Print University Photos 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.: Sunday's Agenda

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Sundays Agenda 1. Print University photos 2. Discuss with sir about FDR and signing the related papers.

3. NGO update info and will take an appointment about GCCN. D) 4. Prepare the Ght report. 5. YC report discuss with lamiya APA. 6. Sirs honorium update. 7. Discuss with sir about SAP foundation 8. social business day and update venue & prepare a note for social business campaign 9. Office rent 10. PM office phone 11. Prepare the invitation letter for local guests 12. Local guests address . 13. Meeting with Nurjahan Apa 14. Everest Conquerors address and prepare invitation letter 15. Make a phone call to Grameen Shakti 16. Salary structure of YC and pass the note to lamiya APA. 17. Discuss with sir about FDR . 18. Prepare the panelist letter and will have to send the all guest. 19. Hotel booking status. 20. Vehicles booking and field trips discuss with tanbir and will have to confirm with related company. 21. PayPal account check 22. SB websites correction.

23. Meeting with Ansari vahi and feedback from sir about twitter Facebook 24. Sir wants to meet with YC staff and discuss with Lamiya Apa. 25. Sirs book signing for Khulna university and Chittagong university 26. Books stock report for SB day. 27. KHAZANAH Photo collection from Audio visual 28. GCCN phone call. 29. Ght and GHS agreement signing 30. Tri- party agreement print and signings 31. SEVA foundation taka to be paid to Ghs 32. Contact with Daily Star about BCIC hall 33. Invitation card of SB day discuss with lamiya APA. 34. Call to DIG office about YC registration 35. NGO letter of GHT quarries 36. Reimbursement to Teddy. 37. Discuss with Nahid and Milon about sirs dispatch 38. Call to all university about sb plan competition 39. Meeting with Mr.Ashraf sir about hall 40. SB certificate discuss about it with sir. 41. Discuss with sir about Khulna program and no. of participates 42. Discuss with sir about University coordinator

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