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{Infernal Psalm; 9}

To my chosen, there is nothing wiser than to carry wisdom with you always. It will never do you wrong. Everything else can be destroyed, yet wisdom stands strong throughout the ages. Don't listen to inflated stories of impending doom. They are used by those of false power, in order to cause fear and distraction. Always look for the hidden things, as that is my Will for you. Tests will be given, and I will let fall those who shall fall. Those with the Will to rise despite horrible circumstances, will walk into the burning kiln to be tried once again...and again. See it as an honor, for only those who have the potential will I test. To come forth as mighty warriors. I say this once, and set you on your way. Majestic Satan, the world has yet to understand your greatness. For too long, people have held their mouths open, devouring the madness fed to them by counterfeits at a pulpit. The truth, as you have taught, cannot be found in a church, nor in a mosque or synagogue. But many have become sheep, afraid to break free, bound by ridiculous precepts and dogma. I join you in laughter as they kneel to this pathetic god of Abraham. They are Murderers for their 'god' as they always have been, a new guise for each era. His spirit incites them to do all sorts of atrocious things; the true root of evil. Sadly, they blame you. Lord Satan, you are beyond such things as good and evil; a label cannot be attached to your name. One day the world will see what I see. I wait eagerly!

{Hail Satan}

{Hail The Great Dragon}

{Hail The Order of The Dragon}

{De Ortu Populi Satanae}

{Hail The Black Flame}

{Concordia Cum Veritate Capax Infiniti}

By; {Selene Flavius Nazgul}

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