Lesson 1 Final

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Class: Stage 2

Date: 14.10.13

Time: 9:00-10:00am

KLA: Science/English

Rationale: Beginning a new unit of work on the life cycles of animals and plants, this will be a lesson to introduce the unit.

Objectives: -For students to understand that some things are living, and others are non-living. -For students to effectively research characteristics that classify objects as living/non-living. -For students to work collaboratively with other students to reach a common goal.

Outcomes/Indicators: ST2-10LW: Describes that living things have life cycles, can be distinguished from non-living things and grouped, based on their observable features. Sort objects according to whether they are living or non-living Identify some features of living things that distinguish them from non-living things, eg reproducing, growing and responding to stimuli INVS2.7: Conducts investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, testing, collecting, recording and analysing data, and drawing conclusions. EN1-1A: Communicates with a range of people in informal and guided activities demonstrating interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations Communicate with increasing confidence in a range of contexts Context: Materials/Resources: - The whole class will begin on the floor in front of - Library non-fiction section the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). They will move - Computers/Ipads to computers/Ipads or the library, and then back - IWB to the classroom towards the end of the lesson. Experience: -The teacher will begin by prompting a whole class discussion, with two main focus questions: What do we know about life cycles? and What do we want to know about life cycles? documented on the IWB. This will enable the teacher to plan during the unit, with student input and focus. (20 mins) -The class will then be split up into groups of three, for the students to research What classifies a plant/animal as living? with one third of the groups researching plants, another third animals, and the last groups to research characteristics of non-living things. The students can choose to research in the library, or on computers/Ipads. (20 mins) -The class will then come back together, and each group will present their findings in three mind maps on the IWB- one for plants, one for animals, and one for non-living. The teacher will then lead a discussion, asking different groups to give at least 3 reasons why certain objects in the classroom are living or nonliving (peers, chairs, tables, water, insects etc). (20 mins) Support: Extend: -Before students go off to research, discuss as a -Ask individuals to give reasons why an object group what types of characteristics they may look would be classified as living or non-living, with for. reasons. Evaluation: - Were students able to work as a group to research their topic? - Were students able to identify whether a specified object was living or non-living, and did they give reasons?

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