1 3 3


Berlin Coventry Coventry Lisbon Athens Rolle Paris Paris Rolle Dubai Paris London Paris Rolle Dubai Barcelona Madrid London Barcelona London Barcelona Barcelona Madrid Madrid Warsaw Paris Prague Dubai Birmingham

InThinking IBSCA IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Swiss Learning InThinking InThinking Swiss Learning Ibicus InThinking Ibicus InThinking Swiss Learning Ibicus Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking InThinking Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking Ibicus Ibicus IBSCA

28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Poland 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Spain 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 6 Mar - 8 Mar 2014 The Netherlands 6 Mar - 8 Mar 2014 The Netherlands 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan

4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 France 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 France 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Spain 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 France 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom

Ibicus Langue B InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Philpot Education Ibicus InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking InThinking Philpot Education Philpot Education IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Ibicus Ibicus St Clares Oxford Queen Rania Teacher Academy Langue B LenguaA: Lengua y Literatura LenguaA: Literatura Lengua ab initio Lengua ab initio LenguaB LenguaB LenguaB LenguaB (informacin general) Lenguas Clsicas Librarians Librarians Librarians Managing the extended essay Managing the extended essay Langue B Langue B Langue B

= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 24

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 25

Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

Managing the extended essay Managing the extended essay Managing the extended essay MatemticasNM MatemticasNM yNS: hincapi en la evaluacin interna MatemticasNS Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematical Studies SL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics HL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathematics SL
= Spanish = French = German = Arabic

3 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1&2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2


Lusaka Prague London Barcelona Barcelona Madrid Amman London Barcelona Amman Berlin Oxford Dubai Dubai Dubai Birmingham Warsaw Barcelona Berlin Oxford Dubai Dubai Amsterdam Barcelona Rome Berlin Oxford Dubai

American International School of Lusaka Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking IBSCA Ibicus Ibicus Ibicus IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking InThinking IBSCA Ibicus Ibicus Philpot Education InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IBSCA Ibicus
= Subject Specific Seminar

Mathematics SL Mathematics SL Mathmatiques NS Maths SL and HL: A focus on internal assessment Maths SL and HL: A focus on internal assessment Maths SL and HL: A focus on internal assessment Maths SL and HL: A focus on internal assessment Music Music Music Music Music Personal de direccin Personal de direccin Personal de direccin Philosophy Philosophy Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics: Promoting the use of ICT Physics: Promoting the use of ICT
= Spanish = French = German = Arabic

2 1 1&2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3


Oxford Birmingham Rolle Coventry Accra Mombasa Madrid Berlin Oxford Prague Berlin Oxford Madrid Barcelona Madrid Paris Edinburgh Dubai Berlin Barcelona Berlin Berlin Oxford Dubai Athens Oxford London Birmingham

St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Swiss Learning IBSCA Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking St Clares Oxford Ibicus InThinking IBSCA Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East St Clares Oxford Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East
= Subject Specific Seminar

14 Nov - 16 Nov 2013 Zambia 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Germany 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Germany 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 The Netherlands 1 Nov - 3 Nov 2013 Spain 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Germany 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 17 Oct - 19 Oct 2013 Ghana 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Germany 27 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 28 Aug - 30 Aug 2013 Spain 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 25 Oct - 27 Oct 2013 France 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 Scotland Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Germany 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom
= Italian = Turkish = Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Slavic Languages

Page 26

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 27

Diploma Programme Workshops

Diploma Programme Workshops

Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Qumica Social and Cultural Anthropology Sports, Exercise and Health Science Sports, Exercise and Health Science Subject Specific Seminar: Biology Subject Specific Seminar: Biology Subject Specific Seminar: Business management Subject Specific Seminar: Business management Subject Specific Seminar: Chemistry Subject Specific Seminar: Chemistry Subject Specific Seminar: Classical Languages Subject Specific Seminar: Design Technology Subject Specific Seminar: Design Technology Subject Specific Seminar: Philosophy Subject Specific Seminar: Physics Subject Specific Seminar: Physics Subject Specific Seminar: Theatre Subject Specific Seminar: Visual Arts Subject Specific Seminar: Visual Arts Supporting IB students in the university admissions

1 1 2 2 1 1&2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Dubai Berlin Berlin Dubai Oxford Madrid Oxford London Birmingham Istanbul Dubai Istanbul Dubai Istanbul Dubai London Istanbul Dubai London Istanbul Dubai Dubai Istanbul Dubai London

Ibicus InThinking InThinking Ibicus St Clares Oxford Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IBSCA Ibicus IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East ISTA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus

Supporting IB students in the university admissions Teora del Conocimiento Teora del Conocimiento para profesores de asignaturas The role of the supervisor in extended essays The role of the supervisor in extended essays The role of the supervisor in extended essays Subject Specific Seminar: Theatre Subject Specific Seminar: Theatre Subject Specific Seminar: Theatre Thorie de la connaissance TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK TOK for subject teachers TOK for subject teachers

3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3


Dubai Barcelona Madrid Coventry Mombasa Amsterdam Stratford upon Avon UAE Manchester Rolle Oxford Barcelona Amman Warsaw London Perm Mombasa Brussels Prague Barcelona Oxford Dubai Oxford Athens Lisbon Coventry Accra

Ibicus IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IBSCA The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Philpot Education ISTA ISTA ISTA Swiss Learning St Clares Oxford InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Ibicus InThinking IBSCA Ibicus St Clares Oxford IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 18 Jun - 21 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 15 Jun - 17 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates Arab 6 Mar - 8 Mar 2014 United Emirates 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom

Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 28 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 Spain 22 Nov - 24 Nov 2013 United Kingdom 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 19 Jun - 21 Jun 2014 The Netherlands 3 Oct - 5 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 6 Mar - 8 Mar 2014 Dubai 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 27 Feb - 1 Mar 2014 Switzerland 25 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Kingdom 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 22 Dec - 24 Dec 2013 Russia 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Czech republic 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 8 Apr - 10 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 4 Jun - 7 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 17 Oct - 19 Oct 2013 Ghana

= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 28

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 29

Diploma Programme Workshops

TOK for subject teachers TOK for subject teachers Understanding the Diploma Programme (DP) Understanding the Diploma Programme (DP) Understanding the Diploma Programme (DP) Using TI-Nspire in IB Mathematics Using TI-Nspire in IB Mathematics Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts World Religions

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2


Oxford Helsinki Coventry Warsaw Istanbul Rome Germany Dubai Berlin London Barcelona Oxford Amsterdam Dubai Oxford St Pierreville Coventry

IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East AEM InThinking Ibicus InThinking Ibicus InThinking IBSCA Philpot Education Ibicus St Clares Oxford Tasis IBSCA

11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

NEW Subject Specific SEMINARS
These category 3 workshops will take place during the first few months of 2014 in all subject areas to introduce the new MYP subject guides:
Arts Design Individuals and societies Language acquisition Language and literature Mathematics Physical and health education Science

4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Berlin Arab 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 United Emirates 18 Oct - 20 Oct 2013 Germany 28 Oct - 30 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Spain 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 17 Apr - 19 Apr 2014 The Netherlands Arab 24 Apr - 26 Apr 2014 United Emirates 25 Jun - 28 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 15 Jul - 18 Jul 2014 France

Subject specific seminars offer an important opportunity for experienced teachers to fully acquaint themselves with changes to each subject area. They explain and exemplify the teaching and learning framework, the guidelines and requirements for implementation, the objectives and criteria, and the assessment tools and task types. Academic staff from the MYP development team and/or a member of the curriculum development review team will be on hand throughout the workshop to answer questions and participate in discussion.

NEW Countries
In addition to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Poland and Russia.

11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom

NEW exciting category 3 workshops

Be sure to look at the full catalogue of category 3 workshops, including these:
Global contexts for teaching and learning Assessment workshops for 21 century teaching and learning Evaluating your MYP Action in the MYP Pedagogical Leadership Inquiry in the MYP


= Spanish = French

= German = Arabic

= Italian = Turkish

= Dutch = Polish

= Slavic Languages

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 30

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 31

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

Action in the MYP Action in the MYP Action in the MYP Action in the MYP Artes Visuales: imparticin del currculo del PAI Arts-Performing: Delivering the MYP curriculum Arts-Performing: Implementing the MYP curriculum Arts-Performing: Implementing the MYP curriculum Arts-Visual and performing: Managing assessment in the MYP Arts-Visual: Delivering the MYP curriculum Arts-Visual: Implementing the MYP curriculum Arts-Visual: Implementing the MYP curriculum Arts-Visual: Implementing the MYP curriculum Arts: Managing assessment in the MYP Chefs d'tablissement/ Coordonnateurs du PPCS: comment mettre en uvre les programmes d'tudes du Programme de premier cycle secondaire (PPCS) Ciencias: imparticin del currculo del PAI Contextos globales para la enseanza y el aprendizaje Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the MYP (special needs) Design: Delivering the MYP curriculum Design: Delivering the MYP curriculum Design: Managing assessment in the MYP Designing authentic assessments for 21st-century learners Designing authentic assessments for 21st-century learners
= Spanish = French

3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3


Amman Coventry Geneva Dubai Madrid Zagreb Zagreb Dubai Istanbul Helsinki Barcelona Helsinki Amman Mombasa

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa

Diferenciacin de evaluaciones autnticas para la comunidad de aprendizaje del sigloXXI Directores de colegio y coordinadores del PAI: implementacin del currculo del PAI Directores de colegio y coordinadores del PAI: implementacin del currculo del PAI Directores de colegio y coordinadores del PAI: implementacin del currculo del (PAI) Dynamics of authentic assessments for 21st-century learners Dynamics of authentic assessments for 21st-century learners El Proyecto Personal Evaluating Your MYP Global contexts for teaching and learning Global contexts for teaching and learning Global contexts for teaching and learning Global contexts for teaching and learning Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Delivering the MYP curriculum




Universidad Camilo Jos Cela

27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain

20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain


IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

27 Aug - 29 Aug 2014 Spain


Universidad Camilo Jos Cela

28 Aug - 30 Aug 2013 Spain


Universidad Camilo Jos Cela

7 Nov - 9 Nov 2013 Zambia


American International School of Lusaka IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IBSCA Taaleem Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

Athens Madrid Oxford Dubai Amman Berlin Amman Amman Barcelona Istanbul Berlin Helsinki Amman Coventry Dubai Rome

27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya

8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland


IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 28 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 Spain 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 United Kingdom
= Arabic = Turkish

Madrid Madrid Warsaw Zagreb Dubai Berlin Dubai Oxford

Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IBSCA
= Subject Specific Seminar

Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Delivering the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB coordinators: Delivering the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB coordinators: Delivering the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB coordinators: Delivering the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP Curriculum
= Spanish = French

27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy

= Arabic

= Turkish

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 32

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 33

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

Chefs dtablissement/ Coordonnateurs du PPCS: comment dispenser les programmes dtudes du Programme de premier cycle secondaire (PPCS) Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Heads of School/IB Coordinators: Implementing the MYP curriculum Humanities: Implementing the MYP curriculum Individuals and Societies: Delivering the MYP curriculum Individuals and Societies: Delivering the MYP curriculum Individuals and Societies: Implementing the MYP curriculum Individuals and Societies: Implementing the MYP curriculum Individuals and Societies: Managing assessment in the MYP Inquiry in the MYP Inquiry in the MYP La evaluacin del PAI La indagacin en el PAI Language A: Delivering the MYP curriculum Language A: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language A: Managing Assessment in the MYP Language acquisition (generic): Delivering the MYP curriculum Language acquisition: Delivering the MYP curriculum Language acquisition: Delivering the MYP curriculum Language acquisition: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language acquisition: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language acquisition: Managing assessment in the MYP
= Spanish = French




IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Language and literature: Delivering the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Delivering the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Implementing the MYP curriculum Language and literature: Managing assessment in the MYP Language B (generic): Delivering the MYP curriculum Language B (generic): Delivering the MYP curriculum Language B (generic): Implementing the MYP curriculum Language B (generic): Managing assessment in the MYP Language B: Implementing the MYP curriculum Lengua y Literatura: imparticin del currculo del PAI Lengua y Literatura: implementacin del currculo del PAI Matemticas: implementacin del currculo del PAI Mathematics: Delivering the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Delivering the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Delivering the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Delivering the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Implementing the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Implementing the MYP curriculum
= Spanish = French

2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1&2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1


Berlin London Istanbul Zagreb Lisbon Dubai Istanbul Amman London Coventry Warsaw Amman Mombasa Barcelona Madrid Madrid Madrid Perm Berlin Madrid Amman Barcelona Dubai

InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Enka Schools Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa InThinking Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking Taaleem
= Subject Specific Seminar

28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 25 Aug - 27 Aug 2013 Russia 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates
= Arabic = Turkish

14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium

1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 3

28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

Berlin Helsinki Amman Barcelona Berlin Dubai Istanbul Lisbon Athens Coventry Dubai Barcelona Madrid Amman Barcelona Mombasa Dubai Berlin Amman Zagreb Istanbul London

InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking InThinking Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Queen Rania Teacher Academy InThinking The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Taaleem InThinking Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 4 Oct - 6 Oct 2013 United Kingdom Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 28 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 Spain 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom

= Arabic

= Turkish

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 34

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 35

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

MIDDLE YEARs Programme Workshops

Mathematics: Implementing the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Implementing the MYP curriculum Mathematics: Managing assessment in the MYP Mathematics: Managing assessment in the MYP Paving the way for MYP sucess Pedagogical Leadership Pedagogical Leadership Pedagogical Leadership Personal Project Personal Project Personal Project Physical and health education: Delivering the MYP curriculum Physical and health education: Managing assessment in the MYP Physical Education: Implementing the MYP curriculum Sciences: Delivering the MYP curriculum Sciences: Delivering the MYP curriculum Sciences: Delivering the MYP curriculum Sciences: Delivering the MYP curriculum Sciences: Implementing the MYP curriculum Sciences: Implementing the MYP curriculum Sciences: Managing assessment in the MYP Sciences: Managing assessment in the MYP Seminario especial: Programa de los Aos Intermedios: el siguiente captulo Subject Specific Seminar: Arts Subject Specific Seminar: Arts
= Spanish = French

1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3


Istanbul Birmingham Mombasa Lisbon Lisbon Amman Coventry Dubai Dubai Lusaka London Dubai Zagreb Amman Perm Berlin Dubai Madrid Barcelona Athens Mombasa Dubai Barcelona Brussels Dubai

Enka Schools IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Taaleem Taaleem American International School of Lusaka IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University InThinking Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East InThinking IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East
= Subject Specific Seminar

Subject Specific Seminar: Design Subject Specific Seminar: Design Subject Specific Seminar: Individuals and Societies Subject Specific Seminar: Individuals and Societies Subject Specific Seminar: Language acquisition Subject Specific Seminar: Language acquisition Subject Specific Seminar: Language and literature Subject Specific Seminar: Language and literature Subject Specific Seminar: Mathematics Subject Specific Seminar: Mathematics Subject Specific Seminar: Physical and health education Subject Specific Seminar: Physical and health education Subject Specific Seminar: Sciences Subject Specific Seminar: Sciences Technology: Delivering the MYP curriculum

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2


Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Brussels Dubai Perm

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University

23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 United Kingdom Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 7 Nov - 9 Nov 2013 Zambia 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 25 Aug - 27 Aug 2013 Russia 28 Feb - 2 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Spain 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates
= Arabic = Turkish

14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 7 Mar - 9 Mar 2014 United Emirates 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2013 Russia

= Spanish

= French

= Arabic

= Turkish

= Subject Specific Seminar

Page 36

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 37

PRIMARY YEARs Programme Workshops

NEW Countries
In addition to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as Ethiopia, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Poland and Russia.

An introduction to the PYP curriculum model An introduction to the PYP curriculum model An introduction to the PYP curriculum model Aprendizaje basado en el juego Assessment

1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3


Amman Dubai Lisbon Madrid Perm Geneva Istanbul Dubai Geneva Istanbul Istanbul Helsinki Brussels Dubai Zagreb Amman Madrid Amman Dubai Athens Warsaw

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Enka Schools IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 7 Nov - 9 Nov 2013 Russia 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Turkey Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

NEW exciting category 3 workshops

Be sure to look at the full catalogue of category 3 workshops, including these:
Bilingual and multilingual teaching and learning Inquiry and the additional language teacher



Assessment Assessment Assessment in the Early Years Assessment in the Early Years Assessment in the Early Years Assessment in the Early Years Bilingual and multilingual teaching and learning

14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 Belgium Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland

3-5 Year Olds 3-5 Year Olds 3-5 Year Olds Action Action Action Action Action An introduction to programme standards for administrators new to the PYP An introduction to programme standards for administrators new to the PYP An introduction to programme standards for administrators new to the PYP An introduction to programme standards for administrators new to the PYP
= Spanish = Arabic

3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1


Istanbul Dubai Perm Vienna Dubai Istanbul Istanbul Birmingham Amman

Enka Schools Taaleem Perm State HumanitarianPedagogical University Vienna International School Taaleem Enka Schools Enka Schools IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

Collaborative Planning Collaborative Planning Collaborative Planning Cmo hacer realidad el PEP en el aula Concept-based Learning Concept-based Learning Concept-based Learning Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the PYP (special needs) Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in the PYP (special needs) El currculo escrito

3 Oct - 5 Oct 2013 Turkey Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 6 Apr - 8 Apr 2014 Russia 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 Austria Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany

3 2 3 3 3

21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 Turkey 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain 20 Jan - 22 Jan 2014 Spain 25 Jun - 27 Jun 2014 Spain

Istanbul Barcelona Madrid Madrid Madrid

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela




IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy

El papel de la Educacin Fsica El papel de la lengua

10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan


El papel de las Ciencias Naturales y las Ciencias Sociales

= Turkish

= Spanish

= Arabic

= Turkish

Page 38

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 39

PRIMARY YEARs Programme Workshops


El papel de las tecnologas de la informacin y de las comunicaciones (TIC) El papel del coordinador Encouraging children's creative instincts in the classroom Encouraging children's creative instincts in the classroom Encouraging children's creative instincts in the classroom Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry and the additional language teacher La accin La enseanza y el aprendizaje La indagacin Los docentes como investigadores: de la planificacin a la publicacin Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Pedagogical Leadership
= Spanish = Arabic

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2


Barcelona Barcelona Madrid Istanbul Istanbul Vienna Amman Dubai Lisbon Barcelona Barcelona Madrid Madrid Vienna Dubai Dubai Amman Mombasa Coventry London Beirut Helsinki Amman Amman Dubai

Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Enka Schools Vienna International School Queen Rania Teacher Academy Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Vienna International School Taaleem Taaleem Queen Rania Teacher Academy The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East International College Ras Beirut IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy Queen Rania Teacher Academy Taaleem

Pedagogical Leadership Pedagogical Leadership Pedagogical Leadership Pedagogical Leadership in the Early Years Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing Personal, Physical and Social Education - Wellbeing Play-based learning Play-based Learning Play-based Learning: Inquiry in the Early Years Play-based Learning: Inquiry in the Early Years Programme of inquiry: A strategy to support school's self assessment Reading and Writing through Inquiry Reading and Writing through Inquiry Reading and Writing through Inquiry Reading and Writing through Inquiry Science Discoveries: Exciting ways to weave science into programme of inquiry Science Discoveries: Exciting ways to weave science into programme of inquiry Science throughout the programme of inquiry Science throughout the programme of inquiry Science throughout the programme of inquiry Science throughout the programme of inquiry Sustainability as InternationalMindedness Sustainability as InternationalMindedness
= Spanish = Arabic

2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3


Mombasa Coventry Athens Barcelona Rome Vienna Berlin Athens Amman Dubai Amman Rome Dubai Dubai Addis Ababa Beirut Geneva

The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Vienna International School IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy Taaleem Queen Rania Teacher Academy IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Taaleem Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) International College Ras Beirut IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 20 Jun - 22 Jun 2014 Spain 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 3 Oct - 5 Oct 2013 Austria 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Spain 28 Nov - 30 Nov 2013 Spain 26 Sep - 28 Sep 2013 Spain 19 Sep - 21 Sep 2013 Austria Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 1 Jul - 3 Jul 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Lebanon 2014 Finland

7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 9 Jan - 11 Jan 2014 Austria 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2014 Greece 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Ethiopia 1 Jul - 3 Jul 2014 Lebanon

8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 1 Jul - 3 Jul 2014 Lebanon

Coventry Coventry Berlin Dubai Beirut Berlin Dubai

IBSCA IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem International College Ras Beirut IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem

10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan 10 Aug - 12 Aug 2014 Jordan United Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 Emirates
= Turkish

28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates
= Turkish

Page 40

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 41

PRIMARY YEARs Programme Workshops

PRIMARY YEARs Programme Workshops

Teachers as Researchers: from planning to publication Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Teaching and learning The Exhibition The Exhibition The Exhibition The Exhibition The Learning Environment to support inquiry The Learning Environment to support inquiry The role of Arts The role of Arts The role of Arts The role of Arts The role of ICT The role of ICT The role of ICT The role of ICT The role of ICT The role of Language The role of Language The role of Language The role of Language The role of Mathematics The role of Mathematics The role of Mathematics The role of Physical Education The role of Physical Education

3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Birmingham Mombasa Dubai Berlin Dubai Geneva Mombasa Coventry Lusaka Berlin Geneva Coventry Dubai London Amman Mombasa Dubai Istanbul Istanbul Rome Istanbul Dubai Helsinki Barcelona Dubai Helsinki Dubai London

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa IBSCA American International School of Lusaka IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA Taaleem ISTA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Taaleem Enka Schools Enka Schools IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Enka Schools Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

The role of Science and Social Studies The role of the Coordinator The role of the Coordinator The role of the Coordinator The Written Curriculum The Written Curriculum The Written Curriculum The Written Curriculum Transdisciplinary Learning Transdisciplinary Learning Transdisciplinary learning Una introduccin a las normas del programa del IB para nuevo personal de direccin del PEP Una introduccin al modelo curricular del PEP Una introduccin al modelo curricular del PEP

3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1


Zagreb Dubai Amman Coventry Warsaw Dubai Dubai Lisbon Amman Coventry Lisbon Madrid Madrid Barcelona

IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Queen Rania Teacher Academy IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Taaleem Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Queen Rania Teacher Academy IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2013 Zambia 28 Mar - 30 Mar 2014 Germany 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Kingdom Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 7 Feb - 9 Feb 2014 Kenya Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 23 Jun - 25 Jun 2014 Turkey 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 13 Mar - 15 Mar 2014 Turkey Arab 16 May - 18 May 2014 United Emirates 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 11 Oct - 13 Oct 2013 Poland Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2014 Jordan 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 11 Apr - 13 Apr 2014 Portugal 27 Aug - 29 Aug 2014 Spain 28 Aug - 30 Aug 2013 Spain 15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain

15 Nov - 17 Nov 2013 Spain Arab 21 Feb - 23 Feb 2014 United Emirates 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2014 Finland

Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom

= Spanish

= Arabic

= Turkish

= Spanish

= Arabic

= Turkish

Page 42

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 43


NEW Countries
Additional to our traditional locations, we have organized workshops in newly selected countries such as: Ghana, Ethiopia, Jordan, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Croatia.

Common Sense: IB and the common core Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Access for all students in PYP/MYP years 1-3 (special needs) Education for internationalmindedness Education for internationalmindedness Education for internationalmindedness Inquiry and the librarian across the three programmes Inquiry and the Librarian across the three programmes Inquiry and the librarian across the three programmes

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Addis Ababa Dubai Amman Accra Vienna Rome Coventry Zagreb Madrid Geneva Birmingham London Geneva

Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Taaleem IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Vienna International School IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IBSCA IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Universidad Camilo Jos Cela IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East IB Africa, Europe, Middle East

20 Feb - 22 Feb 2014 Ethiopia Arab 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2013 United Emirates 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2013 Jordan 17 Oct - 19 Oct 2013 Ghana 3 Apr - 5 Apr 2014 Austria 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2013 Italy 14 Feb - 16 Feb 2014 United Kingdom 14 Mar - 16 Mar 2014 Croatia 20 Jan - 22 Jan 2014 Spain 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland 27 Jun - 29 Jun 2014 United Kingdom 25 Apr - 27 Apr 2014 United Kingdom 8 Nov - 10 Nov 2013 Switzerland

NEW language
Workshops in Spanish

NEW exciting category 3 workshops

Please find below some workshops that have a cross programme focus taking place throughout our region. Dont miss out on these exciting new category 3 workshops:
Common Sense: IB and the common core Leadership for School Improvement Your district, Your IB


La indagacin y el bibliotecario en los tres programas Leadership for School Improvement (PYP/MYP/DP) Learner Profile What's the real deal? Exploring gender norms, empowerment and human relationships Your district, Your IB

Whats the real deal? Exploring gender norms, empowerment and human relationships

= Spanish

Page 44

NOTE: All seminars in English unless stated

Page 45

Online Workshops
The following online workshops will be offered in a new four week format as from: 18 September onwards 6 November onwards
18 September
Geography Category 1 Geography extended essay Category 3 Geography: A focus on internal assessment Category 3 Language A: Language and Literature Category 1 Language A: Language and Literature Category 2 Language A: Literature Category 1 Language A: Literature Category 2 Language Ab Initio Category 1 Language Ab Initio Category 2 Language B Category 1 Language B Category 2 Economics Category 1 Economics Extended Essay Category 3 Information technology in a global society Category 1 Inquiry in the Learner Profile Librarianship Category 3 The Role of the Supervisor in the Extended Essay Category 3 Action Category 2 Assessment Category 2 An introduction to the PYP curriculum model Category 1

6 November
An introduction to the standards Category 1 Collaborative Planning Category 2 Concept-based Learning Category 3 Induction into the PYP Category 1 Inquiry Category 3 Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom Category 1 Pedagogical leadership Category 2 Promoting International-Mindedness Category 2 Teachers as Researchers Category 3 Teaching and Learning Category 2 The Exhibition Category 3 The Written Curriculum Category 2 Transdisciplinary Learning Category 3 Mathematics SL Category 1 Mathematics SL Category 2 Mathematics HL Category 1 Mathematics HL Category 2 Math Studies Category 1

Venue information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office
Venues for workshops run by the IB have been carefully selected based on the following criteria: Accessible and efficient transfers between the hotel and the venue. High quality catering services. Easy international access. Standard audio-visual equipment available in every room. On-site accommodation for leaders and participants.

All venues are quality assured over time via:

A standard set of selection criteria across the region. Participant/workshop leader evaluation results on their suitability for IB workshops*, workshop venue, accommodation & travel information is posted on the IB workshops & conference web pages (

Length and logistics of an event

Workshops will comprise of 10 sessions of 90 minutes each over three days. Participants should arrive at the venue on the day before the event (Day 0). On Day 3, participant sessions will finish a little earlier to allow a same day return in most cases.

Certificate of attendance
Please note that certificates are awarded only to participants who attend all scheduled sessions. For information on the IBAEM regional conference, please refer to the IB conference web page
*Any modifications to the programme will be communicated to all registered participants and school coordinators well before the event.

1 1 1, 2, 3 3

Start time
09:00 17:00 12:30

End time
18:00 13:30 12:30

Session 1 begins Official Cocktail Reception Lunches Daily Session 10 Ends

Additional information and registration instructions for these courses can be found at Page 46 Page 47

Registration fees August 2013 to July 2014 for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office
ID AEM071 AEM072 AEM073 AEM074 AEM075 AEM076 AEM077 AEM078 AEM079 AEM080 AEM081 AEM082 AEM083 AEM084 AEM085 AEM086 Prog Cat Event dates Location Amman, Jordan Registration fee Early bird fee USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 USD 1,060 CHF 1,060 GBP 665 Early bird registration closing date 27 May 2013 11-Jun-13 08-Jul-13 15-Jul-13 29-Jul-13 14 Oct 2013 21 Oct 2013 7 Nov 2013 14-Nov-13 28-Nov-13 11-Dec-13 25-Dec-13 06-Feb-14 20-Feb-14 27-Feb-14 25 Mar 2014 Continuum, PYP, MYP 1, 2 and 3 27-29 Sep 2013 and Diploma NCS and 3 PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 NCS Continuum, PYP, MYP 1, 2 and 3 and Diploma NCS PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3 Continuum, PYP, MYP 1, 2, and 3 and Diploma NCS and PYP, MYP and Diploma 1,32, SSS and PYP, MYP and Diploma 1,32, SSS MYP and Diploma 3 SSS USD 1,180 CHF 1,180 GBP 745 USD 1,180 Warsaw, 11-13 Oct 2013 CHF 1,180 Poland GBP 745 USD 1,180 Geneva, 8-10 Nov 2013 Switzerland CHF 1,180 GBP 745 USD 1,180 15-17 Nov 2013 Barcelona, CHF 1,180 Spain GBP 745 1,180 29 Nov - 1 Dec Rome, Italy USD CHF 1,180 2013 GBP 745 USD 1,180 Brussels, 14-16 Feb 2014 CHF 1,180 Belgium GBP 745 USD 1,180 Istanbul, 21-23 Feb 2014 CHF 1,180 Turkey GBP 745 1,180 Dubai, United USD 7-9 Mar 2014 Arab CHF Emirates GBP 1,180 745 USD 1,180 14-16 Mar 2014 Zagreb, Croatia CHF 1,180 GBP 745 USD 1,180 Frankfurt, 28-30 Mar 2014 CHF 1,180 Germany GBP 745 USD 1,180 Lisbon, 11-13 Apr 2014 CHF 1,180 Portugal GBP 745 London, USD 1,180 25-27 Apr 2014 United CHF 1,180 Kingdom GBP 745 USD 1,180 6-8 Jun 2014 Athens, Greece CHF 1,180 GBP 745 USD 1,180 20-22 Jun 2014 Madrid, Spain CHF 1,180 GBP 745 Birmingham, USD 1,180 27-29 Jun 2014 United CHF 1,180 Kingdom GBP 745 USD 1,180 Helsinki, 25-27 Jul 2014 CHF 1,180 Finland GBP 745

Registration information for events run by IB Africa, Europe, Middle East Regional office
How to register
The IB online registration system is available: via IBIS, the IB Information System ( by following the links available on the IB Professional Development calendar ( N.B.: IBIS login details are required in all cases and for all schools. If you do not have an IBIS account, please contact our office (

Confirmation of registration
The IB coordinator and individual participants will first receive an automatic acknowledgment of registration, followed by a formal confirmation of participation once payment has been received and the required minimum number of participants have registered. The automatic acknowledgment message does not mean that the workshop has been confirmed. IB Africa, Europe, Middle East reserves the right to cancel workshops that do not receive sufficient enrolment. All registrations are subject to space availability and are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Registrations received after the workshop registration deadline are not guaranteed placement. Please do not purchase non-refundable airline tickets until you have received the formal confirmation of registration.

Payment should be made upon receipt of the registration acknowledgment e-mail issued automatically, once the registration has been completed via our online registration system. In the event that the IB has to cancel a workshop, the total amount of the registration fee will be refunded or a credit note will be issued. More detailed information on how to make payments is posted on the IB website ( eventdocs/registrationandpayment information.cfm).

Continuum, PYP, MYP 1, 2 and 3 and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3 PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3 Continuum, PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2, and 3 SSS

PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3 PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3 Continuum, PYP, MYP 1, 2 and 3 and Diploma PYP, MYP and Diploma 1, 2 and 3

= Subject Specific Seminar

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Changes to registration of confirmed participants

A confirmed participant who is unable to attend may be replaced in the workshop concerned by another teacher from the same school, provided the replacement has the required academic criteria for that workshop. Registration cannot be transferred from one subject workshop to another without written confirmation from the IB Africa, Europe, Middle East professional development team. In cases where such confirmation has not been given, the registration will be cancelled and the IB cancellation policy will apply. No requests for changes of subject workshops will be accepted on site.

Cancellation policy
Any cancellation made 22 days or more prior to the first day of the workshop, will be refunded by a credit note for the full amount of the registration fee. For cancellations made 21 days or less prior to the first day of the workshop, a penalty of 100% of the fee will apply. In the event that the IB has to cancel a workshop, the total amount of the registration fee will be refunded or will incur a credit note. Unconfirmed registrations will not be billed or will be refunded by a credit note, if the payment has been made. Cancellation policy will apply, also in cases where a visa is refused.

Innovate, Educate, Create

What aspects of education do we need to innovate so that we can successfully develop critical thinking and creativity in our students?
The IB regional conference will facilitate opportunities for exploring the concept of innovation in education and ways in which we can be more creative in our schools. See the full list of speakers and register today

Travel and visas

Participants are responsible for their own travel to and from the event. If required, a visa support letter can be downloaded from the online registration system after the participant has been confirmed

Other workshop providers

For workshops run by Professional Development Providers other than IB Africa, Europe, Middle East office, registrations are made directly with the Professional Development Providers concerned and registration is via their website (see Pages 10) and are subject to the conditions they apply. Cancellations/transfers are independent to IB-run workshops.

International Baccalaureate Organization 2013 International Baccalaureate | Baccalaurat International | Bachillerato Internacional

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Complete information on all workshops and conferences is available at IB online registration system (for face-to-face workshops organized by the IB) Contact Professional Development IB Africa, Europe, Middle East regional office Email:
International Baccalaureate Organization 2013 International Baccalaureate | Baccalaurat International | Bachillerato Internacional

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