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LIC has to close its BEST 47 Plans from 1st of Oct 2013.
Last Day to have world Best features is 30th Sept 2013......... What?????? Why?????? Surprised to have such Unbelievable statement.... Right??? Ya, but its True, 100% TRUE. As per IRDAs guidelines, LIC has to close all its current Hot selling Plans/Products from 30th Sept 2013 and has to launch New Plans/Products from 1st of Oct 2013 as per the New Guidelines. Apart from other major changes, it is for sure that the policyholder has to bear the SERVICE TAX in addition to the premium which is not applicable now on current plans. So Act Fast and Grab this LAST Golden Opportunity available for next 90 days or so. Just call me for a demo and finalize your Best Suitable Option of LIC and plan your all requirements of INVESTMENT PENSION FOR 100 YRS LIFE INSURANCE TAX SAVINGS GUARANTEED HIGH RETURNS CHILD EDUCATION & FUTURE PLANS RETIREMENT PLANNING

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