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Interpretation: VIII-77-96 Subject Section VIII, Division 1; Nameplate Stamping Date Issued: October 21, 1977 File: BC74-185

Question: Where a pressure vessel has one independent Code pressure chamber and one independent non-Code pressure chamber, is it permissible to mark the data for the non-Code chamber on the same nameplate that carries the Code symbol and appropriate data for the Code chamber? Reply: No. Under the provisions of UG-119 and UG-116(i), it is intended that only the design data for those portions of the vessel which comply with Section VIII, Division 1 be included in the nameplate having the Code symbol; however, it is recommended that manufacturers attach an additional nameplate (or marking) without the Code symbol indicating the design data for the non-Code chamber.

Interpretation: VIII-77-97 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; UNF-91 Date Issued: November 7, 1977 File: BC77-528 and BC77-702 Question: What is the intent of UNF-91 with regard to the filler metal being of the same composition as the base metal? Reply: In this regard, filler metal would be of a material of alloy which has approximately the same radiation absorption rate as the material being radiographed. The identical alloy, by chemical analysis, is not necessarily required. Interpretation: VIII-77-98 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; U-1(e) Date Issued: November 7, 1977 File: BC77-527 Question: Is it the intent of U-1(e) that piping and valves subject to pressure, including those with an inside diameter greater than 6 in. but beyond the geometric limits listed in that paragraph, are outside the scope of Section VIII, Division 1? Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-77-99 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1; UG-93 Date Issued: November 9, 1977 File: BC77-593 Question: Are material test reports required for SA-53 Grade A or B for construction under Section VIII, Division 1? Reply: The provisions of UG-93(a)(2) allow for this material to be accepted without obtaining material test reports from the manufacturer provided the pieces are marked in accordance with Section 20 under that specification. Further, the requirements of UG-93 and UG-94 shall be complied with.



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