Strategic Management Process

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Strategic Management Process: Strategy formulation 2.

By: Prof. Dr. Andrs Nbrdi PhD, MBA

University of Debrecen
Faculty of Ag. Economics and Rural Development Dept.: Business Management and Marketing HUNGARY
Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Tasks of strategic management

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Strategy formulation Strategy Implementation

Strategy Evaluation

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

First stage of the strategic management

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Develop Vision and Mission Statements Establish long term objectives Generate, evaluate, and select strategies

Strategy formulation (Strategic planning)

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Strategy formulation
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Developing vision and mission Indetifying external opportunities and threats Determining internal strenghts and weaknesses Establishing long term objectives Generating alternative strategies Choosing particular strategies to pursue Deciding what new business to enter How to allocate resources Expand or diversify operations Entering or not international market Merge or form joint venture How to avoid a hostile takeover

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Strategy formulation
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Organizations target for achievement; both short and long range objectives are needed.

Financial performance targets a company wants to achieve.

Targets relating to strenghtening a companys overall market position and competetive viability.

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Strategy formulation
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Achiement levels to be reached within the next three to five years.

Near-term performance target; they establish the pace for achieving the long-range objectives.

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Establishing long term objectives

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Establishing long term objectives

Should be: quantitative ( data, %, ) measurable ( what is now, what will be) realistic (no politicians promise ) understandable ( clear in different levels of a company corporate division functional operational CDFO) challenging (emotional risk) hierarchical (CDFO) associated with timeline ( within 3 year, end of the next year)

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Varying performance Measures by organizational level

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies Division division president, executive vice president Functional Finance, marketing, manufacturing, MIS, HRM Organizational level Corporate (president) Basis foe annual bonus or merit pay 85 % based on long term objectives 15 % based on annual objectives 75 % based on long term objectives 25 % based on annual objectives 50 % based on long term objectives 50 % based on annual objectives

Operational 25 % based on long term objectives Plant managers, sales 75 % based on annual objectives managers, production and department managers

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Establishing long term objectives

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Types of long term objectives Financial

Growth in revenues Growth in earnings Higher dividends Larger profit margins Greater return on investment Higher earnings per share Rising stock price Improved cash flow

Larger market share Quicker on-time delivery than rivals Shorter design-to-market times than rivals Lower costs than rivals Higher product quality than rivals Achieving technological leadership Consistently getting new products to market ahead of rivals

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Retrenchment Divestiture Liquidation

Do nothing Offensive
Integration Forward Backward Horizontal Intensive Market penetration Market development Product Development Diversification

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies Backward integration

I. Integration
Forward integration

Gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or retailers Seeking ownership or increased control of a firms suppliers Seeking ownership or increased control over competitors

An agricultural company purchased a regional bakerychain Hotels Inc. purchased a furniture producer One department store acquired another department store

Horizontal integration

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Forward integration effective when:

present distributors are especially expensive or unreliable availability of quality distributors is limited competes in an industry growing and expected to continue to grow an organization has both capital and HR needed to manage of distributing its own products present distributors or retailers have high profit margin

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Backward integration effective when:

present suppliers are especially expensive or unreliable number of suppliers is small and the number of competitors is large competes in an industry growing and expected to continue to grow an organization has both capital and HR to manage new business of supplying its own raw materials the advantages of a stable raw material price particularly important

present suppliers have high profit margin

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK


Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Horizontal integration effective when:

increase economic of scale provide major competitive advantages competes in an industry growing and expected to continue to grow an organization has both capital and HR needed to manage an expanded organization


Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

II. Intensive
Market penetration Market development Product development Related diversification Unrelated diversification

Increased market share for present products in present market through greater marketing efforts

Coca cola is spending millions to advertise its drinks

Introducing present products or services into new geographic area Increased sales by improving present products or developing new ones

MOL purchased a 10 % stake in Slovakoil

Glaxo Smith Kline (UK) introduced the new Aquafresh 3 total care toothpaste Glaxo Smith Kline (UK) introduced the new ADAPTOR toothbrush A kitchenware company entered into a growing skin and beauty business

Adding new but related products or services Adding new unrelated products and services

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Market penetration effective when:

Current markets are not saturated with a particular product or service usage rate of present customers could be increased significantly market share of major competitors have been declining while total industry sales have been increasing increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages

present products in present market

Sony co. is spending over $141 million in a new advertising and
Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

promotion drive to market its high-definition television named BRAVIA sets in the USA. 2006

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Market development effective when:

new channels of distribution are available, inexpensive an organization is very successful at what it does new untapped or unsaturated markets exists

an organization has both capital and HR needed to manage an expanded organization an organization has excess production capacity an organizations basic industry is becoming rapidly global is scope present products in new geographic area
Adidas in May 2005 had 1500 stores in China and stated that it would open another 40 stores every month for the next 40 months

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Product development effective when:

an organization has successful products that are in maturity stage of the product life cycle. an industry represented by rapid technological developments major competitors offer better-quality products in comparable prices an organization competes in a high-growth industry an organization has especially strong R& D capabilities

improving present products or developing new ones

In 2005 Heineken developed and introduced low-calorie low carbohydrate beer Heineken Light into US. Brad Pitt and John Travolta are promotes its product.

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Product Life Cycle

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Money / Time Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cash-flow






Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

II. Intensive
Market penetration Market development Product development Related diversification Unrelated diversification

Increased market share for present products in present market through greater marketing efforts

Coca cola is spending millions to advertise its drinks

Introducing present products or services into new geographic area Increased sales by improving present products or developing new ones

MOL purchased a 10 % stake in Slovakoil

Glaxo Smith Kline (UK) introduced the new Aquafresh 3 total care toothpaste Glaxo Smith Kline (UK) introduced the new ADAPTOR toothbrush A kitchenware company entered into a growing skin and beauty business

Adding new but related products or services Adding new unrelated products and services

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Related diversification effective when:

an organization competes in a no-growth or slow-growth industry related products would enhance the sales of current products related products could be offered at highly competitive prices related products have no seasonal sales level that can balance existing trade problems (grain flour bakery) existing products are in a declining stage of the products life cycle

Adding new but related products

Dell computer Inc. turned to produce flat-panel televisions and MP3 players, and opened an online music-downloading store.

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Unrelated diversification effective when:

an organization competes in a highly competitive industry as indicated by
low profit margins and returns present marketing channels can be used to new products to current customers an organizations basic industry is experiencing declining sales and profits an organization has both capital and HR to compete in a new industry purchase an unrelated business is an attractive investment opportunity

Adding new unrelated products

Hospitals are creating small malls by offering banks, bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants, drugstores and other retail stores within their buildings

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Summary of the intensive strategies

Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies


Current markets
Market penetration

New markets
Market development

Current products

New products

Market development Market penetration Related diversification

Unrelated diversification

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies Liquidation

III. Defensive
Retrenchment Reorganizational strategy Divestiture

Regrouping through costs and assets reduction to serve declining sales and profit. Selling a division or part of an organization Selling all of a companys assets, in parts, for their tangible worth

Sanyo Electric is cutting its global workforce by 15% in 2006 for reducing its dept. Goodyear Co. sold its North American farm-tire business to Titan Inc. Britains last major car manufacturer, MG Rover Group Ltd., liquidated in 2005 and laid off its 5000 employees.

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Retrenchment effective when:

an organization has failed consistently to meet its objectives and goals
over time an organization is one of the weaker competitors in a given industry an organization occurs inefficiency, low profitability, poor employee moral, and pressure from stockholders to improve performance an organization has grown so large so quickly that major internal reorganization is needed

Tools: reorganization bankruptcy regrouping asset reduction cost reduction

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Divestiture effective when:

a division is responsible for an organizations poor performance
a division needs more resources to be competitive than company can provide a large amount of cash needed quickly and cannot be obtained from other sources a division is a misfit with the rest of an organization

Selling a division or part of an organization

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Liquidation effective when:

both a reorganization and a divestiture has not been successful
an organizations only alternative is bankruptcy the stockholders can minimize their losses by selling the organizations assets

Selling an organization

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies Large

Michael Porters Five Generic strategies

Cost leadership Differentiation Focus

Low cost Diff. Best value

Low cost

Size of market

Diff. Best value

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Generic strategies
To gain competitive advantage from 3 different bases: Cost leadership: producing standardized products at very low perunit cost for consumers who are price-sensitive. Two alternatives: low cost strategy: concentrate on a low cost best value: concentrate on best-price-value compared to rivals Differentiation Considered unique or industrywide products and services Focus: fulfill the needs of small groups of consumers Two alternatives low cost focus: best value focus

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Cost leadership effective when:

price competition among rivals vigorous
products of rival sellers are identical most buyers use the product in same ways buyers are large and have significant power to bargain down prices

Tools: integration R&D Capacity utilization Outsourcing

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Differentiation effective when:

there are many ways to differentiate the products
few rival firm are following a similar approaches buyers needs and users are diverse technological change is fast

Tools: Market penetration Market development Related diversification R&D

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

Types of strategies
Establish long term objectives Types of strategies Integration Intensive Defensive Generic Achieving strategies

Focus effective when:

Industry leaders consider it too costly or difficult to meet the specialized
needs few other rivals are attempting to specialize in the same segment

Tools: Market penetration Market development Related diversification R&D Outsourcing

Dr. Nbrdi Andrs DE-AVK

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