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Level Two Portfolio requirements If you have not yet done so, please create a folder in GOOGLE DOCS

titled L3 portfolio. SHARE this folder with *Assignments with a * need to be done by November 1, 2013 and placed in GOOGLE DOC L3 folder
1. * Internship Email sent out _____________ (Advisor Signature) 2. Internship set-up _____________ (Advisor Signature) 3. Internship Complete _____________________(Advisor Signature) 4. * RESUME Revision Done ________________ (advisor Signature) 5. Community morning meeting written reflection _________ (advisor Signature) 6. College Visit Reflection #1 ____________(Advisor Signatures) 7. College Visit Reflection #2 ____________(Advisor Signatures) 8. College Visit Reflection #3 ____________(Advisor Signatures) 9. Pick your 10 Habits of Mind for this year ____________________(Advisor Signature) 10. Facing History reflection DUE ________________ (advisor Signature)

Describe the Facing History activity that was most meaningful to you. Why was it meaningful? What did this activity teach you about __________?
11. Individual Learning Plan _____________ (advisor Signature) 12. Weebly template made and shared with Stacy ________________________(Advisor Signature) 13. Habit of Mind Character Report Card complete____________________ (Advisory Signature) 14. Summer plans (be prepared to discuss in your portfolio presentation. No writing necessary) 15. Senior Year Planning _____________________________(Advisor Signature) 16. Habit of Mind Rough Draft__________________(Advisor Signature) 17. Habit of Mind Summary__________________(Advisor Signature) 18. Service Learning Contact __________________(Advisor Signature) 19. Service Learning Project Complete__________________________(Advisor Signature) 20. *Read On summary #1 signed by advisor _____________ (advisor Signature) 21. Read On summary #2 signed by advisor _____________ (advisor Signature)

22. Read On summary #3 signed by advisor _____________ (advisor Signature) 23. Read On book talk

Each of you will do a 5 min. book talk during Read On. CHOOSE any Tuesday or Thursday in your agenda from February to May to present your book talk and tell Stacy

Morning Meeting Reflection

1. How has morning meeting helped you learn public speaking skills? What do you do well when

speaking in public? What do you need to improve on and what steps will you take to improve?

2. How has morning meeting helped you learn collaboration skills? What do you do well when

collaborating? What roles do you take (leader, organizer, designer, participant?) What do you need to improve on and what steps will you take to improve?

Service Learning Plan PlanningYourServiceLearningProject Duringyourjunioryearyouarerequiredtocompletea20hourservicelearningprojectthatfulfillsaneed inthecommunity.Thisyear,however,youneedtothinkaboutanissueandbegintodesigntheproject thatyouwillcompletenextyear.

Yourname: Youradvisor: Describetheproject:

Doesthisprojectmeetarealcommunityneed? Whatistheneed?




Canyoufindcommunitypartnerstoworkwithyou? Who?



TaskList:Whattasksneedtobecompletedinordertoplanandexecuteyourservicelearningproject? PLAN:


Canyougettheprojectcompletedwithinyourjunioryear? Timeline:



Canthisprojectbecompletedwithoutalotoffundraising? Ifyouneedmoney,howwillyougetit?



Doesthisprojectrequireresourcesotherthanmoney? Ifso,whatarethoseresourcesandwherewilltheycomefrom?





Facing History Reflection Portfolio Reflection: Facing History Name: Date: Describe the Facing History activity that was most meaningful to you. Explain why it was meaningful to you and what it taught you about ______________. Topics for the 2012-2013 School Year: Mix-It-Up Day

Resume You created a resume last year and will need F to update it this year to reflect you opportunities and accomplishments of the year.

Remember to use a google template resume FULL NAME, contact info

Education background


Extracurricular activities

Work experience

Volunteer experience

Languages and special skills


Habit of Mind Summary

Reflecting on the Habits of Mind

Consider the Habits of Mind and their definitions Consider the courses you took this year, the projects you completed, the work you did, the activities you
participated in, and what you learned about yourself as a student.

Identify which traits are your strongest and which are not as strong. Explain in an organized essay what you learned this year in each class that either demonstrated that strength
or exposed that weakness. You may write about each class separately OR about each Habit of Mind separately, keeping in mind that there may well be more than one Habit of Mind per class and more than one class that utilized that Habit of Mind.

Use the Habits of Mind Guiding Questions to help you in your reflection Use the chart below to be sure that you have addressed each class and each Habit of Mind; you may need to
make notes that list some of the work in each class that enabled you to demonstrate this Habit of Mind.

The Other category might include afterschool activities or activities outside of school in which you
demonstrated one of the Habits of Mind.
English History Math Science Spanish CIP Arts Tech Elective Other

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