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Ms. Scott Edmodo Quiz Tutorial October 23, 13 Seiya Yamada & Duy Tran 1.

Select the Quiz tab located in the post bubble at the top of your Edmodo homepage.

2. Click Create a Quiz to create a new Quiz 3. Select the type of quiz you would like to create Multiple choice, true/false, short answer, fill in the blank & matching

4. Press on Add First Question 5. You will see a screen like so 6. You can add more question by clicking the + on the left side bar. 7. If you wish to put up files for each individual question or a link, press the buttons located under the boxes. Labeled as Attach 8. Set up the time for this quiz. 9. When you are done adding questions & answers. Press Assign Quiz

* You can also preview the quiz before posting *Print out an answer sheet accompanied by the options

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