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What does respect look & sound like?

1 Gym
(Assemblies & Change Rooms)
Practice safety first Eyes up

2 Playground
Sit on swings (no standing, twisting & jumping) Play safe Stay in designated areas Stay off ledges

3 Parking Lot
Walk Pay attention to traffic Use cross walks Wait in a safe area Be prompt Feet on ground (off of railing)

4 Bus/Trips
Stay seated Quiet voices Face forward Feet on floor Backpacks on floor

5 Office
Be patient and wait when necessary Use manners Wait in office is being signed-out Parent must sign student out

6 Hallways
Walk quietly Right side of hall Face front Eyes up

7 Lunch-Time
Eat own food Sit at own desk Use "inside" voice Clean-up after self Quiet and attentive to music listening program

8 Computers
Go to approved websites Keep passwords safe Report problems to trusted adults (Stop, Block, Talk)

Enter/exit gym quietly Attentive to speaker Hands to self


Stay with the group Return consent forms Use manners


Be aware of others Safe play Share equipment Include others Offer assistance

Include others Be kind Share equipment and space

Share the walkways Be polite

Hands to self Be polite Monitor volume Walk to the bus 2-3 to a seat Equal opportunity for seats (no reserving)

Provide space (avoid blocking doorway)

Hands to self Quiet voices Wait for others Hold the door

Respect food choices of Respect privacy of others others Listen to supervisors (adult and student) Give others their space

Listen to instructions Teachers only in Use equipment safely equipment room Return equipment to Use equipment as it is classrooms intended Keep things in school property (not over fence) Keep things out of water fountains in change rooms Use litter cans No graffiti Stay out of garden/planting areas Litter-free Avoid vandalism to seats etc. No food or drink Ask for permission to use the phone (bring a phone pass) Hands off walls, bulletin boards and artwork Wear non-scuffing shoes Open doors slowly Clean desk No food or drink Garbage in can Report damage Recycle materials (blue bin Treat computers with care items and drink containers) Sink area clean Floors clean


Put garbage/recycling away Hands-off unless given permission

Categories for classrooms, washrooms and library have been removed as those expectations are covered during library orientations and by classroom teachers during regular start-up.

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