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Trig Limits and the Squeeze Theorem

Theorem The six trig functions are continuous on their natural domains. Ex 1 For instance: a) lim sin x = sin = 0 since sin x has natural domain (, ).

b) tan x is discontinuous at x = /2 since tan x = lim sin x = sin(/2) = 1 and

sin x and we have cos x



lim cos x = cos(/2) = 0.

c) Find the limit


lim cos

x2 9 x3

Since cos x is continuous everywhere we can move it through the limit: lim cos x2 9 x3 = cos x2 9 x3 x 3 lim = cos lim (x + 3) = cos 3.

x 3

Theorem (The Squeeze Theorem) Let f , g , and h be functions satisfying g (x) f (x) h(x) for all x is some open interval containing the number c (the inequalities need not hold at c itself). If g and h have the same limit as x approaches c, say
x c

lim g (x) = lim h(x) = L

x c

then f also has the limit L as x c, i.e.


lim f (x) = L.

Theorem The following limits are frequently useful and can be proven using the squeeze theorem: a) lim sin x =1 x


b) lim

1 cos x = 0. x0 x

Ex 2 Well use the squeeze theorem to nd the limit lim x sin 1 x .


Let f (x) = x sin(1/x). We have that 1 sin Multiplying through by |x| gives |x| x sin Then take g (x) = |x| and h(x) = |x|. Since

1 x


1 x


lim |x| = lim |x| = 0


it follows from the squeeze theorem that sin x2 = 0. x0 x lim Ex 3 Find the limit lim sin h . 5h


We can try to isolate (sin x)/x, since we know this limit exists as x 0. We have lim sin h = 5h lim 1 5 lim sin h h = 1 5 1 (1) = . 5


x 0


Ex 4 Find the limit sin x2 . x0 x lim In this case the argument of sine is x2 instead of x. Then we need to introduce an additional factor of x into the denominator in order to be able to apply the theorem. We have sin x2 sin x2 = lim x = lim x x0 x 0 x0 x x2 lim sin x2 x 0 x 2 lim = (0)(1) = 0.

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