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INT. CLASSROOM DOORWAY- DAY Girl walks into the classroom with phone in her hand. INT. - CLASSROOM- DAY The girl sits down and starts playing with her phone. INT. - CLASSROOM- DAY The teacher comes over to the girl and tells her to put it away. Teacher: Can you please put your phone away. Girl: Yeah. INT. CLASSROOM- DAY The girl starts playing with her phone again but in her lap under the table so the teacher doesnt see. INT. CLASSROOM- DAY The teacher walks over to the girl again and asks for her phone. She gives her the phone. Teacher: Can I please have your phone right now? INT. CLASSROOM DOORWAY- DAY After the girl gets her phone taken away she is sad when she leaves the classroom. INT. - FRONT OFFICE- DAY The teacher takes her phone to the front office, so they can give it to the girl at the end of the day. Teacher: Here is girls phone. Front office lady: Okay, I will give it to her at the end of the day. INT. HALLWAY- DAY The girl then realizes that she can get her phone back at the end of the day. INT. COMMONS HALLWAY- DAY When the bell rings to let out school, the girl rushes to her teachers classroom to get her phone back.

INT. CLASSROOM- DAY The teacher is sitting and the girl is talking to her. Girl: Can I have my phone please? Teacher: I dont have your phone because I gave it to the front office. Girl: Okay. Thank you. INT. HALLWAY- DAY The girl then runs over to the office. Int. - FRONT OFFICE- DAY The girl gets her phone back from the office. Girl: Hi. Can I please have my phone back? My name is girl. Front office lady: Here you go. *Hands her phone* Have a nice day. Girl: Thank you and you too. INT. - CLASSROOM DOORWAY- DAY The next time the girl walks into the class she remembers to put away her phone.

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