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Girls & gr7/8 boys = 1 full loop Junior Boys = 1 full loop + 1 half loop ( dotted line = jr. boys cutoff) Senior boys = 2 full loops

Station 1: Please ensure all athletes coming up the hill make the tur n to your left (facing down the hill at the athletes. Once athletes have completed their first loop all will be coming towards you from the right (facing down the hill). At this point please send all girls, and the gr. 7/8 boys down the hill towards the finish line. Junior and Senior boys carry on straight ahead for a second loop. The junior boys will only do the first half of the loop, and will come from behind you and charge down the fire access road to the finish, while the seniors will come to you from your right before you send them to the finish line as well. Once the last athlete Once the last athlete has passed please take a moment to pick up any course markings between Station 2 and Station 3 before returning to the finish area. Station 2: On the fir st loop please ensure all athletes tur n r ight at this point and continue to the end of the fire access road to complete the second half of the first loop. The next time you see athletes it will be only the junior and senior boys. Junior boys will turn left and go straight towards the finish line, while senior boys will carry on to the right again for another second half loop. After the last athlete has passed please go in the opposite direction from the athletes to pick up flagging and cones between Station 2 and Station 1. Station 3: Please make sure athletes make the tur n off of the fire road, through the gap in the fence and on into the second half loop. After the last runner has passed please go in the same direction as the athletes to pick up all flagging and cones from here to station 4. At station 4 you can just go directly down the stairs to the greenway and finish area. Station 4: Please make sure athletes make the left tur n here, and dont proceed down the stair s. After the last runner has passed you please carry on in the same direction as the athletes to pick up all flagging and cones from here to the finish line.

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