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Disaster Disaster: large scale natural or man-made catastrophic events causing great damage, destruction and human suffering

that overtax the resources of individuals and their communities Disasters are events that 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tend to occur swiftly and have an intense and acute(short time) beginning Wide-spread, collective and devastating impact Significant disruption& destruction of cultural resources( race & religion) Affect those who directly impacted or come to help A range of losse

Classification: Types: Man-made disaster Wars, Terrorist, accidents Natural disaster Earthquakes, floods, Tsunamis Critical-incident: an event that has an overwhelming stressful impact(emotional reactions) on service personnel as an individual or as a group in an organization setting, an event causing server stress that can overwhelm a persons normal capacity to cope with the usual demands of life (crisis). E.g. Death, high media interest event Critical incident (an event) leads to crisis response (what happens to individual) Crisis: an event or situation encountered or perceived by a person causing subjective distress that exceeds the coping resources of that individual Emergency: an urgent life-threatening crisis that requires immediate action Note: 1. All disasters are crises, but not all crises are disasters ( subjective to the person) 2. Psychological trauma = server emotional injury or shock Scope(affecting how many ppl) Intensity(how serious) Duration(how long)

3. Disasters, critical incidents, crises, emergencies that are traumatizing due to severe stress each even can cause 4. Terrorism = planned disasters 5. Crisis= danger + opportunity 6. Crisis not a physical events, can be symbolic Stages of disasters 1. Pre-impact phase (before crisis what you will see) Threats, uncertainty 2. Impact phrase (during process) Rescue, remedial actions (support resolve) 3. Post-impact phase Recovery from crisis state, return to pre-crisis state

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