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Name: Widya Saraswati Nim: C0311045 SURVEY THE POPULARITY OF E-SHOP

Online shopping or e-shop is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly
buy goods or services using an internet browser. In this modern era, society needs a simple way to

buy something. Nowadays, online shop is a kind of alternative way for people who dont have a time to shop in a real shop. By a survey was held on March, 22nd 2013 with eight students of English department UNS year 2011 as the respondents. We can know the popularity of online shopping or e-shop between the students. The respondents are the students in average age of 1920 years old. As the result of the survey, all of the students said that they know about e-shop. Furthermore, they know or use online shop for 3 - 6 years. Most of them know about e-shop from a social media or an advertisement. Meanwhile, 50% of respondents said that e-shop is important and the rest said that e-shop is not important. There are various reasons have been revealed by the respondents about the advantages of e-shop. First, e-shop is easy to access in everywhere. In addition, e-shops available 24 hours a day,
and most of respondents have Internet access both at faculty and at home. Second, e-shop is a good

innovation for those who want to build up their shops business. Third, e-shop sells rare things. The last, shopping online is being able to quickly seek out deals for items or services provided by many
different vendors. On the other hand, there are several reasons about the disadvantages of e-shop. First, e-

shop doesnt give guarantee about their stuffs. Thus, sometimes the real items different from the pictures. Second, e-shop is not safe as a real shop. Generally many swindlers make a fake e-shop tricking the people. The last, the respondents prefer to buy in a real shop because they can try or touch the product.

Based on the explanation above ,it proves that e-shop is very popular for students. Meanwhile, some of the students still prefer shopping in a real shop. Furthermore, increased exposure of technology also increases the probability of developing favorable attitudes towards new shopping system.

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