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Activity 2: The History of English in 10 Minutes. How has the English language evolved?

Watch the video The History of English in 10 Minutes again and complete the questionaire which follows. Your answers will be socialized in class... Here it goes!

1. Who led the Norman invasion into England? At that time, who spoke French? Who spoke Latin? Who spoke English? 2. How many words did the English absorb from the Normans? 3. How many words and phrases are said to have been incorporated or "invented" by Shakespeare? 4. When was The Authorized or King James translation of the Bible printed? Why was this translation important? 5. Why did so many words have to be invented during the 17th century? 6. Where does the word BARBICUE come from? How about BOOMERANG and YOGA? 7. How many entries did the First Dictionary of the English Language contain? 8. When did the first Oxford English Dictionary appear? 9. Which aspects of the American culture have contributed largely to the spread of English throughout the wrorld? 10. When was the first e-mail sent? Where from? 11. When did the Internet start? 12. What do the abbreviations IMHO, BTW, LOL and FAQ mean? 13. Can native speakers claim the ownership of Global English? Why? Why not? 14. Approximately, what percentage of the world population is able to (at least) ask for directions to a swimming-pool in English?

Activity 3: Make your own poster! Choose only one of the ten chapters presented in the video and design a poster showing the most important information. Use Paint, Power Point, Glogster or Wordle to create your poster. Dont forget to take your printed poster to our next class!!

Activity 4: The Difference between The United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained. Do you know what is what, and which is which? Follow the link, watch the video carefully and solve the quiz. If you find it very difficult to understand, you can activate the sub-titles. Then check how many point you scored.

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