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Title: Phytoplankton Lab Background: Approximately 70% of the Earth is covered by oceans varying in color from deep blue

to green. This variation is due to varying populations of tiny aquatic plants called phytoplankton, or algae. Like all plants, phytoplankton uses the pigment chlorophyll to convert sunlight into food. Phytoplankton differs from land-based plants in that they do not have roots, stems, or leaves. Where phytoplankton production is small, such as the Sargasso Sea, the water is deep blue. By contrast, coastal waters rich in phytoplankton are green. Scientists study phytoplankton for many reasons. Apart from bacterial life, phytoplankton is the base of the food chain in the sea. Phytoplankton plays an essential role in the global carbon-cycle. Healthy, productive phytoplankton turn sunlight into organic materials for consumption by higher life forms. Phytoplankton that are starved for nutrients or poisoned by chemicals cannot perform in the same manner. By studying phytoplankton from space, scientists can see where ocean currents provide nutrients for plant growth, where pollutants prevent plant growth, and where subtle changes in the climate (warmer or colder, more saline or less saline) affect phytoplankton growth. Since phytoplankton depends upon specific conditions for growth, they often provide the first evidence of a change in their environment. Variable: Independent variable The amount of phytoplankton. Dependent variable The types of nutrient in the water. (added) Controlled variable - Nutrients (Nitrates and phosphates) and nutrients and iron (Nitrate, Phosphate, and Iron). Hypothesis: If phytoplankton were in the presence of various nutrients and iron, then their growth rate will be the greatest. Protocol Step 1: Add an equal amount of pure filtered seawater (50Ml) to 3 flasks. Step 2: Label Control, Nutrients (Nitrates and Phosphates), Nutrients and Iron (Nitrates, Phosphates, and Iron) on flask 1, 2, and 3. Step 3: Add 600L of nutrients into the flask labeled nutrients and add 600L nutrients and iron into the flask labeled iron. Step 4: Cover the top of each flask with a cotton ball. Step 5: Leave those 3 flasks in an area that provides equal amount of sunlight for it. Step 6: Measure each phytoplankton treatments %T count, includes the measurement of transmission of life by using a spectrophotometer and the amount of phytoplankton seen through the microscope for an eight days period. Step7: Record all data and then compare. Data Table
Day 1 Phytoplankton treatment Control Nutrients
Nutrients n Iron

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

%T Counts 3 --- 86 0 --- 89 7 --- 87

%T Counts 5 --- 88 10 --- 99 7 --- 96

%T Counts 6 --- 92 12 --- 95 12 --- 98

%T Counts 14 -- 101 4 --- 93 25 --- 97

%T Counts 15 --- 81 3 --- 96 34 --- 94

%T Counts 10 --- 75 7 --- 95 10 --- 92

%T Counts 24 --- 86 5 --- 82 27 --- 94

%T Counts 6 --- 92 11 --- 88 67 --- 88

Graph Phytoplankton Count

80 70 60 50 Control 40 30 20 10 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Nutrients Nutrients and Iron

Spectrometers Measurement


80 Control 60 Nutrients Nutrients and Iron 40


0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

Conclusion: My hypothesis was if phytoplankton were in the presence of various nutrients and iron, then their growth rate will be the greatest. After an experiment with phytoplankton in three treatments: nutrients, nutrients and iron and one without any extra nutrients, data showed that my hypothesis is supported. The data showed the treatment had most phytoplankton count when with nutrients and iron. Through this lab, Ive learned how nutrients impact on phytoplankton. When iron included, it will be more beneficial to phytoplankton than nitrates and phosphates only; although, nitrates and phosphates are necessary for phytoplanktons sustainability. These small plants are the beginning of the food chain for most the planet. As phytoplankton grow and multiply, small fish and other animals eat them as food. Larger animals then eat these smaller ones. The ocean fishing industry often finds good fishing spots by looking at ocean color images to locate areas rich in phytoplankton. In addition, the plants show where pollutants poison the ocean and prevent plant growth, and where subtle changes in the climate warmer or colder more saline or lass saline-affect phytoplankton growth. Since phytoplankton depend upon specific conditions for growth, they frequently become the first indicator of a change in their environment. It is important to have a large set of data because we are able to compare the data and see if ours or the other teams data were correct or not. Data collecting is needed because the more data we have, the more evidence we have to support our hypothesis. No one have exactly results as others, but we count for the average to know our numbers are close enough. Possible errors can occur in our steps, we should double check during counts, careful to not mess up during one of the steps. So we are able to get the best result for our lab.

I JJJJJmultiply, small fish eat them as food. Larger animals then eat these smaller ones. The ocean fishing
industry often finds good fishing spots by looking at ocean color images to locate areas

These small plants are the beginning of the food chain for most of the planet. As phytoplankton grow and multiply, small fish and other animals eat them as food. Larger animals then eat these smaller ones. The ocean fishing industry often finds good fishing spots by looking at ocean color images to locate areas rich .

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