Alverno Teacher Eval Preprofessional Field Experiences For Carrie1

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PREPROFESSIONAL FIELD EXPERIENCES for Carrie Houston Evaluation by Cooperating Teacher

Directions: To provide feedback on the candidates performance, please circle the appropriate number on the Likert Scale at the right of each category below using the following descriptors: 1= Inadequate; 2 = Emerging; 3 = Proficient; 4 = Distinctive. IN ADDITION, for each category, please comment on the candidates strengths or areas in which s/he can improve. When possible, please provide specific examples or comments to support your view.

1. Conducts self in a professional manner (e.g., attendance, preparation, respect). 1 2 3 4 (Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Communication) Carrie arrived in a timely manner. She was quick to reschedule her time on the two or three occasions that she was unable to make it. She was very prepared for her lessons and willing to work with the students on anything I asked her to help with. She even brought in her own books to do confidence reading with some students. She was quick to jump in and help with everything. She offered to bring things home to work on them for me. 2. Encourages development of a positive self-image in learners (e.g., gets to know students, 1 2 3 4 positive interactions with students). (Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration) Carrie got to know the students. They were always very excited to see her and would run to give her hugs when they saw her on the playground. When students needed redirection, she spoke to them with an appropriate tone and respectfully reminded them about her expectations. She expressed her gratitude towards the students after working with them and gave them positive reinforcement. She did a very good job of fitting in and being a part of our classroom. 3. Interacts effectively with students, colleagues, administrators, parents. 1 2 3 4 (Dispositions: Respect, Collaboration, Communication) Carrie built a rapport with the students in my class. They often asked when she would be back to work with them. She took the time to get to know them in a professional way. Carrie was interested in observing the students in other settings so she went with them to music class and offered her assistance to the music teacher. Carrie was very open to working with small groups of students during math centers. When she arrived, I would explain what I would like her to do with the students and then when math started she was able to lead small groups of rotating students through a math activity. It was very easy for me to communicate with Carrie about lessons and schedules through email. (There were not any opportunities for parent or admistrator interactions.) 4. Demonstrates effective pre-professional teaching skills. (e.g., planning, implementing 1 2 3 4 lesson) (Dispositions: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication) Carrie was helping with a social studies lesson and took the iniative to come up with a review lesson/ activity to go with it. I thought it was great that she paid attention to what we were doing and wanted to create a lesson that fits with what we were already studying. When we scheduled her reading lesson she wanted to make sure it fit with what we were doing. We looked at the reading pacing and she used the available materials to help her plan the lesson. It was obvious that she spent a great deal of time preparing for the 2 lessons that she taught the students. She had all of the materials she needed ready on the days of her lessons. You could tell that she put a great deal of thought into them. She asked me about her lesson ideas ahead of time and then asked for feedback on her written lessons before she taught them. The students were engaged in her lessons. I thought it was great that she did a lesson with both a small group (of 4), for reading, and a large group (of 16), for social studies. She also thought ahead of time about students who may finish things quickly and had something ready for them to think about or do if that happened. 5. Communicates effectively through speaking, writing, and listening (e.g., gives clear directions, listens to students, uses media). (Dispositions: Respect, Communication) 1 2 3 4

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When Carrie presented her social studies lesson, she gave clear directions. She rephrased them to make sure everyone understood. As the students were working through the activity, she walked around the room to answer questions and give assistance if needed. Carrie did not use technology in her lessons but was able to get some experience with using the smartboard. We use the classroom computers and smartboard daily so she was able to see their application in different subjects. Final Comments/Suggestions for Candidate: Carrie was great to work with. Our classroom really appreciated all of her hard work and help. I think it would be a great idea for Carrie to get some more experience working with Smartboards. She is welcome in my classroom anytime. Date: 5/9/11 Grade/Subject: 3rd grade School: Manitoba Candidate Name: Carrie Houston Cooperating Teacher: Sheri Makkos

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