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Nicols Illarregui 2C FCE M.J. Romn Hey Mike, How are you?

I hope you are well enough to come and visit us as soon as possible. In fact, Im writing this letter to invite you to visit us this summer because last summer, when you came here for the first time, you changed all our lives. I live in Barcelona, as you already know, but what you dont know is how my life was before meeting you. Im a guy who doesnt have many friends, because, as you could notice last summer, Im really bad at talkin g and interacting with other people. But you changed all this. With you starting a conversation was a lot easier than with other people, you gave me hope about the possibility of becoming someone better at it. Im also writing this to you because of my family. They were really worried about me and how hard it was for me to make new friends, so when you came to our house because of the school activities and they saw how easily we became friends, they were really grateful to you for helping me on that. Also, they liked you and your respectful way to behave. Compared to mine, you looked like the Queen of England or someone who behaves according to strict behavior rules. They have been telling me that I should learn something about you, and how nice you were every day since you left, but I suppose that this is what parents are supposed to do, arent they? So, I think the message is pretty clear Will you come to visit us this summer? I have already told you how much you changed my life helping me trust myself when I have to make new friends, so I would like to thank you face to face. My parents are also waiting for you to come back because it is nice to be one more in the family once a year. See you soon, Nicols.

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