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ASSIGNMENTGL111 1 a)With a well illustrated diagram of rock cycle, explain what are sedmentary rocks in relation to other rocks.

b)List the processes led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and explain how sedimentary rocks are lithified c)list the common cements for sedimentary rocks.How might each be identified? d)How are the degree of sorting and the amount of rounding related to the transportation of sand grains?

2a) What is the primary basis for distinguishing among various detrital sedimentary rocks b) Distinguish between clastic and none clastic textures.What texture is common to all detrital sedimentary rocks? c)How could you distinguish conglomerate and breccia d)If you where to sample the sand near a rever mouth and then take sample futher out to sea what would you expect to find?

3a) When a body of sea water evaporates minerals precipitate in a certain order.What determines this order? b)What is the different between chemical and biochemical types of chemical sedimentary rocks c) How is coal differ from other chemical sedimentary rocks 4a) How do current ripple marks differ from oscillation ripple marks b)Explain and give examples of secondary sedimentary structures.

5 .Have a look on the diagram below and point out why each particle forms where It does

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