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Fluid Mechanics Lab


Calibration of Pressure Gauge Apparatus Objectives: Calibration of a Bourdon Gauge type. Investigation of the encountered errors, evaluation of the maximum degree of uncertainty. Introduction: The most common type of pressure gauge used as an industrial instrument uses a Bourdon tube as the sensing element. Named after its inventor Eugene Bourdon (1808 -1884), it consists of a curved tube of elliptical cross section which is closed at one end. When pressure is applied at the open end of the tube the tube cross section tries to become circular which causes the tube to straighten slightly. This change of shape is used as a measure of the pressure by clamping the open end to the pressure gauge casing and allowing the subsequent movement of the free end of the tube to be transmitted by a mechanical linkage to move a pointer over a scale. The movement of the pointer is dependent on the mechanism and the elastic properties of the Bourdon tube. Although it is possible to stress analysis of Bourdon tubes to determine the deflection produced by an applied internal pressure the accuracy of such an analysis would be insufficient due to .departure- from the theoretical loading model and uncertainties in material properties. The normal industrial practice is therefore to calibrate pressure gauges by applying known pressures to the gauge. Pressure sources for calibrating pressure gauges are derived using fundamental principles, the standard method being to use calibrated weights acting on a piston of accurately - known dimensions.

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Theoretical Background Main Idea: When the piston is in equilibrium the total mass of the piston and weights is exactly balanced by the fluid pressure acting on the face area of the piston. Pressure (P) = Force (F) / Area of piston face (A) Data at manufacturing time with allowable accuracy. (Check before use) Piston area = 315mm2 Piston diam. (d) = 20.027mm Other information: 0.5 bar weight = 493 2gm I bar weight = 986 4gms Hence for pressure of 1 Bar (= 105 N/m2)on the piston, N/m Force = 105 *(2.0027) 10-4 = 20.027 Newtons. Hence mass required to give a piston pressure of 0.5 bar is 493.4 gms Error Analysis. The Relative Error in the calibration is given by: Relative Error = (Gauge Reading pressure - Calibration Pressure)/ Calibration Pressure The maximum degree of uncertainty : Acceptable Accuracy for such calibration is 0.5%. The possible sources of error in the calibration are: a) The area of the face of the piston: The error, ea can be reduced by measuring the diameter of the piston with micrometer with a known degree of uncertainty. b) The weight of the masses, these errors can be reduced to a minimum by careful weighing of the piston and weighing platform and of each of the two weights by using a balance of known degree of uncertainty. c) The Temperature. There will be an error introduced if the apparatus is used at a different temperature than the temperature at which the piston diameter was measured. This error could be eliminated by measurement of these two temperatures and correction of the result for any resultant expansion.

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Apparatuses: The Bourdon gauge shown in Figure 1.1 has a transparent dial through which the construction may be viewed. It consists essentially of a thin-walled tube of oval cross section, which is bent to the circular arc encompassing about 270 degrees. It is rigidly held at one end, where the pressure is admitted. The other end is free to move and is sealed. When pressure is applied, the tube tends to straighten, so that the free end moves slightly. This movement operates a mechanism, which drives a pointer round the graduated dial, the movement of the pointer being proportional to the applied pressure. The construction of the dead weight tester is also shown in Figure 1.1. A cylindrical piston, free to move vertically in a closely fitting cylinder, is loaded with known weights. The space below the piston is filled with water, and the pressure is transmitted by the water to the gauge under test through a transparent hose. The pressure generated by the piston is easily found in terms of the total weight supported and the cross-sectional area of the piston.

Note: Given info is provided for the Pressure guage instruments with H314 Hydrostatics and Properties of Fluids instrument.

Procedure: 1. The weight of the piston and its cross-sectional area should be noted. 2. The piston is removed and water is poured into the cylinder until is full to the overflow level. 3. Clear any air trapped in the tube by tilting and gently tapping the apparatus. 4. The piston is then replaced in the cylinder and allowed to settle.
3 Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

5. A spirit level placed on the platform at the top of the piston may be used to ensure that the cylinder stand quite vertically. 6. Weights are now added in convenient increments, and at each increment the pressure gauge readingis observed (Loading). 7. A similar set of result is then taken with decreasing weights (Unloading). 8. To guard against the piston sticking in the cylinder, it is advisable to rotate the piston gently while the pressure gauge is being used. 9. Repeat any inaccurate results using table if necessary. 10. Please submit tables 3-1 and 3-2 before leaving. 11. Make the necessary processing, analysis, comments and drawings as home work and submit your report in the next lab class. 12. Plot the graph of gauge reading (kN/m2) versus true pressure (kN/m2). 13. Plot the graph of gauge error (kN/m2) versus true pressure (kN/m2)

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Given Specifications of H3a

Table 1 : H3a TecQuipment

Mass Added to the Piston kg 1= Piston 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 Total Mass on Piston M kg 1 2 3 4 4 4.5 5 5.2 Actual Pressure p (kN/m) Gauge Reading (kN/m) Increasing Pressure Guage Relative Error Error (kN/m) % Decreasing Pressure Gauge Relative Error of Error Error Full Scale (kN/m) % %

Error of Full Scale %

Gauge Reading (kN/m)

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Specifications of H314 Weight of Piston = 1 kg = 9.81 N Cross-sectional area = 333 mm2 =0.333 10-3 m2

Table 1: H314 TecQuipment

Mass Added to the Piston kg 1= Piston 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 Total Mass on Piston M kg 1 2 3 4 4 4.5 5 5.2 Actual Pressure p (kN/m) Gauge Reading (kN/m) Increasing Pressure Guage Relative Error Error (kN/m) % Decreasing Pressure Gauge Relative Error of Error Error Full Scale (kN/m) % %

Error of Full Scale %

Gauge Reading (kN/m)

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

EXPERIMENT No. 2- CALIBRATION OF PRESSURE GAUGE Group # ________________________ Date : _________________ Students Name Students ID

Table 2 : H3a TecQuipment

Mass Added to the Piston kg 1= Piston 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 Total Mass on Piston M kg 1 2 3 4 4 4.5 5 5.2 Actual Pressure p (kN/m) Gauge Reading (kN/m) Increasing Pressure Guage Relative Error Error (kN/m) % Decreasing Pressure Gauge Relative Error of Error Error Full Scale (kN/m) % %

Error of Full Scale %

Gauge Reading (kN/m)

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

Fluid Mechanics Lab

EXPERIMENT No. 2- CALIBRATION OF PRESSURE GAUGE Group # ________________________ Date: _________________ Students Name Students ID

Table 2 : H314 TecQuipment

Mass Added to the Piston kg 1= Piston 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 Total Mass on Piston M kg 1 2 3 4 4 4.5 5 5.2 Actual Pressure p (kN/m) Gauge Reading (kN/m) Increasing Pressure Guage Relative Error Error (kN/m) % Decreasing Pressure Gauge Relative Error of Error Error Full Scale (kN/m) % %

Error of Full Scale %

Gauge Reading (kN/m)

Ms. Mona Bkheet Lecturer

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