Adaptive Radiations in Reptiles

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Adaptive radiations in reptiles

What is adaptive radiation?

It is the phenomenon in which the same genera or different but closely related genera become adapted to different kinds of environment or habitat. It is the formation of different species from a common ancestor getting adapted to different kinds of environment i.e. habitats by adopting various modifications.

Flourishing reptiles
End of devonian produces organisms amniota Mesozoic era = age of reptiles first reptile (ancestor of reptilia)-cotylosauria(stem reptiles) Durind late Triassic period arose Dinosaur and Pterosaur belonging to


During late cretaceous period all of these giant reptiles disappeared

Reptilian ancestor-Cotylosaur
Lizard like creature about 2 feet long It used to live on other larger animals Intermediate characteristics

Early adaptive radiations during Permian period

Synapsids and Thecodonts evolved




Therapsids Mammals Thecodonts



Some stem reptiles returned to water Ichthyosaurs Plesiosaurs

Second major adaptive radiations during Triassic period

Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs evolved from Thecodonts Largest animals ever Carnivorous and Herbivorous They can be divided into Reptile-like(Saurischians eg:-Tyrannosaurus Rex) and Bird-like(Ornithischians eg:-Camptosaurs) Small sized flying reptiles Powerful forelimbs supporting wings Eg:- Pteranodons



Third major adaptive radiations during Cretaceous period

Period of mass extinction Nearly all dinosaurs and many invertebrates disappeared Few reptilian groups survived
Squamata Chelonia Crocodilia


Classification of reptilia
Subclass: anapsida o Order-cotylosauria o Order-chelonia subclass: synaptosauria o Order-sauropterygia Subclass: ichthyopterygia o Order-ichthyosauria Sublass: lepidosauria o Order-rhynchocephalia o Order-squamata Subclass: archosauria o Order-crocodilia o Order-pterosauria o Order-saurischia o Order-ornithoschia Subclass:synapsida o Order-pelycosauria o Order-therapsida

Adaptive radiations in ordersquamata (lizards and snakes)

Various habitats such as forests, grasslands, deserts and even below soil Lizards have adapted to various habitats such as Adaptations to aboreal habitat Adaptations for flying Adaptations for running Adaptations for fossorial habitat Adaptations for desert habitat

Adaptations to aboreal habitat (living on trees)

Short limbs Prehensile tail eg:chameleon Digits with adhesive discs & pads/claws eg:-gecko Development of petagia supported by ribs(5-6) Slender and tapering tail eg:draco

Adaptations for flying (gliding)

Adaptations for running

Narrow body for least resistance Well developed hind limbs for upright posture Reduced number of digits Eg:- calotes Narrow cylindrical body Limbs absent Eyes are degenerated (eg:-anguis)

Adaptations for fossorial habitat

Adaptations for desert habitat

Body covered by numerous spines Ureotelic Skin-hygroscopic Eg:uromastyx and phrynosoma


Carnivorous snakes show following adaptations:Loosely articulated jaws Presence of Venom apparatus Python & boas squeeze their prey Presence of prey is easily detected by vibrations of air and water Presence of forked tongue

Burrow and also live on land Vestigial organs Adapted to various habitats such as trapical and temperate forests, grasslands, in desserts, in alpine medows and also living underground Smallest species (brahming blind) and largest species(reticulated python)

Aboreal snakes show following adaptations: Laterally compressed body Prehensile tail Exhibit protective colouration Flying snake can glide from tree to tree

Aquatic snakes show following adaptations:Flat tail Nostrils on the top of snout Highly venomous Feed on fish particularly eel Protective colouration such as yellow bellied sea snake and black banded krait Fresh water snakes are semi-aquatic They overhang on tree branches on a stream to catch their prey they also hunt in water

Adaptive radiations in order- chelonia (turtles and tortoises)

Oldest living reptiles on the earth evolved from stem-reptiles Tortoise = landforms (short limbs with 5 digits each) Turtles = aquatic forms (limbs modified to form flippers) Outer shell(plastron) fused with ribs called plastron Slow metabolic rate Can remain for long time under water Reproductive behaviour

Adaptive radiations in order-crocodilia (crocodiles, alligators and gavialis)

Evolved from thecodonts Kins of dinosaurs Only archosaurs surviving Semi-aquatic Habitats- rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, estuaries, seas etc Locomotion- long and powerful tail


development of false palate Nostrils present in the front of the mouth in the primitive land dewelling animals Aquatic forms- nostrils towards the back of their head In crocodilians nostrils are on the tip of snout but underneath lies a partion running along the entire length of the mouth Nasal opening are opened by constrictor muscles and closed by dialator muscles

Food habits: Feed on insects, crustaceans, fishes, small frogs, birds, other reptiles and mammals. Also developed a method of crushing and grinding their prey. Reproduction: Oviparous

Adaptive radiations in orderrhynchocephalia (tuatara)

Rhynchocephalians evolved during permian period of paleozoic era and survived upto jurassic period Sphenodon (Tuatara) living fossil Tuatara means lightening back in native Maori language

Survival instincts:

Crest of large erect spines on their back Thick tail with spines Head relatively larger than body proportion Jaws are chisel-like Third eye on the top of head. This eye has lens, retina, and also nerve connection to brain. Habitat- burrows Penis is absent in males. Female lays eggs only once in 4 years.

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