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Essay Planning: Organize your essay here.

Filling in the spaces with your working thesis, supporting points, and the examples and details you will use to prove and develop the argument established by your thesis statement. Do your best!
Paragraph 1 Introduction Hook General to specific Includes Title, authors name, context, Hook: Manners are the hypocrisy of a nation. Honore de Balzac good
behavior society requires does not always produce desired result; hide shameful desires behind appearance of courtesy/honor--more importance group places on manners, usually more hypocrisy short story, Tobermory, by Saki Tobermory, learns to speak English discovers superficial hypocrisy of LB & friends

Through the honest observations of Lady Blemleys housecat, Tobermory, the British

1 Supporting Detail: Ts Honest Observations reveal Hypocrisy


upper class is satirized with humor and irony.

Paragraph 2 st 1 Supporting Detail used to prove thesis. Examples/Quotes from text & explanations connecting to thesis.

Example 1- Major Barfield points out Ts carrying on with stable cat when hes having affairs himself. T replies I dont think you want me to bring up your affairs Explanation Perfect example of thinking certain rules only apply to others but not the wealthy bc they are superior. Example 2 Explanation

2 Supporting Detail: Ts responses to the houseguests questions Paragraph 3 nd 2 Supporting Detail used to prove thesis. Examples/Quotes from text & explanations connecting to thesis.


have unintended humorous consequences

Example 1 What do you think of human intelligence? Mavis Pellingtons innocent question. Most brainless woman LB & Sir W know Explanation Awkward situation is humorous to the reader but also reveals Blemleys exploitation of friends Friendship has different meaning for wealthy British. Its about what they can get from each other. Example 2 Explanation 3 Supporting Detail: Ironically, the Blemleys and their guests, who consider themselves superior to most men, and of course all beasts, are shown as inferior in honesty, sincerity, and courtesy by a lowly housecat.

Working Thesis Statement: Essays

Paragraph 4 rd 3 Supporting Detail used to prove thesis. Examples/Quotes from text & explanations connecting to

Example 1 LB was embarrassed to be speaking to a domestic cat Explanation emphasizes the importance LB places on status and social position; although T is an animal he is more intelligent, courteous and sincere than LB & her guests. She does not value these positive qualities, rather she values status. Example 2 Explanation

Paragraph 5 Conclusion Rephrase thesis- Move from the specific to the general. LB & guests
are shallow, rude & vain- interactions of T the cat & starkly highlight their hidden manners T the short story tells a much broader message that spans beyond 1900s England to the wealthy societies in all cultures today. People who think they are better bc they are rich are not.

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