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Teacher: Mr. Orland, Mr. Guilen & Ms.

Lares Title of Text: Farfallina & Marcel by Holly Keller Common Core Standard(s):

Date: _10-15-13 Gene: Fantasy (Fiction)

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions from the text.


Alignment to: Common Core State Standards Objective/Learning Strategy: To have students recall prior information to prepare to make inferences. Students will left evidence to from the text to draw inferences . I know that ____________________ Since the text says ____________ and I know that ____________, Comprehension Skill: Inferences Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

Script/Notes State the Objective Today we will read a story that will teach us how to make inferences. An inference is an idea/statement that can be generated from clues in a story. Many times when we read a book, we bring our own knowledge to the story to figure out what is happening even when the author doesnt state it literally. Vocabulary reflection pond drizzle fern ripples solitary giggled flattered peered recognized vanished snuggled (past tense verb)

Activate Prior Knowledge (How will you help students bridge from the new to the known? How will you help

Have you ever had a friend that moved away? How did you feel? Where did they go? This story is about a two friends that experience a loss. Have you ever had a friend who is different

students connect the content to than you? their own lives, other topics (What do you already know about butterflies? ) being studied, and/or the essential questions of the unit?)

Background Knowledge (What background knowledge must you build to help the students understand the topic? How will you preview the text? What information from the text will you need to explain further?)

Students will need to recall what types of things friends do together. Students will need to recall what they know about how animals change during their life cycle. (How will you preview text? Picture walk first pages? Will you say Today, we will read a story about 2 friends who lost something.

Modeling the Metacognitive Process (How will you model your own thinking as a reader? What will you say?)

When I draw an inference, I use clues from the text and what I already know to answer a question. What does the author say that could help me answer this question? What do friend do together? What do I know about swans? What do I know about caterpillars Many times when I read story I have to reread and think about what I understand and so I just reread it.

Text Dependent Questions (Where will you pause and ask questions? What questions will you ask to enhance the leaning focus, deepen


Pg. 261 How do you think Farfallina and Marcel feel about each other? Pg. 266 What do you think is happening to Farfallina when she is up in the tree?

thinking, and encourage students to cite evidence from the text? Include the page numbers) In order to make the questions text-dependent, you can prompt kids to look for evidence/clues in the text During Reading

Pg 273 What inference can you make about Marcel?

We will pause on pg. 261, pg. 266, 268, 272*, 273 With each pause, have the students complete this sentence frame.

Students: Practice Book pg. 295

What I know

What I read

What I Can Infer

Restate the Objective (Connect back to the objective.) Discuss the Strategy (What questions will you ask to prompt students to state the focus strategy and discuss how it was modeled? What communication guides or sentence stems will you utilize to help students discuss the

We are learning to inferwith the story Farfallina and Marcel.

What does it mean to infer? Who can give an example of one inference we made about ________________ and ________________ on page ____. 1. Pair-Share: Explain to your partner what it means to infer when you read a story. 2. Pair Share: Give an example from the story to your partner. On page ____, I know that _________ was happy because _________.

strategy that was modeled?)

And ___________________________.

Connect to Independent Reading (How should students practice what you modeled during independent reading and writing?)

Teacher talk: Now when you read during Sustained Silent Reading, I want you to notice when you infer and draw conclusions. Stop and ask yourself how you know what you know, and how you know what will happen next.

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