Configuration Detail Switch Access

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Configuration detail switch access (cisco)

1. Secure MAC, strike MAC spoofing Att

description XXX
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast
switchport port-security
switchport port-security violation restrict
switchport port-security mac-address sticky

2. Spanning-tree
2.1 Portfast
Enable default portfast for all access port
spanning-tree portfast enable
2.2 Rapid STP
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

3. Protecting the network from spoofing att(DHCP, ARP)

3.1 Secure DHCP source

(global) ip dhcp snooping
(global) ip dhcp snooping infomation option
(interface) ip dhcp snooping trust
(global) ip dhcp snooping vlan vlan_id

3.2 Dynamic ARP Inspection

(global) ip arp inspection vlan vlan_id
(interface) ip arp inspection trust
if the interface is not trusted then validate
(interface) ip arp inspection validate

4. Access restriction using ACL

line con 0
exec-timeout 6 0
password 7 15315A1F077A
transport input none
line 1 8
speed 115200
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
access-class 90 in
password 7 0817627E3D4A35362B
transport input telnet, or SSH.
5. Turn off CDP if possible
6. Secure STP
7. Double check trunk link
8. Using secure access client such as SSHv2
9. Using syslog
10. Avoid using VLAN1 for management purposes

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