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International group observation and analysis - Enclosures



Created by :
Stefan Bogdan Zoltan Balint Dmitrij Lukjanec

International group observation and analysis - Enclosures


Table of Contents
Enclosures ............................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Project description ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Problem formulation................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Delimitations ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 Choice of model and method procedure .................................................................................. 4 1.6 Time schedule ........................................................................................................................... 6 1.7 Sources, literature and references............................................................................................ 7 2. Process Report ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 Task Allocation .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Daily log ..................................................................................................................................... 9 3. Questionnaires .............................................................................................................................. 14 3.1 Questionnaire Kuba ................................................................................................................ 14 3.2 Questionnaire Olga ................................................................................................................. 16 3.3 Questionnaire Yim................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Questionnaire Clement ........................................................................................................... 20 4. Cultural Differences ...................................................................................................................... 22 5. Exchange group Project description ............................................................................................. 25 6. DISC Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 Disc questions ......................................................................................................................... 35 6.1.1 Dmitrij's DISC questions and graph ..................................................................................... 36 6.1.2 Bogdan's DISC questions and graph .................................................................................... 38 6.1.3 Zoltan's DISC questions and graph ....................................................................................... 40 6.1.4 Kuba's DISC questions and graph ......................................................................................... 42 6.1.5 Olga's DISC questions and graph.......................................................................................... 44 6.1.6 Yim's DISC questions and graph ........................................................................................... 46 6.1.7 Clement's DISC questions and graph ................................................................................... 48

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7. "Nine box grid" talent matrix ........................................................................................................ 50 7.1 3D design/Pure programming skills ....................................................................................... 50 7.2 Leadership and decision making ............................................................................................. 50 7.3 Ability of research and technical writing ................................................................................ 51 8. Belbin test results ......................................................................................................................... 52 8.1 Kuba's Belbin test questions and results ................................................................................ 52 8.2 Olga's Belbin test questions and results ................................................................................. 57 8.3 Clement's Belbin test questions and results ........................................................................... 62 8.4 Yim's Belbin test questions and results................................................................................... 67 8.5 Belbin team roles description ................................................................................................. 72

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1. Project description
1.1 Background
When we started our first project in VIA, it was really difficult to get a head start for us due to the fact that all of the group members were from different countries and had their own vision of how things are done. Teachers were trying to lead us the right way, but 2 or 3 teacher per several groups is just not enough and we had to deal with everything ourselves. On the 6th semester we were assigned to a group of international students, who are doing their 4th semester project. The group consists of people from different countries, and should undergo the same difficulties, as we did when we got started. The only difference, we are there to advise, analyze and observe, if any problems pop up concerning their teamwork, organizing the team, the project or just not knowing how things are done in VIA. For the exchange group we will be an advice team. The stakeholders for us will be the group and the supervising teachers. As mentioned above, the group that we are supervising is multicultural. The students come from 3 different countries: 2 from France, 2 from Poland and 1 person from Greece. They are from different education as well: French students are from ICT engineering and Polish students are from Mechanical engineering. Short individual background: Olga Petka: 4th semester student from Poland, studying nanotechnology. Has no relevant work experience in the study field. Never done anything similar to the semester project. Kuba Sitek: 4th semester student from Poland, studying nanotechnology. Has no work experience in the study field. Didn't work on a project similar this semester project, chose Denmark to go exchange so he could have/experience more practical stuff. Ka-Yan Yim: 4th semester student from France. Studies Electrical and Industrial computing. Has no work experience in the study field. Didn't have projects similar to this, which had a lot of teamwork in it.


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Clement Rathier: 4th semester student studying electronics, electricity, automation and computering. Has no relevant work experience in his field. Has participated once in a similar project.

1.2 Purpose
Our main purpose is to increase our knowledge in managing a group, by practicing with our assigned team, because this might be relevant in our future carriers. Another purpose would be to get a better understanding of a manager's perspective while looking not only on how to have the problem solved but also to the process and the teamwork (outside of the box thinking). This will be done by supervising the international group, guiding them by asking them question regarding to their project and assist in questionable situations as well as, analyze the working principle of them as one team. .

1.3 Problem formulation

Problems that might/will occur during both projects: Who is forming the subject group? How will we communicate in our group and will we communicate with the subject group? How can we help the group develop from a communication perspective? Who are the stakeholders? What is their background and qualifications? What are their personality traits? How does each one of them see teamwork? What differences in cultures do they have? What tools do we expect to use in this project?(our project) What problems might occur at the beginning of the project?( forming period )

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What roles will they play in the group? How will they divide the labor among themselves? What phases will the international group pass? (deadlines, meetings , dead ends, their time schedule)

What is the group's ability to predict their own work load? (time schedule, deadlines) How do they measure their success in different stages of the project work?(compromise or settle just for perfection.)

How we, as "managers" will handle their conflicts?(pko - conflict management) How will we be able to keep them motivated?(just in theory because we are not actually their supervisors - pko-motivation)

How will we evaluate their development ?( personal = working in a group, professional=academic development)

Will the "real life" match with the "theory"?

1.4 Delimitations
In our project we will present the analysis that we have made over the international group, starting from the group forming period to the project's deadline, where the group is expected to react it's solid state. We will present charts, diagrams, questionnaires, tests, role

descriptions and interaction analysis made by us. We will not offer any technical support or advice to our group as our purpose is just to guide in questionable situations only by asking questions that will lead them the on correct path.


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1.5 Choice of model and method procedure

What Why
To get to know the people in the group and get a first idea on what we will be working with. To decide on how will we work during our project.




Who is forming the subject group? How will we communicate in our group and communicate with the subject group? How can we help the group develop from a communication perspective? Who are the stakeholders? What is their background and qualifications? What are their personality traits?

By meeting them . Getting contact details. (facebook group) Share our experience as a group, and encourage them to use the voice they opinion. SEPM6 classes. Questionnaire Disk, Mbti

All 3 of us. All 3 of us.

1 1

In order to make them a better team. To decide on the requirements for the project. To predict future problems and to evaluate their prerequisites. To point out their character To determine if they would function as a team and how important is that for them To predict their future problems, because of the different way they see work. To decide what preparations we are going to make before meetings. To be prepared to help them deal with the problems that are going to occur. To determine how close they are to a "complete" group.

Dmitrij Bogdan

2 1

Dmitrij Bogdan

3 3

How does each one of them see teamwork?

Questionnaire and talking during the meetings Hofstede, Knowledge from ICC course. Implementing PKO knowledge

Zoltan, Bogdan

What differences in cultures do they have? What tools do we expect to use in this project?(our project) What problems might occur at the beginning of the project?( forming period )

Dmitrij Bogdan

2 3

Observing them.

All 3 of us.

What roles will they play in the group?

Using Belbin test.



International group observation and analysis - Enclosures



To be prepared for future conflicts that might occur. To prepare our own time schedule to match theirs. To see if they can follow the theoretical time schedule To assess the groups ambition and work dedication. It is a good practice for us as future managers, and asses if the impact of the conflict is poz or neg.




How will they divide the labor among themselves? What phases will the international group pass? (deadlines, meetings , dead ends, their time schedule) What is the group's ability to predict their own work load? (time schedule, deadlines) How do they measure their success in different stages of the project work?(compromise or settle just for perfection.) How we, as "managers" will handle their conflicts?(pko - conflict management)

Observing them. Using their time schedule as a reference. Comparing their activities with their time schedule. Observing them. Observing them and counseling Improving our quality of supervision, and the interpersonal relationship and defining the motivation for each member


Zoltan Dmitrij All 3 of us.

2 2 2

All 3 of us.

How will we be able to keep them motivated?(just in theory because we are not actually their supervisors - pko-motivation) How will we evaluate their development ?( personal = working in a group, professional=academic development)

It's what managers do; because it influences the efficiency. To see if they improved their group working skills.

All 3 of us.

Observing them.

All 3 of us.

Will the "real life" match with the "theory"?

To see if their theoretical knowledge matches with their real life.

If the predictions come true

All 3 of us.


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1.6 Time schedule


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1.7 Sources, literature and references - Source for the disk profile test - Command centre - Source for intrinsic & extrinsic motivation - Source for motivation concerns - 9 box grid - Belbin related items and motivation Books from: : "There is no "I" in Team" "How to improve motivation" "Motivation Skills" "Team Building" PKO lectures ppt presentations Niels Hannemose material


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2. Process Report
2.1 Task Allocation
The way that we see the task allocation working is, that we take all the work done in a certain field is 100% and from this we present in percentage how much each of us have been contributed to it.

Figure 1 Task allocation table


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2.2 Daily log

17th of March 2013 We have met with our international group for the first time, we have exchanged pleasantries and we got to know them a bit, and their project. (2 hours) 22nd of March 2013 We have started working on a questionnaire we are going to give to the international group. We started work on our project description. (5 hours) 23rd of March 2013 We continued work on our project description and gave the international students their first questionnaire. (3.5 hours) 3rd of April Verify and send first draft of project description. (1 hour) 6th of April We examined the questionnaires and we discussed about future actions and observations. (4 hours) 8th of April We have supervised and observed their group. (2 hours) 9th of April We have received the input from the draft of the project description, and started working on the repairs.(3 hours) 10th of April We have participated in the first meeting with our international group's supervisor. (1 hour)


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13th of April We have continued with improving our final version of the project description. (4 hours) 15th of April We have supervised and observed their group. (2 hours) 16th of April We have participated in a meeting with our international's group supervisor. (0.5 hours) 22nd of April We have supervised and observed their group. (3 hours) 24th of April We have participated in a meeting with our international's group supervisor. (0.5 hours) 29th of April We have supervised and observed their group. (2.5 hours) 1st of May We have participated in a meeting with our international's group supervisor. (0.5 hours) 11th of May We had a meeting in order to predict conflicts based on the questionnaires, Hofstede and our observations. (3.5 hours) 18th of May We have started writing the project and gather information. (8 hours) 20th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information.(7 hours) 21st of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information.

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Digital copies of the DISC test, scanned used DISC test. And gave the international team a DISC personality test to fill up. (8.5 hours) 22nd of May We had taken a trip to Aalborg University, so we have done no work this day (0 hours) 23rd of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We started on writing about motivation, team communication, personality types and traits. (7.5 hours) 24th of May Milestone meeting with the supervisors. (2 hours) We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. Continued working on group decision making, Maslow, Herzberg, personality concerns. (6 hours) 25th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. Continued working with conflict management, Hackman and Oldman, job enlargement, personality concerns. (8 hours) 27th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. Continued work on McGregors theory, Taylor Scientific management, conflict management, team dynamics. (6 hours) 28th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We had a meeting with our exchange group and their supervisor. (0.5 hours)
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Also received the last of the DISC personality test, and started working with them (6 hours) 29th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We have been working with team dynamics and team communication. (5 hours) 30th of May We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We continued working with team dynamics and communication. (7 hours) 31st of May Meeting with our supervisor (0.5 hours) We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. Starting writing about group structure and continued with team dynamics and communication. (8 hours) 1st of June We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. (5 hours) 2nd of June We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. (5 hours) 3rd of June We had a meeting with our exchange group and their supervisor. (0.5 hours) We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We have started on concentrating on the Belbin tests. (7 hours) 4th of June We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We have continued concentrating on the Belbin tests. (7 hours)

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5th of June We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We have continued concentrating on the Belbin tests. (6.5 hours) 6th of June We had a meeting with our exchange group and their supervisor. (0.75 hour) Interview with Per Ulrik Hansen. (0.25 hours) We continued with the writing of the project and gathering of information. We have started with the "assembling" of the project report and appendix. (8 hours) 7th of June We have continued with the writing of the report and appendix. (7 hours) 10th of June We have continued with the writing of the report and appendix. (7.5 hours) 11th of June Final wrap up and printing. (3 hours)

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3. Questionnaires
3.1 Questionnaire Kuba
Name: Kuba Sisek Education: Mechanical Engineering

Note: contents of this questionnaire are strictly confidential. Q1. Tell about your educational background. I finished high school a science oriented class, now I am a 4th semester student and studying Nanotechnology at Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (Poland) at Mechanical Engineering. Q2. Work experience (if any). None. Q3. Why did you choose Denmark as a country to go as an exchange student? The main reason was that I heard that here I will learn things which are useful in the real life, which are not only theoretical and I will get view about proper functioning University. Q4. Explain the purpose of this project in your own words. Its purpose is to use our theoretical knowledge to create something material and useful. Q5. Have you ever done anything similar to this project? Have you ever worked together in a group? No, I have never done something like this. I have worked with a group, not on such a major project, but all in all, yes. Q6. How was your semester project group formed? By accident, we were looking for other people who has similar amount of credits and we meet each other. Mechanical Engineers knew each other and ICT also, but those two groups had not met earlier. Q7. How are you going to communicate in your group?
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We will be communicating mostly by Faceboook. Q8. How and where do you expect your group meetings to undergo? I think that we will be meeting at the canteen. The meeting should be both for work and presenting what have we done in home. Q9. What knowledge/tools do you expect to use during this project period? I have no idea. Q10. Are you motivated to do this project or it's just a "must" for you? I am starting to be highly motivated since the deadlines are coming closer. Q11. How do you expect do deal with disagreements within the group? I think we will be trying to reach the consensus, without voting.

Q12. Who do you expect, that from your group, will emerge as a "leader" or has leader potential, seen from your group meetings until now? I have no idea, maybe Nickos. Q13. How do you see yourself in the future, after you have finished the group work, from an academic point of view? Do you expect to gain new knowledge? Of course I am expecting to gain new knowledge, because I do not have a lot. After this project I will be more methodical.

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3.2 Questionnaire Olga

Name: Olga Petka Education: ME

Note: contents of this questionnaire are strictly confidential. Q1. Tell about your educational background. Im a student of a fourth semester in Silesian University of Technology. My field of study is nanotechnology. Q2. Work experience (if any). ----Q3. Why did you choose Denmark as a country to go as an exchange student? - quite close to my home country possibility to go by car - English is a common language no language barrier problems - quite high level of education and different learning style Q4. Explain the purpose of this project in your own words. Learn how to work in a group with different people, organize your work, time and overcome problems to get familiar with an environment you are probably going to work in some day. Q5. Have you ever done anything similar to this project? Have you ever worked together in a group? Not really. In my home university theres big impact on theory. When it comes to practice till now we had only some classes with laboratory equipment (microscopes etc.). Q6. How was your semester project group formed? Me and a friend from my university found some lonely ICT students and decided to work together. Q7. How are you going to communicate in your group? Talking in face to face meetings, facebook, phones Q8. How and where do you expect your group meetings to undergo? Q9. What knowledge/tools do you expect to use during this project period?
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The knowledge gained during my studies and if needed some new information from books, internet. Q10. Are you motivated to do this project or it's just a "must" for you? Im a bit anxious as we have no experience in such projects but Im motivated to give it a try. Q11. How do you expect do deal with disagreements within the group? Talking, trying to find compromise, voting Q12. Who do you expect, that from your group, will emerge as a "leader" or has leader potential, seen from your group meetings until now? Its hard to say now. Every meeting has a different leader depending on a subject discussed and group members mood. Q13. How do you see yourself in the future, after you have finished the group work, from an academic point of view? Do you expect to gain new knowledge? I expect to learn how to work in a group with people that have a completely different point of view, as they are from a different country and have different specialty. How to put a lot of different ideas together and make something useful out of them. Also I will probably learn some new mechanical things while building the machine.

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3.3 Questionnaire Yim

Name: YIM Ka-Yan Education: ICT

Note: contents of this questionnaire are strictly confidential. Q1. Tell about your educational background. Electric and Industrial Computing in the Technologic University of Troyes. Q2. Work experience (if any). Information desk in Japan Expo event, photograph assistant, chocolate seller in Jeff De Bruges. Q3. Why did you choose Denmark as a country to go as an exchange student? That university is part of the Erasmus program and it is a country with an interesting culture different from what we got in France. Q4. Explain the purpose of this project in your own words. The project is to create a device to make the cooking easier. Q5. Have you ever done anything similar to this project? Have you ever worked together in a group? I have never done a similar project but I had already worked in a group for different project. Q6. How was your semester project group formed? By searching matching number of credit. Q7. How are you going to communicate in your group? Via Facebook. Q8. How and where do you expect your group meetings to undergo? I expect our meeting to be in the canteen. Q9. What knowledge/tools do you expect to use during this project period?
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Using programming communication knowledge. Q10. Are you motivated to do this project or it's just a "must" for you? I am more motivated for the programming part of the project but it also interesting to manage a group. That is what motivate me. Q11. How do you expect do deal with disagreements within the group? By discussion and voting. Q12. Who do you expect, that from your group, will emerge as a "leader" or has leader potential, seen from your group meetings until now? In my opinion Jacub is the one who could manage this role but I do not think that we really have a leader because we sometimes had to substitute him. Q13. How do you see yourself in the future, after you have finished the group work, from an academic point of view? Do you expect to gain new knowledge? I expect to gain new knowledge from this work so that I will be more confident in the future project I will be doing.

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3.4 Questionnaire Clement

Name: Rathier Clment Education: ICT

Note: contents of this questionnaire are strictly confidential. Q1. Tell about your educational background. At my home university, I studied electronics, electricity, automation and computering. Q2. Work experience (if any). I worked 2 summers in a bank. Q3. Why did you choose Denmark as a country to go as an exchange student? Because it was in the ERASMUS program and it wasn't that far but different enough to get a good experience about living in a foreign country with a different language. Moreover VIA University offered an attractive educational environment. Q4. Explain the purpose of this project in your own words. For this problem-based project, we need to work in group which will provide experience in cooperating and working with other people to reach a solution for a problem. Q5. Have you ever done anything similar to this project? Have you ever worked together in a group? I already worked on something close to this but it wasn't that much. Q6. How was your semester project group formed? By finding matching number of credits. Q7. How are you going to communicate in your group? We communicate via Facebook. Q8. How and where do you expect your group meetings to undergo? We usually meet at the canteen.
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Q9. What knowledge/tools do you expect to use during this project period? Well for me, I plan to use some knowledge from a few courses that I have at VIA (FPGA and HWP) and use the same tools as in these courses. Q10. Are you motivated to do this project or it's just a "must" for you? I am motivated. Q11. How do you expect do deal with disagreements within the group? By talking it through. Q12. Who do you expect, that from your group, will emerge as a "leader" or has leader potential, seen from your group meetings until now? Not an easy question, maybe Kuba. Q13. How do you see yourself in the future, after you have finished the group work, from an academic point of view? Do you expect to gain new knowledge? I intend to enlist in an engineering school back in France. I expect to learn more about making projects and working with others.

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4. Cultural Differences

Power distance Both countries have an equal score. At a score of 68, these countries are hierarchical societies. This means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. Hierarchy in an organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralization is popular, subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat. Individualism Even France has a higher score in the individualistic column, both countries are considered to be individualistic Poland with a score of 60. This means there is a high preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. In individualistic societies offence causes guilt and a loss of selfesteem, the employer/employee relationship is a contract based on mutual advantage, hiring and promotion decisions are supposed to be based on merit only, management is the management of individuals.
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Therefore, the manager is advised to establish a second level of communication, having a personal contact with everybody in the structure, allowing to give the impression that everybody is important in the organization, although unequal. France with the score of 71. This means that the French favor individual and private opinions, taking care of themselves and immediate family rather than belonging to a group. In the work environment, the relationship with work is contract based, the focus is on the task and autonomy is favored. The communication is direct and everyone is allowed to speak up, voice out their opinions even more if they do not agree. The management is the management of individuals and the recognition of ones work is expected. Masculinity / Femininity Poland scores 64 on this dimension and is thus a masculine society. In masculine countries people live in order to work, managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out. With 43, France is a relatively Feminine country. With its famous welfare system (securit social), their 35 working hours/week and 5 weeks holidays per year, France cares for its quality of life and focuses more on work in order to live than the reverse. Competition amongst work colleagues is usually not favored as feminine societies have more sympathy for the underdog. And material signs of success, especially flashy ones, should not be too visible. The management should be supportive and dialogue should help resolve conflicts. Uncertainty Avoidance Poland scores 92 on this dimension and thus has a very high preference for avoiding uncertainty. Countries exhibiting high uncertainty avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. In these cultures there is an emotional need for rules (even if the rules never seem to work) time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy and work hard, precision and punctuality are the norm, innovation may be resisted, security is an important element in individual motivation. At 86 France has a very high score on the UAI Index. Certainty is often reached through academic work and concepts that can respond for the need of detail, context, and
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background. Teachings and trainings are more deductive. In management structure, rules and security are welcome and if lacking, it creates stress. Therefore planning is favored, some level of expertise welcome, when change policies on the other hand are considered stressful. (Copyright:

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5. Exchange group Project description

Group 20, PM1 - S13: Olga Petka (197421) JakubSitek (197423) Ka-Yan Yim (197638) Clement Rathier (197614) Supervisors: Per Ulrik Hansen Stephan Korsholm
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One of these sunny Sunday afternoons, one of our group members got hungry and decided to cook a meal. While he was cooking, a beautiful girl was writing to him on Facebook and he was happy as a lark. Unfortunately he could not answer her because he had to watch and mix the food. He started to think about this issue and realized that is a common problem which affects a lot of people. He thought that this could be a nice subject to work on. Next day he met with his teammates and convinced them to pick this idea for the project. We all agreed that it would be great to have a machine that could increase the cooking comfort and efficiency since in our society we tend to save more and more time to be able to take care of other activities. We thought that if we manage to find a good solution to this problem we can make peoples life easier and help them save some time. That is the reason why we decided to choose this project.

The main purpose of our project is to help people to save their time, make cooking easier and more comfortable, avoid burning food due to getting busy with other activities.

How can we create a simple-to-use smart cooking machine? How should it work that everyone can use it? What kind of foods will it be able to cook? How can we provide safety? How can we make it cheap? How can we make it durable?
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Mechanical part: Which materials should we use? How should it look like? (shape, color) Which parts/elements should it include? How can we design it? How can we avoid problems during cooking (overflowing water, burning the food, sticking to the bottom)?

ICT part: What electronic devices should it include? Which programing language should we use? How to regulate the temperature? How the user interface should be? How can the user affect the process of the device? How can the user affect the process of the device?

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The issues that will not be included in our project are listed below:

we will not contact with companies we will not build a real prototype, all should be designed in CAD software and therefore we will not test it we will not focus on business issues, including: business plan, benefit analysis, calculating the costs of the machine we will not research the market to find out if this kind of device is needed for people (no interviews with potential customers) we will not consider how to deliver the machine to companies, magazines, shops etc. (no advertisement strategy) we will not focus on law and all related issues no selling strategy and no searching for a potential customer no background recognition on the market (no comparison with similar existing products) we will not implement the PID loop in the temperature regulation

We will make microcontrollers and program it. Apart of it, we will make a PowerPoint presentation to present our work, moreover we will hand in the process and project report. The cooking machine will be only for private use (families, students etc.), not for industry.

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What What device should we use to control the machine?

Why We need a device to control automati cally the machine

Which Comparison between different devices

How We should use what we learn in FPGA and Hardware oriented programming courses We should use one of the existing methods.

Which Low

Who Ka-Yan Clement

When 17.04

How the heating system should work?

To cook the food.

Comparison between different ways to generate heat. Comparison between different languages




Which programing language should we use?

To program the device.

We should use what we learn in FPGA and Hardware oriented programming courses We should think about what the user would like and/or are necessary We should use our imagination.


Ka-Yan Clement


What functions should the machine have?

To cover all the user needs.





How should it To look brainstorming look like? attractive .




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What material should we use?

To be durable and easy to maintain.

comparison between different materials properties

We should use the knowledge we gained during previous courses.


Olga Jakub


Which parts/elemen ts should it include? How the user interface should be?

To make brainstorming, it work research properly.

We should find only necessary parts


Olga Jakub


To be easy to use.


We should think about what the user would like and/or are necessary We should think what can be cooked in this kind of a machine. We should use some existing components. We should find the most sensible source


Ka-Yan Clement


What kind of To cook food will it be properly. able to cook?


Medium everyone


How to To cook regulate the properly. temperature? Which kind of power source should we use? The machine need electric power.

brainstorming, research


Olga Jakub


Comparison between different types of resources


Olga Jakub


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Our final deadline is on the 7th June 2013. We will try to finish the project much earlier, because we want to make a margin of risk due to some unpredictable situation

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1. Airiau R.- Berg J-M.- Olive V.- Rouillard J., 1998, VHDL langage, modlisation, synthse, Collection informatique (Online). Avalaible at: 2. Telecom ParisTech, VHDL Introduction, historique (Online). Available at: 3. Ashenden P., 2002 The Designers Guide to VHDL, 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann. 4. Ashenden P., 1998 The Students Guide to VHDL, Morgan Kaufmann. 5. Developement System Reference Guide, Xilinx, Inc. 6. - Roger Timings: Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book, Newnes 2005 - Peter R. N. Childs: Mechanical Design, Butterworth-Heinemann 2003 - Bolton W.: Control Systems, Newnes 2002 - Singh U.K.: Problems and Solutions to Mechanical Engineering, New Age International 2007

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6. DISC Tests
6.1 Disc questions

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6.1.1 Dmitrij's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.2 Bogdan's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.3 Zoltan's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.4 Kuba's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.5 Olga's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.6 Yim's DISC questions and graph

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6.1.7 Clement's DISC questions and graph

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7. "Nine box grid" talent matrix

7.1 3D design/Pure programming skills

7.2 Leadership and decision making

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7.3 Ability of research and technical writing

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8. Belbin test results

8.1 Kuba's Belbin test questions and results

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8.2 Olga's Belbin test questions and results

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8.3 Clement's Belbin test questions and results

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8.4 Yim's Belbin test questions and results

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8.5 Belbin team roles description Action Oriented Roles:

Shaper (SH) Shapers are people who challenge the team to improve. They are dynamic and usually extroverted people who enjoy stimulating others, questioning norms, and finding the best approaches for solving problems. The Shaper is the one who shakes things up to make sure that all possibilities are considered and that the team does not become complacent. Shapers often see obstacles as exciting challenges and they tend to have the courage to push on when others feel like quitting. Their potential weaknesses may be that they're argumentative, and that they may offend people's feelings. Implementer (IMP) Implementers are the people who get things done. They turn the team's ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans. They are typically conservative, disciplined people who work systematically and efficiently and are very well organized. These are the people who you can count on to get the job done. On the downside, Implementers may be inflexible and can be somewhat resistant to change. Completer-Finisher (CF) Completer-Finishers are the people who see that projects are completed thoroughly. They ensure there have been no errors or omissions and they pay attention to the smallest of details. They are very concerned with deadlines and will push the team to make sure the job is completed on time. They are described as perfectionists who are orderly, conscientious, and anxious. However, a Completer-Finisher may worry unnecessarily, and may find it hard to delegate. People Oriented Roles: Coordinator (CO) Coordinators are the ones who take on the traditional team-leader role and have also been referred to as the chairmen. They guide the team to what they perceive are the objectives. They are often excellent listeners and they are naturally able to recognize the value that each team members brings to the table. They are calm and good-natured and delegate tasks very effectively. Their potential weaknesses are that they may delegate away too much personal responsibility, and may tend to be manipulative.

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Team Worker (TW) Team Workers are the people who provide support and make sure that people within the team are working together effectively. These people fill the role of negotiators within the team and they are flexible, diplomatic, and perceptive. These tend to be popular people who are very capable in their own right, but who prioritize team cohesion and helping people getting along. Their weaknesses may be a tendency to be indecisive, and to maintain uncommitted positions during discussions and decision-making. Resource Investigator (RI) Resource Investigators are innovative and curious. They explore available options, develop contacts, and negotiate for resources on behalf of the team. They are enthusiastic team members, who identify and work with external stakeholders to help the team accomplish its objective. They are outgoing and are often extroverted, meaning that others are often receptive to them and their ideas. On the downside, they may lose enthusiasm quickly, and are often overly optimistic. Thought Oriented Roles: Plant (PL) The Plant is the creative innovator who comes up with new ideas and approaches. They thrive on praise but criticism is especially hard for them to deal with. Plants are often introverted and prefer to work apart from the team. Because their ideas are so novel, they can be impractical at times. They may also be poor communicators and can tend to ignore given parameters and constraints. Monitor-Evaluator (ME) Monitor-Evaluators are best at analyzing and evaluating ideas that other people (often Plants) come up with. These people are shrewd and objective and they carefully weigh the pros and cons of all the options before coming to a decision. Monitor-Evaluators are critical thinkers and very strategic in their approach. They are often perceived as detached or unemotional. Sometimes they are poor motivators who react to events rather than instigating them Specialist (SP) Specialists are people who have specialized knowledge that is needed to get the job done. They pride themselves on their skills and abilities, and they work to maintain their professional status. Their job within the team is to be an expert in the area, and they commit themselves fully to their field of expertise. This may limit their contribution, and lead to a preoccupation with technicalities at the expense of the bigger picture. Copyright :
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