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Screencasting Activity Lauren Sinclair Remind101

Scene 1:

Title Slide Screencasting Lauren Sinclair

Scene 2: Narration:

Introduction Video

Teachers are always trying to find ways to communicate with parents and students. Remind101 is a great tool for teacher/parent/students communication. Remind101 is a one way communication tool teachers use to remind students and parents of upcoming events, test, homework, activities, etc. Remind101 allows teachers to make announcements after students have left for the day. This is a safe way for teachers to text or email students for FREE! Lets get started!

Scene 3: Narration:

Go to This the page were all the magic begins. Life becomes a little bit better from here on out.

Scene 4: Narration:

Create Account

In the center of the page there is a white box for you to sign up. This is where you will fill in the prefix, your name, and choose password. After you have filled in the correct information you will click on Sign up.

Scene 5: Narration:

Get Started

You will then be directed to the Get Started page. If your information i s correct click get started. You will then be asked to create your first class. Type in the class name, then click add.

Scene 6: Narration:

Subscribed to It

The screen you are now looking at is displaying the information you and your students will need to be able to keep in touch. Remember when I say keep in touch I mean you can bother them, but they cant bother you. You will need to text the number that is displayed with the appropriate message. You will not be able to move on if you do not do this.

Scene 7: Narration:

Send Message

After you have sent the text message you will receive a text saying you are now a part of the class. A practice message has already been typed for you to send. If you would like to change the message you can. The message will only go to the people who have already signed up for your class.

Scene 8: Narration:

Edit Class Information

After you have sent the practice message you are taken to what is now your home screen for Remind101. To the left are your classes. To the right are your subscribers. At this point you are probably your only subscriber. The center is where you will send all of your messages from. Under the message area is the history. Every message you ever send will show up here as soon as you send it. It gives you the exact message, date, and time.

Scene 9: Narration:

Add Classes

Now lets add a class. On the left hand side of the screen click on Add a new class. Type in the class name and the code you want this particular class to have. For example, class name Bears1 and the class code is @blue1. The class code must start with a @. Click add when you have created the class name and code. You will then have a cell phone with the directions to subscribing to the class popup. You may share this information with your class or print this page. At the top of the box there is a printer. Click on the printer to print the class name and code.

Scene 10: Narration:

Send Messages to individual class or all classes

After you have added all the class you have, you may want to send each individual class a message or all classes the same message. To send a message to more than one class you will need to type in the class name in the TO section. When you are typing the message to your students keep in mind you only have 140 characters to use in each message. This is the downfall to remind101 for me. You do not have a limited number of messages you can send, but you do have to limit the words in a message.

Scene 11: Narration:

Schedule Messages for Later

Another problem I run into is wanting to send a message at a certain time, but knowing I will not be able to at that time because of prior engagements. Remind101 has a solution for that! You still type the message just like you would if you wanted to send it right away, but instead of clicking send, click schedule. A drop down box will appear and you can then schedule to send the message for whatever date and time you would like.

Scene 12: Narration:


Next, the subscribers. I mentioned earlier the subscribers to the class are located on the right side of the screen. Once you have students signed up in the class you will be able to see each name. The students are able to create their own name when signing up. If you see a name that you want/need to change, for instance you have two Laurens. You have the ability to add in the last name or completely change the name. To do this you will need to click on the students name. A box will appear in the middle of the screen. You have the option edit or remove student from class. To change the name click edit. Once you have made the changes you wanted click save.

Scene 13: Narration:

Remind101 Logo

Last, but not least. If you ever get to a place in Remind101 that you cant find your way back to your main page and feel completely lost, all you have to do is click the Remind101 logo at the top left hand corner of the screen. This will always take you back to your home screen with the message area in the center of the page. Remind101 is one of the best ways to keep parents and students up to date on all activities and events.

Scene 14:


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