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Wh- Questions

A Friendly Visit
(Turn on your speakers or headphones) By Carlos Surez English Tutor Complejo Tecnolgico Minero Agroempresarial

A Friendly Visit 1
Oh, theyre Dad, I think Be kind, son. I dont know. Why are Who are human we have Their brains arent their heads so small? they? beings. visitors. very big.

A Friendly Visit 2
Our spaceship broke Greetings from Welcome to our down. are Earth. WhatWhere is planet. we? your language? Would you like some iced tea?

You are very far Our language is Why are home. you from here? . But I want to practice my English.

Wh- questions ask for information. They cannot be answered with a yes or no. Where are you from? We are from Yes. Earth.

Singular and Plural

Use is for singular subjects and are for plural subjects.

Where is your spaceship?


What are your plans?

Who asks about people.

Who are you?


Who is your leader?

What asks about things.



What is your language?


What are your names?

Where asks about places.

Where is your spaceship?

Where are we?

Why asks for a reason.

Why are you here?

Why are their heads so small?

Practice 1

Read the answers and ask wh-questions.

Why Where Who are they is he they? happy? from? What isare his hobby?

His hobby is soccer. Because Theyre they landed aliens. on the moon. From The United States.

We often use contractions for wh- questions with is in speaking and informal writing.

Where is the mustard? Wheres

Whats What is on TV?

We usually give short answers to whquestions. We can give long answers too.
Why is your skin green?
short long answer

My skin is Igreen Because eat a lot because I eat a of broccoli. lot of broccoli.

Practice 2
Example: Who is he? 1. spaceship

Use the clues to ask and answer wh- questions.

He is a doctor. 2. firefighter

Where is she? She is in a spaceship.

Who is he? He is a fire fighter.

3. alien
What is he? He is an alien. doctor

4. he sees a spaceship
Why is he scared? He sees a spaceship.

Recuerda practicar la pronunciacin repitiendo despus de cada frase. Revisa de nuevo esta presentacin y practica speaking.
Good luck!!

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