Minutes July 2009

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Meeting Minutes


July 21, 2009

Attendees: Deborah Mansour, Dave Cowan, Ed Purrenhage, Vern Lister, Liz Campbell, Don Madro,
Kathy Bartolf,

Absent: Jonathan Shamass

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Deborah Mansour

The June minutes were prepared by Kathy Bartolf and reviewed by the Board of Directors. Liz Campbell
motioned to accept the minutes, Don Madro seconded. All were in favor.

The treasurer’s report was prepared by Nancy Perazza from General Bookkeeping. The report was
reviewed by the Board Members. Don Madro motioned to accept the treasurer’s report, Dave Cowan

The first item up for business was reviewing Steve Sowell’s Monthly Status Report, and the Co-Owner
Assessment Balance Sheet. The board of Directors instructed the secretary to contact Steve concerning
the balances due in files #7 and #9.

The second item up for business was discussing the success of the Rummage Sale on July 10th and 11th.
There was a profit of $980.00 and a generous donation of $200.00 from Mr. Schnieder following the
Board meeting. The secretary was instructed to send Mr. Schnieder a thank you card. There was a vote on
a resolution to match the funds with PV moneys. All were in favor, none opposed. Carol Dell will price
out furniture for the pool area this fall and report back to the Board.

The third item up for business was a vote to allow the Jefferson Building residents to construct a cement
seating area. This will be paid for voluntarily by the co-owners who reside in the north end of the
building. All were in favor, none opposed.

The forth item up for business was reviewing the plans for the family BBQ on Saturday July 25th from
12:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Enough hot dogs, chips and punch will be purchased to cover approximately one
hundred co-owners.

The fifth item up for business was discussing the skunk situation. Board Members reported that the babies
accidentally drowned. A work order will be done for Dave Adams to fill the hole with dirt. If any other
co-owners call in concerning pests, they need to state where the animal was seen, and Dave will set traps
and humanely dispose of the animal.

The sixth item up for business was considering Carol Dell’s request to have two new flags purchased for
PV. The ones we currently have are in very bad shape, and will be turned over to either the Boy Scouts or
the local VFW hall for proper disposal. Dave Adams volunteered to check and see where we could
purchase new flags. Dave Cowan also mentioned he would contact senators and see if two flags could be
donated to the association.

The seventh item up for business was the discussion on having all maintenance jobs over $500.00 brought
before the Board of Directors for a vote. All were in agreement. Dave Cowan has been taking bids for the
larger projects that need to be done around PV.
The eighth item up for business was reviewing the complain letter submitted by Ms. Somoskey in unit
#232. Her neighbors have been spraying strong air fresheners in the common area, and Ms. Somoskey has
breathing problems which are increasingly getting worse because of the situation. Deborah Mansour said
she will personally talk to the co-owners or send a letter to all parties involved.

Summer Special Meeting / PVCA Gas Company / Ballot – A meeting for all co-owners concerning the
gas company situation will take place this October. Many decisions will have to be made. Do we stay
with EBS, or try and find another company to monitor the gas? Or will co-owners vote to go back to the
former was of paying their heating bills thru their association dues? It will take approximately six weeks
to have all the paperwork and ballots ready. Each co-owner will be well informed on the decision they
have to make prior to the meeting.

40th Annual Meeting / Hall – A decision was made to have next year’s annual meeting located closer to
Presidents Village. The secretary was instructed to contact Cranks, Royalty House, and Bravo Hall for
banquet prices. The meeting time will be from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM, either Saturday May 1st or May

Blu Skys Lawncare Proposal – The Board requested that Chad submit a new proposal. Overseeding does
not need to be done until next spring, and vegetation kill needs to be applied only once every other month.
All were in favor, none opposed.

Mr. Thompson (unit #480). The Board reviewed Mr. Thompson’s request to allow his trailer to stay on PV
ground. A vote was cast. All were anonymously opposed to waive the by-laws to let this one trailer stay.
Another Board member suggest Mr. Thompson park his trailer in one of the storage facilities offered in
Warren. The office administrator will contact Mr. Thomson with the results of the Board’s decision.

Water – Report was included in each member’s file.

Natural Gas – No report.

Rules: No report

Pool: No issues to report at this time.

Arbor: Trees were treated on July 1st to prevent diseases.

Deborah Mansour adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 18, 2009

Kathy Batrolf, Secretary to the Presidents Village Board of Directors.

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