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Candidate: Carrie Houston Assessor: Robin Gleason Cooperating Teacher: Bronwyn Phillips School: Ben Franklin Elementary - Franklin Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, Diagnosis
WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,7 DISP: Respect) Plans instruction appropriate to students stages of development and learning styles. Plan includes a motivating opening. Activities and materials are well chosen. Plan reflects use of an effective theoretical model, such as Holdaway, Cambourne, Vygotsky, etc. Plan encourages student progress and engagement. Plan includes adaptations for students with specific needs and learning styles. Questions are planned in advance. A meaningful closure concludes planning process.

Check One: 1stObservation __X Date: 3/27/12

2nd Observation __

Number of Students: 18 Grade: K Subject(s): Reading (Literacy Block)

Evidence (Candidate)

Your plan considered the range of reading development of the children in your classroom. Your plan focused clearly on an appropriate learning objective. The planned assessment, introduction procedures, closure, and materials all clearly tied to the objective and reflected an effective theoretical model. In your plan, you included methods to engage the students through partner pair/shares at appropriate times throughout the lesson. Your plan included specific questions all focused on the learning objective. You worked hard on this lesson plan, Carrie. Through your multiple revisions, you created a solid plan that incorporated information from the required school district literacy program and your learning from your Alverno coursework. Your plan focused on a strategy for teaching the children how to learn unknown vocabulary words as well as on learning the meanings of two specific vocabulary words.





Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 708 0210 ED

School: Ben Franklin Elementary - Franklin

Grade: K

Subject(s): Reading (Literacy Block)

Classroom Environment

(AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,6 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication)

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You established a comfortable and respectful learning environment. You called on the children by name and used a soft, but confident teaching voice. You set expectations for the thinking by modeling your own before you asked the children to engage in the thinking. You then engaged all of the children in the thinking through the partner pair/shares, and honored each childs response as you invited certain children to share his/her thinking with the rest of the class. At times, you asked the children to share the thinking of his/her partner. A nice strategy. You recognized when you had not given specific directions for working with their partners at the beginning of your lesson and quickly called the attention of the group to set the expectations. Nice work! You also gained the attention of the class easily when calling them back from their pair/shares by using a technique from your CT, saying, Class, Class. This was very effective. You set the expectations for their learning in the vocabulary centered tied to your lesson by explaining your thinking on your completed thinking sheet. You then transitioned the children smoothly from your lesson to their centers by dismissing the children by groups using the center board as a visual. You then went to the vocabulary center, where you interacted with the children to make sure that they understood what they needed to do and provided them with additional support, if needed. The materials you used and the assessment thinking sheet were well chosen, prepared, and appropriately used to maintain student engagement throughout the lesson.

Offers explicit praise to students. Teachers and students connect to one another by smiling, sharing and helping. Respects each child as an individual. Supports students as they work independently and collaboratively. Manages transitions efficiently. Effectively uses resources and curriculum materials to develop the ideas being taught. Manages student attention by engaging them productively in learning experiences. Clearly communicates expectations and procedures for behavior and assignments.





Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 708 0210 ED

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,4,5,6,7,10 DISP: Respect, Communication) Demonstrates knowledge of content throughout delivery. Presents content in developmentally appropriate ways. Consistently demonstrates enthusiasm. Models and supports active listening, discussion and thoughtful responses in reading, writing & speaking. Challenges and supports student thinking by using: o different types of explanations o various levels of questioning and discussion techniques-Blooms Taxonomy o techniques that repeat and/or extend student responses o a variety of modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) Focuses student attention on lesson objectives. Actively engages students in meaningful learning and keeps them on task. Adapts plans as needed. Varies role in instructional process (instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to content, purposes of instruction and needs of learners. (Holdaway Model, etc.) Is respectful of cultural and gender differences. Relates learning to students previous learning and/or to students personal experiences.
____Inadequate ____Emerging __X__Proficient ____Distinctive

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You clearly taught to your lesson objective. You did a nice job of stating the lesson objective and modeling your own thinking of how making T-S connections helps you to understand the meaning of unknown words. You provided opportunities for the children to share their thinking, and adjusted your teaching based on the responses of the children. For instance, at one point, you asked a generic question, What does that remind you of? You noticed that the children were a bit confused, so you asked a question that was more specific to the text. Nice adjustment! You also noticed that at one point you forgot to ask the children to tell you what they noticed you doing after your initial think aloud. You easily inserted this question later on in your lesson to highlight the thinking that you and the children did to make meaning of the vocabulary word. You also adjusted when a child gave an example of invisible instead of visible. You honored his response, and refocused the group on learning the meaning of visible. You varied your role through the lesson, starting with instructor, and then transitioning to facilitator/coach to audience. Your whole lesson was focused on relating the learning of these vocabulary words to their own personal lives through making text-self connections. You also set this lesson in the context of their prior learning of making T-S connections and determining if a book is fiction or non-fiction. One suggestion I do have to make your teaching even stronger is to ask the children to explain their thinking to you provide evidence. This allows you to get a better idea of the process they are using to make those connections.

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

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Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,7,8,9 DISP: Reflection) Provides feedback to learners (oral and/or written). Focuses the students attention on the process of learning rather than just getting the correct answer or finishing an activity. Assessment relates directly to objectives. Students self assess (oral and/or written). Assessment was well chosen for lesson content. Uses information from lesson and assessment in planning of future lessons. Reflects on own performance in relation to student learning and WI teacher standards.

Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You provided verbal feedback to the students throughout the lesson. You had planned to assess through taking anecdotal notes during the participation part of your lesson on preselected students. While you did not do this WHILE teaching, you planned to jot down your observations after you were finished. You also planned to use the childrens responses on their thinking sheets as another assessment. This was appropriate to this lesson. Having the children explain their T-S connections to you (and you jotting down what they say) would provide you with even more information about how well the children understand the process of making T-S connections (the strategy you were teaching) as well as their understanding of the meaning of the selected vocabulary words. One of the best parts of your lesson was the monitoring/assessing of student understanding during the participation part when you noticed that the children needed more support and adjusted accordingly. Nice job. I encourage you to continue to grow in your ability to self-assess your teaching based on student performance and the theory.





Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 708 0210 ED

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,6,7,9,10 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication) Demonstrates professionalism through timely completion of work for Classroom ____ Seminar ____ Demonstrates professionalism through regular attendance, arriving on time. School ____ Seminar ____ Relates professionally and effectively with students, cooperating teacher____, staff____, and supervisor ____ (including initiating conversation, and problem solving). (Social Interaction at Level 4) Completes self -assessments, reflecting on planning and implementing of lessons. Is willing to give and receive help. Demonstrates Effective Citizenship by attending a school/parent event and completing an accompanying log. Actively participates in seminar by offering ideas, sharing materials and supporting peers. (Social Interaction at Level 4)
____Inadequate ____Emerging __X__Proficient ____Distinctive

Evidence (Candidate)
You complete your logs with quality and on time. You submitted your second lesson in plenty of time to receive feedback and revise multiple times. You have a great attitude about the value of feedback to improve your practice. You actively participate in seminar by offering positive feedback and suggestions to your colleagues and you listen to and learn from their suggestions as well. You also relate professionally to your CT, the students in your classroom and your supervisor. You seek out help/support when needed and work well with your CT to arrange your schedule to meet the requirements of this field.

Additional Comments: Carrie, this was a solid literacy lesson. Youve learned the importance of careful preparation based on theory in teaching effective literacy lessons. You are working hard at applying what you are learning in ED 225 to your own practice in this field. Continue to develop your ability to analyze your teaching in relation to student performance and the theory. Nice work!

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate ____Emerging ____Proficient ____Distinctive

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.
ED FORM 708 0210 ED

Copyright 2010. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

ED FORM 708 0210 ED

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