Lesson 4

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Class: Stage 2

Date: 4.11.13

Rationale: Students have been developing an understanding of life cycles, and this will allow students to grow that understanding further by seeing it in the natural environment. Outcomes/Indicators: ST2-10LW Describes that living things have life cycles, can be distinguished from non-living things and grouped, based on their observable features ST20-11LW describes ways that science knowledge helps people understand the effect of their actions on the environment and on the survival of living things - observe first-hand one animal or plant as it grows and develops, and sequence the stages in its life cycle - identify ways that the environment can affect the life cycle of plants and animals LT S2.3 Identifies and describes the structure and function of living things and ways in which living things interact with other living things and their environment - Observes and reports on a local environment, describing how plants and animals rely on each other. - Draws and labels a plan to refine ideas for making a diorama to make a food chain/web within a particular environment - Identifies a life cycle of an animal (e.g. Mosquito, Dragonfly) - Discusses the impact on water pollution on plants and animals EN2-1A Communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts Context: Materials/Resources: Students are going on an excursion to - Transport to Bicentennial Park (bus) Bicentennial Park to look at life cycles in - Children bring recess and lunch the environments around them (as well - Clipboards as get a glimpse into food chains and - Paper and pens mini-worlds as part of the excursion) (Cost is $10.90 per student, paid beforehand with permission slips) Experience: - Students will participate on an excursion to Bicentennial Park. On the way to the park, teachers will encourage discussion on what they have learnt about life cycles previously and discuss what they may learn during the excursion - Students will participate in both Cycles of Our World and Mini-Worlds activities, including exploring the wetlands and dry environments, studying the life cycle of a mangrove tree, looking and insects which rely on water as part of their life cycle and more. (information at http://www.sydneyolympicpark.com.au/education_and_learning/ primary_school_programs/stage_2/stage_2-_science_and_technology) - Students will have question sheets provided by the tour guides to fill in, as well as extra paper to write or draw on - On the way back from the excursion and for 10 minutes in the classroom back at school, students will discuss as a group what they learnt through the experience about life cycles and whether it was different to what they had previously thought. Support: Extend: - Allow some students to draw pictures - If there are group situations, allow some or write dot points, rather than full students to be group leaders, to encourage them

Time: 9:30KLA: Science/English 11:30am (not including travel time) Objectives: - For students to visit Bicentennial Park, explore the life cycle of a mangrove tree and look into how insects rely on water as part of their life cycle.

sentences in their answers to step up and help their classmates Evaluation: - Were students able to gain a greater knowledge of life cycles? - Can they remember the life cycle of a mangrove tree? Or an insect such as a mosquito or dragonfly? - Do they understand that some life cycles need particular climates or conditions (such as the mosquito needing water)?

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