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Briefly describe the environmental dimensions affecting industries, organizations, and job. The economic environment: -continues to evolve into a more global context of trade, markets and resource flows. The technological environment: -the advent of information age, facilitated by internet and telecommunications innovations changing corporate best practices. Politic: -electronic democracy is changing the way individuals and group think and act on political issues. Government and regulatory laws -deregulation of industries(utilities, airline, telecommunications, insurance) promoters competitiveness, mergers and acquisitions, consolidations and even monopolies and oligopolies. Legal: -questions and issues affect all of these environmental dimensions and every stakeholders. Demographic: -workface become more diverse, as employers and employees are faced with sexual harassment. -discrimination issues and the effects of downsizing on morale, career changes, productivity and security. Describe the relationship between individual ethnics and social responsibility.


Business and ethics do not mix. Do you agree with this statement? Explain. Agree, because business is a human activity, not simply a scientific one, and, as such, can be evaluated from a moral perspective.


Ethical reasoning has no place and should not be used in business. Do you agree with this statement? Explain. Agree, because to a moral judgment about that person and business action or policy. The not only in the person and it happen in the business with the same facts. So as the same requirements for moral judgments: -should be logical -should be based on facts -should be based on acceptable moral principles.


Describe Kohlbergs three levels and six stages of moral development. Level 1: Preconvention Level (self-orientation) -Stage 1: Punishment avoidance: avoiding punishment by not breaking rules. The person has little awareness of others needs. -Stage 2: Reward seeking: acting to receive rewards for oneself. The person has awareness of others needs but not of right and wrong as abstract concepts. Level 2: Conventional Level (Others Orientation) -Stage 3: Good person: acting right to be a good person and to be accepted by family and friends, not to fulfill any moral ideal. -Stage 4: Law and order: acting right to comply with law and order and norms in societal institutions. Post conventional, Autonomous, or Principles Level(Universal, Humankind Orientation) -Stage 5: Social contract: acting right to reach consensus by due process and agreement. The person is aware of relativity of values and tolerates differing views. -Stage 6: Universal ethical principles: acting right according to universal, abstract principles of justice and rights. The person reasons and uses conscience and moral rules to guides actions.

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