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Lesson Plan: Earthquakes Unit

Date: 28th October 2013 Unit: Science Level: 5/ 6 Time: 12.20 to 1.20pm Lesson: 5

(Learning Statements that this lesson is building towards) Australian Curriculum: ACSSU096 Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earths Surfaces Elaboration Investigating major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in Australia, the Asia region and throughout the world Recognising earthquakes can causes tsunamis

Lesson Objectives:
(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson) Review their understanding of the Richter and Modified Mercalli scales Explain that seismologists use scientific instruments to observe, measure and record earthquake activity Explain that a seismologist is a scientist who studies earthquakes Use talk to describe the Richter and Modified Mercalli scales Contribute to a class discussion about how scientists study and record information about earthquakes Discuss and describe what the seismogram tells us about earthquake magnitude

Students Prior Knowledge:

Have been introduced to the Richter Scale and Modified Mercalli Scale Knowledgeable of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis

Science Word Walls 4 small table 4 felt-tip pen 4 x 30cm ruler 21 length of paper

Lesson Structure
12.20 to 12.25pm

Introduction & Motivation:

Teaching Approaches & Resources

So you want to be a seismologist? After literacy rotations I will invite the Year 5/6 to sit on our side of the room. Once the students are seated on our side of the room I will play a quick game of hangman. This game of hangman will introduce the name of the lesson. I will highlight due to their enthusiasm last lesson they have become scientists like myself. I will give them a certificate/ pencil/ glasses/ badge to congratulate them on their achievement. Followed by this I will ask my fellow scientists, Q: What are the 2 scales we use to measure earthquakes? 1. Richter Scale 2. Modified Mercalli Scale Q: Can you tell me anything you remember? Modified Mercalli Scale

Earthquake hits Newcastle Question Placemat

Instrumental Feeble Slight Moderate Rather Strong Strong Very Strong Destructive Ruinous Disastrous Very disastrous Catastrophic

Richter Scale

Micro Very minor Minor Light Moderate Strong Major Great Rarely Meteoric

After discussing these scales as a class I will explain that today in class that they will investigate how scientists study and record earthquakes.
Time 12.32pm to 12.45pm Main Content: Teaching Approaches & Resources

I will ask the students, Q: What do you think a scientist who investigates earthquakes is called? We will look at the definition of

SEISMOLOGIST: SEISMOLOGY: And these words will be added to the earthquake word wall on the side of the classroom. I will explain to the students that the key tool of a seismologist is the seismometer. I will invite 3 students up the front of the classroom to demonstrate a simple model of a seismometer for the class.
12.45pm to 1.10pm

Desk Pen Ruler Sheet of Paper

Ask one students to hold the pen and ruler in position Ask the second students to gently and steadily pull the paper across the table Ask the third students to shake the table from side to side, gently at first, and then more strongly

I will thank the students for contributing and ask them to sit back down.

I will hold up the sheet of paper and show the students the seismogram and demonstrate how a gentle earthquake produces small waves and a strong earthquake produces larger waves. I will explain that in todays lesson they will be working in groups to make a model of a seismometer. I will highlight in their group their will be one ruler, 1 sheet or paper and 1 pen. I will highlight that they will have ___ minutes to create their own (time depending on the beginning of the lesson). I will then explain that they will observe their seismogram and in their science books they will write a write a paragraph (6 lines). I will explain that they will be writing a description highlighting weaker and stronger points. They will write how this experiment could be improved. I will instruct the students to form groups of 4 to complete this task, and highlight that they need to be sensible as no body should be injured and that a demonstration has already been given. Students begin work, I will walk around and observe Desks Pen x 4 Ruler x 4 Sheet of paper x 21 (Just in case there is a lot of time) Science Book Instruction card Pencil x 21

Differentiation of Learning
D**** may work with Miss Frost and J****

Support and/or Extension Activities

To cater for D**** I will let him work with people he chooses too (Miss Frost included)



Teaching Approaches & Resources Science Book Seismograph

1.10 to Reflection 1.20pm At 1.05 I will ask the students to gather and come in sit on the floor with one persons science book and their seismograph. I will ask each group to come forward and show their seismograph and read their description. Each group will share their work, and we will discuss any common occurrences. I will invite the students to get their lunch and come and sit at their desks quietly and eat.

Assessment of Learning:
(List all assessment and state if it is formative or summative) Observation Identifying the key words the students are specifying.

Safety Considerations:
Desks Movement (Safety procedures have been highlighted)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How I felt my fifth lesson on Science went? What aspects did I like and why? What aspects didnt I like and why? Where my objects met? Are the students knowledgeable on measuring earthquakes? How did the students work in groups? Were the students sensible with their desks? Were the students engaged and on task at all times? Overall, how did the lesson go? How were my confidence levels?

Comments from Teacher:

Equipment needed before you start: 1. Science book 2. Pencil 3. Paper 4. Pen 5. Ruler

Title: So you want to be a seismologist?

Description of seismometer - Write 6 lines outlining key words for example, weak, strong

How could it be improved? - Did you encounter any problems whilst completing the experiment

Equipment needed before you start: 1. Science book 2. Pencil 3. Paper 4. Pen 5. Ruler

Title: So you want to be a seismologist?

Description of seismometer - Write 6 lines outlining key words for example, weak, strong

How could it be improved?

- Did you encounter any problems whilst completing the experiment

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