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Why is art important?

Since my point of view, nowadays, our Education System considers disciplines related with arts less important than the rest of subjects. Like weve talked in the first lessons, we have a perception of this subject really poor and sad. Namely, when we were students of Primary Education, we conceived this discipline like an hour of the week that doesnt matter and only s erved to us to feel more calmed because we felt exhausted at the end of the week. After I have thought about this topic, I consider that Art Education is much more than all the things that have been transmitted to us. Some of the ideas that support this belief are the next: First of all, Arts are another way to express contents, another way to think, not only written and mathematical languages serve for real life. Usually, sketches, diagrams and others kinds of drawings have helped us much better to understand some activities of other subject. Besides, it can be the answer to resolve problems. Im not referring to an academic context, Im talking about personal problems. Our Educative System only form children for the future since an academic point of view, however adults havent

got only problems related with jobs. Everybody has got personal problems and I think that sometimes, these can be solved through different arts, because they help us to express feelings, to evade of difficult circumstances, like a therapy Finally, Arts maintain an open minded vision, there arent limits or barriers. In contrast with scientific matters where students must respect determinate rules and laws to can learn, in Art Education children have got freedom to create and to express what he imagines. To conclude, I would like to affirm that our society has focused in Science and Letters. The rest of disciplines are being forgotten, we consider them subjects of third class. With this system, we kill the creativity of children. We cant forget the real meaning of Education. Change our view about Art Education.

Alicia Lpez Daz 3 Grade of Bilingual Education

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