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Kindergarten Buzz

B r i t t o n D e e r f i e l d S c h o o l s

A Look Back at Our Week

Writing Time

October 21st , 2013

Important Dates Oct. 23rd: PTO Walk-A-Thon Oct. 24th: 1/2 Day Oct. 25th: Pajama Rama Oct. 25th: PTO

Numbers in shaving cream

Monster Mash Oct. 31st: Harvest Party Nov. 1st: PJ Day and Popcorn Nov. 15th: PTO Family Swim

Dying pumpkin seeds


Miss Waterbury & Mr. Scott

Harvest Party
We will be having our annual harvest party Oct. 31st from 1:003:00pm. We need parent volunteers that day to rotate with groups to the different stations. We also need 2 dozen donuts (per class) and bags of candy. If you are willing to help in any of these areas please let us know. Take Home Books The students are really enjoying their take home books. Please remember that right now they may not be able to read all the words but can picture read or listen while someone reads to them. It is important to keep them enjoying the books.

This Week In Kindergarten

Sight Words: he, to, here, are, four Letter: Pp Writing: Formal Conferencing

Math: Ordinal numbers

Science: Living and Nonliving

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