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Dr. Mahmoud Bakr

School Of Dentistry and Oral health Griffith University Member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Australian Biology Institute Inc. (ABI), and the Egyptian Dental Union (EDU).

Dentin forms the main bulk of the tooth In crown it is covered by enamel In root it is covered by cementum

How To Study The Histological Structures Of Dentin

Ground section (inorganic part) Decalcified section (Organic part)

Histological Structure Of Dentin

Dentinal tubules Dentin

Predentin Odontoblasts

Odontoblasts And Dentinal Tubules

Mantle D DEJ Odontoblastic process Periodontoblastic space Peritubular dentin Intertubular dentin


Circumpulpal D


Course of D.Ts.( Ground section)

At the cusp tip or (incisal edge) At cervical area Secondary curvatures Mid portion of root and apically Straight Straight

S shape

Secondary curvatures

Dentinal Tubules (decalcified section)

Odontoblasts Dentin Predentin Terminal branches

Sec. curvatures

T.S. In Dentinal Tubules

Odontoblastic process (Tomes fiber)

Periodontobl astic space

Ground section Scanning microscope

Peri-tubular Dentin Decalcified section

Incremental Lines Of Dentin

Incremental lines of von Ebner
Neonatal line

Contour line of Owen

Interglobular Dentin

Interglobular Dentin spaces

Tomes Granular Layer

Tomes granular layer


Types Of Dentin

Types Of Dentin
Mantle dentin Dentin Predentin
Odonto blasts

Sec. Ir D

Sec. RD

Circumpulpal dentin Primary dentin Predentin

Secondary dentin

Age Changes Of Dentin

Regular secondary dentin (Mild stimulus)
The dentinal tubules have more wavy course. Fewer dentinal tubules. Dark line of demarcation.


1ry dentin

Irregular Secondary Dentin (Reparative

or tertiary dentin)

Irregular D T

Transparent (Sclerotic Dentin)

Transparent D

Trasparent D

Types Of Reparative Dentin

Osteodentin (entrapped cells).

Atubular dentin ( area without dentinal tubules)

Vasodentin (entrapped b.v.)

Dead Tracts

Dead Tract

Sclerotic Dentin

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