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Unix / Linux command prompt Keyboard Shortcut Keys Linux / Unix Command prompt supports huge number of shortcut

keys. If you familiar with the shortcut keys you can utilizes the command prompt very faster. The more practice on the shortcut keys will give you more speed in the command prompt. Below are the shortcut keys. To move cursor one word backword esc +b To move cursor one word forward esc +f To move cursor to the starting of the line ctrl +a To move cursor to the end of the line ctrl +e To move cursor one letter backword ctrl +b Terminate foreground job ctrl +c To Logout of the terminal ctrl +d To move cursor forward ctrl +f To delete one letter backward like backspace ctrl +h To delete contents from where the pointer to left side end ctrl +u To delete contents from where the pointer to Right side end. ctrl +k To delete one word from where the pointer to one word on left side crtl +w To move cursor one letter forward ctrl +f To display the previously executed Command ctrl +p

To display the next command when ctrl +p is used ctrl +n To Clear the screen ctrl +l To execute a command like hitting ENTER ctrl +j To execute a command like hitting ENTER ctrl +o To pastes text previously erased (with Ctl-U or Ctl-W) ctrl +Y Short cut key to reverse search in the command history ctrl +r

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