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Our World Week

WALT: Learn some basic facts about China.

Steps to Success
I must know what continent China is in. I must know the capital of China. I should locate China on a map. I should know the currency of China. I should name and discuss the wildlife of China. I could know the Chinese currency. I could count to ten in Mandarin.

CHINA: Key Facts

Capital City: Beijing Worlds 4th largest country (after Russia, Canada and USA) Language: Mandarin (official) Population: 1,339,724,852 (2010 census) largest in the world Highest Point: Mount Everest (the worlds tallest mountain). Government: Communist one group of unelected people make all of the decisions regarding the country. Currency: Yuan

Geography of China
High mountains, sandy desserts and dense forests. A lot of China is made up of mountains. The highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is on the border of China and Nepal. China has thousands of rivers.

Weather of China
It is very cold in the north of China.

It is tropical in the south of China.

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Currency of China
The currency in China is called renminbi, which means the peoples currency. The basic unit is the yuan.

Wildlife of China
Giant pandas are a national treasure in China. There are about 1600 pandas living in the world today. They live in the misty mountains of south west China and they eat bamboo. Thousands of fish, reptiles and amphibians live in the waters of China.

1. yi (ee) 2. er (ar) 3. san (san) 4. si (su) 5. wu (woo)

Counting to ten in Chinese

6. liu (leo) 7. qi (chi) 8. ba (ba) 9. jiu (jo) 10. shi (shi)

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