PROJECT (100marks) : Note: You Will Be Assessed Individually On Your Teaching

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PROJECT (100marks) This project assesses your ability to complete the four tasks below and your general

attitude. Task 1 : Collection of materials on approaches to teaching writing (15 marks) (group work) Collect and read up at least 1 article on each of the three approaches to teaching writing (product, process and genre). Based on your reading, produce a graphic organiser for each approach. Task 2 : Lesson Planning (30 marks) (individual) Prepare a 30-minute lesson plan to teach a writing lesson in a KBSR/KSSR class. The lesson must reflect the genre, process or the product approach. Prepare all teaching and learning resources. Task 3 : Micro-teaching (30 marks) (group/pair work) Select ONE of the lessons your group has planned and implement the lesson in class. In your group, decide which stage of the lesson each person will teach. *Note : You will be assessed individually on your teaching. TASK 4 : Written Reflection (15 marks) Write a 1000-word individual reflection on the lesson taught in Task 3. In the reflection, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson and the changes you would like to make and anything new you have learned from the experience. Support your reflection with relevant literature.

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