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Please, cat, run! One, one, one Please, cat, run!

Two, two, two, The dog is after you, Three, three, three, Three birds on a tree, Four, four, four, Four cats on the floor! Once I caught a fish alive One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. - Why did you let it go? - Because it bit my finger, so. - Which finger did it bite? - This finger, the little one. Come in, please One, two, three, four, Come in, please, and shut the door. Five, six, seven, eight, It's time for school; you're very late. Nine, ten, nine, ten, Don't be late for school again. Good morning, Dear teacher! - Good morning, dear teacher! - Good morning! How are you? - We are all very happy To say: 'Hello' to you! Happy Family Mother and father are very happy, You see, They have a big son, And a daughter, me! Let us try to be polite Let us try to be polite, In everything we do, Remember always to say 'Please!' And don't forget 'Thank you!' Pussy-cat, where have you been? Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? I've been to London to look at the Queen. Pussycat, pussycat, what did you do there? I scared a little mouse under her chair! Little mouse Mice, mice - just last week I found them playing hide and seek. - Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your little house? - Here is the door, Under the floor. Little puppy Now I have a little puppy Who can do some funny tricks: He jumps to play with me, He runs after sticks.

Te rog, pisica, fugi! Unu, unu, unu Te rog, pisica, fugi! Doi, doi, doi, Cainele e dupa tine, Trei, trei, trei, Trei pasari intr-un pom, Patru, patru, patru, Patru pisici pe podea! Odata am prins un peste viu Unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci, Odata am prins un peste viu, Sase, sapte, opt, noua, zece, Apoi l-am lasat sa plece - De ce l-ai lasat sa plece? - Fiindca m-a muscat de deget, - De care deget te-a muscat? - Acest deget, cel micut. Intra, te rog Unu, doi, trei, patru, Intra, te rog, si inchide usa, Cinci, sase, sapte, opt, E timpul scolii; intarzii foarte mult. Noua, zece, noua, zece, Nu intarzia din nou la scoala. Buna dimineata, draga profesor - Buna dimineata, draga profesor - Buna dimineata! Ce mai faceti? - Suntem toti foarte fericiti Sa va spunem "Buna"! (Sa va salutam) Familie fericita Mama si tata sunt foarte fericiti, Vezi tu, Ei au un baiat mare, Si o fata, pe mine! Sa incercam sa fim politicosi Sa incercam sa fim politicosi, In tot ce facem, Aminteste-ti mereu sa spui "Te rog!" Si nu uita de "Multumesc!" Pisicuta, unde ai fost? - Pisicuta, pisicuta, unde ai fost? - Am fos la Londra sa o vad pe regina. - Pisicuta, pisicuta, ce ai facut acolo? - Am speriat un soricel sub scaunul ei! Soricel Soareci, soareci - tocmai saptamana trecuta I-am gasit jucand ascunsa. - Soricel, soricel, Unde e casuta ta? - Iata aici e usa, Sub podea. Catelus Acum am un catelus Care poate sa faca niste trucuri nostime: Sare ca sa se joace cu mine, Fuge dupa bete.

Little Bird, Look At Me - Little bird, little bird, Look at me! I have a bird-house, Oh, come and see! - Little boy, little boy, My poor elephant My poor elephant, Is so fat, He cannot wear His Sunday hat Teddy bear Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around Touch the ground Switch off the light And say 'Good-night!' The piggy twins We We We We are happy brother pigs, are happy piggy twins, have time to jump and play are happy all the day!

Under the tree, I like this house, Give it to me! Pasarica, uita-te la mine - Pasarica, pasarica, Uita-te la mine! Am o casa pentru pasari, O, vino si vezi! - Baietel, baietel, De sub copac, Imi place casa asta, Dami-o mie! Bietul meu elefant Bietul meu elefant E asa de gras, Nu poate sa poarte Palaria lui de duminica Ursulet de plus Ursulet de plus, ursulet de plus, Intorce-te imprejur Atinge pamantul Inchide lumina Si spune "Noapte buna!" Purcelusii gemeni Noi suntem fratii purcelusi fericiti, Suntem purcelusii gemeni fericiti (veseli) Avem timp sa sarim si sa ne jucam Suntem veseli toata ziua! Fluture Fluture, fluture, Unde zbori, Atat de repede si asa sus In albastrul, albastrul cer? Micuta luna Micuta luna, micuta stea, Esti atat de sus, Esti asa de departe, Vino la noi, stai jos si canti, Vei primi un inel auriu. Ploaie pe iarba verde Ploaie pe iarba verde Ploaie si pe copac, Ploaie pe acoperis, Dar nu pe mine! Anotimpuri Primavara e verde, Vara e stralucitor Toamna e galben Iarna e alb. Sus e tavanul Sus e tavanul, Jos e podeaua, Aici e fereastra, Acolo e usa.

Butterfly Butterfly, butterfly, Where do you fly, So quick and so high, In the blue, blue sky? Little moon Little moon, little star, You are so high, You are so far, Come to us, sit and sing, You will get a golden ring. Rain on the green grass Rain on the green grass, And rain on the tree, Rain on the house top, But not on me! Seasons Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. Up is the ceiling Up is the ceiling, Down is the floor, Here is the window, There is the door!

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