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October 18, 2013




MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 MEAP test makeup day. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 MEAP test makeup day. Bus Evacuation Drills for Doherty & Sheiko Due to the evacuation drills, ALL AM busses will be 15 minutes late in the morning to pick Scotch students up. Please plan accordingly. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 LATE START MEAP test makeup day. Late Start Wednesday ~ School will start 1 hour later at 10:15am THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 MEAP test makeup day. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 Scotch School Spirit Day ~ Wear your favorite Scotch gear! Bagel Day ~ Bagels for sale for $0.75 @ 8:55am in the Cafeteria MEAP test makeup day. School-wide FunD Run Prize Assembly Donation winners announced MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 WB Board of Education Meeting ~ WBHS Media Center @ 7:00pm
Date: Monday, October 28, 2013 - 7:00 pm Duration: 4 Hours Repeat Event: Every Month until June 30, 2014

On Friday, September 27th, over 700 of Scotchs finest ran in their 8th annual FunD Run to help raise over $30,000!! A big thanks goes to all students, parents, staff, and volunteers for assisting with the event. The money raised from the event will fund Scotchs Culture of Thinking initiative. A special assembly will be held on Friday, October 25th to announce prizes / awards to those students who went above and beyond. Prizes / awards include: throwing water balloons at Mr. Scrivo, being named @ WBHS Media Center Principal or Vice Principal of the Day, Kindle Fire, Razor RipStik Scooter, free gym class, and many more.

A big shout out goes to: Boy Scout Troop Leader Joe Garascia (former Scotch student) and Troop 308 of Walled Lake. Scotch staff and students would like to thank Joe and his troop for taking on the task of improving our front entranceway. The troop took the time to design and build 2 wooden benches, lined the entire front landscape with brick pavers, and re-shaped the walkway path through the front garden. What a warm welcome all of your efforts have created! Way to go Troop 308!! Please help us congratulate Kate Ten Eick, a 4th grade student in Mrs. Rigonis class, as the winner of the 2013-14 Scotch School Directory Artwork contest. We hope that you enjoy Kates artwork as it will be printed on the front cover of our directory! Way to go Kate! Thank you to those that supported our Skull Island Ticket Sales. We do not have any tickets left for the season. Enjoy your visit and thank you for your support!

FunD Run Pictures Directory Contest Winner & Front Entrance Pictures


Phone: Fax: Safeline: Email: 248-865-3280 248-865-3281 248-865-3282

SCHOOL HOURS: 9:15 AM 4:07 PM (9:12 AM Park & Sign in students) WBSD Transportation Department: 248-865-3680 WBSD Kids Klub Registration: 248-865-6468 WBSD Nutrition ( 248-865-6732

5959 Commerce Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48324 Scotch School PTO: Website: West Bloomfield Laker: WBEF West Bloomfield Education Foundation - Kids in Charge Contact Lisa Kaplan at or (248) 321-8476 Our Childrens Fund WBSD / Special Services / 5810 Commerce Rd. / West Bloomfield, MI 48324

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