Comisia Concursului de Admitere - Sesiunea Iulie 2004

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ACADEMIA FORELOR TERESTRE NICOLAE BLCESCU - Comisia concursului de admitere - Sesiunea iulie 2004

NESECRET Exemplar unic


PENTRU PROBA I LIMBA ENGLEZ PART I. READING (30 points) Read the following text: Not too long ago the attention of the world was focused on corn fields in Wiltshire and elsewhere, with the sudden and mysterious appearance of circle in the crops. The whole nation was buzzing with talk of alien intervention. Evidence shows that they are a natural phenomenon. But Tony Dodd, director of investigations of the Yorkshire UFO Society maintains that this does not explain away the UFO sightings made in Gloucester and Bristol, as well as in Wiltshire when the circles appeared. One of the most consistent reports was of the appearance of large orange bulbs of light in the sky, he says. There were other reports of strange craft hovering over the fields. Sightings of UFOs are nothing new. In Britain, the first recorded alien sighting was in 1270 in Bristol, and around 500 cases are reported each year. Sceptics say most can be explained as misperceptions. But to those who believe they have seen a UFO, seeing is believing. 1. Give short answers to the following questions: a) Why did the world focus on Wiltshire? b) Who is Tony Dodd? c) Where else did other UFO sightings appear? d) What was one of the most important reports based on? e) When was the first UFO sighting recorded in Britain? f) How do sceptics explain this phenomenon? 2. Give full answers to the following questions: a) What was the peoples reaction towards the appearance of circles in the crops? b) What is the scientific explanation concerning the circles in the crops? c) What is Tony Dodds opinion about the scientific explanations? d) What do people who have seen a UFO say? PART II. ENGLISH IN USE - (30 points) 1. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: a) Usually I (1) (finish) work at 5, but this week I (2) (work) until 6 to get more money . b) John (3) (take) a photograph of me while I (4) .. (not look). c) Last year the company made a profit, but this year they (5) (not make) any. d) It (6) .. (rain) continuously since lunchtime. e) The house is very dirty. We (7) (not clean) it for ages. f) I did German in school, but I (8) ..(forget) most of it. g) I (9)(go) on a trip tomorrow if it doesnt rain. Would you like to come too? h) (10) .. this book . (belong) to you?

2. Put one suitable word in each space: When John saw the large crowd (1) .. had gathered (2) .. the street, he wasnt sure at first what had happened. There were (3) .. many people blocking the way into the hotel that he had to push his way through them to get (4) ...the door. At the door he found two policemen (5) .. were trying to hold the crowd back. What (6) . earth is going on? he asked them. Then John noticed that some of the crowd were holding placards which read: We love you Sally. (7)..course, that was it. Sally Good was a footballer, the first woman to play for England. Although John wasnt really interested in sport he decided to join the crowd and wait (8) . she appeared. About ten minutes (9) .., a smiling woman appeared and waved to the crowd. John was taken completely by surprise when she took his arm and said, Remember me? Im the girl (10)..used to sit next to you at school. PART III. WRITING (30 points) Your name is Dan. Write a letter to your pen friend Tom, inviting him to come on holiday with you. Tell him about travelling arrangements, accommodation, places to visit, things to do. Do not include the senders address (about 150 words).

NOT: Timpul de lucru 3 ore. Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Rspunsurile se scriu pe foaia de concurs. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.

30 p 2,0 p 2,0 p 2,0 p 2,0 p 2,0 p 2,0 p 4,5 p PART I. READING a) Because of the (sudden and mysterious) appearance of circle crops: b) Director of investigations (of the Yorkshire UFO Society) c) Gloucester and Bristol d) The appearance of large orange bulbs of light in the sky e) 1270 f) Misperceptions a) (The peoples reaction towards the appearance of circles in the crops) was to start talking of alien intervention 4,5 p b) (The scientific explanation concerning the circles in the crops) was that they are a natural phenomenon. 4,5 p c) (Tony Dodds opinion about the scientific explanations) is that they do not explain the orange bulbs of light in the sky and the strange craft hovering over the fields. 4,5 p d) (People who have seen a UFO say) that seeing is believing.

NOT: Orice variant de rspuns correct din punct de vedere al coninutului i al limbii folosite va fi luat n considerare.

30 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 1,5 p 30 p 4,0 p 4,0 p 4,0 p 0,5 p 1,0 p 0,5 p 0,5 p 2,5 p 2,5 p 8,0 p 1,0 p 0,5 p 0,5 p 0,5 p 10 p

PART II. ENGLISH IN USE (1) finish (2) am working (3) took (4) was not looking (5) have not made (6) has been raining (7) have not cleaned / have not been cleaning (8) have forgotten (9) am going / will go / am going to go / am to go (10) Does ..belong 1) which / that 2) in 3) so 4) to 5) who / that 6) on 7) of 8) till / until 9) later / after / afterwards 10) who / that PART III. WRITING ndeplinirea n ntregime i n mod competent a subiectului Capacitatea de a exprima idei n mod competent i original Ilustrarea prin puncte de vedere faptice Organizarea ideilor are o secvenialitate logic Ideile sunt prezentate n mod clar Folosete o varietate de cuvinte de legtur Folosete construcia la nivel de paragraf Alegerea/folosirea vocabularului este conform cu subiectul tratat Varietate mare n ceea ce privete genul de cuvinte folosite Folosirea corect a structurilor gramaticale, conforme cerinei (mai mult de dou greeli se penalizeaz cu 0,5 p fiecare) Ortografia Punctuaia Scrierea cu liter mare Aezarea n pagin OFICIU

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