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Chapter 2: The Modern State

1. What are the characteristics of the modern state (country)? a) Territory-an area with clearly defined borders to which the state lays claim. b) External and Internal sovereignty- a state must be able to defend its territory and must not be overly dependt on the resources or decisions of other powers. Internal sovereignty is to be the sole authority within a territory capable of making and enforcing laws and policies. c) Legitimacy- the recognized right to rule. This right as atleast two sides: the claims that states and others make about why they have a right to rule, and the empirical fact of whether their populations accept or at least tolerate this claimed right Traditional Legitmacy-is the right to rule based on a society's long-standing patterns and practices Charismatic Legitmacy-is the right to rule based on personal value, heroism, sanctity or other extraordinary characteristics. d) Bureaucracy-like legitmacy, it enhanceds sovereignty. A bureaucracy that effciently carries out laws, collects taces, and expends revenus as directed by the central authorities gives the state greater power than it would have otherwise. 2. Why do you think that diplomatic recognition by other states is important? Diplomatic recognition by other states is important because it promotes a better and more efficent state. With diplomatic recogintion, external sovereignty can be adopted and help to build a more secure state, strengthening the state's ties with others and therefor securing allies. 3. What are the historical origins associated with the rise of modern states? Modern State in Europe Permodern State Outside Europe The Export of the Modern State 4. Read Perry/Boswell, Born in Blood. What country was born? Why do the authors write that it was born in blood? Countries that were born were K and Juba. The authors wrote that it was "born in blood" because over two million people were killed out of the rise of these countries. 5. Read A new country rises from the ruins. How does the information contained in this article compare with Born in Blood? The similarties are how both countries were built upon destruction, death, and dehonesty. Lives were lost in order to gain power.

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